
  • 网络rural sideline production
  1. 农村副业与乡村社会变迁

    The Village Sideline and the Change of the Rural Society

  2. 他的农村副业每年给他带来一笔相当可观的收入。

    His rural sidelines bring him in a handsome sum every year .

  3. 我经营的是农村副业。

    I am in the farm sideline .

  4. 国际蘑菇栽培出现了农村副业栽培、农场式生产和工业化生产并存的局面。

    The situation of the rural sideline cultivation , farm and industrial production all exists in the international mushroom cultivation . Industrial production has become dominant in developed countries .

  5. 其次,从内外因素分析了农村副业发展的原因,并揭示了山西农村副业的发展是特定历史条件下的产物;

    Secondly , the thesis analyzed the reasons of development on sideline from the internal and external cause , announcing that the sidelines were developed under the specific historic conditions .

  6. 民初,山西农村副业在补给农民生活的同时,也对山西乡村社会的变迁产生了重要的影响。

    The early year of the Republic of China , the village sidelines did not only make up with peasant 's life but also affected the change of the rural society .

  7. 在发达国家工业化生产已逐渐成为主导模式,而我国双孢蘑菇生产主要是家庭作坊式的小规模季节性生产模式,堆肥发酵技术落后,大部分是属于农村副业栽培。

    But in China , Agaricus bisporus production are mainly family-style , small-scale workshops and seasonal production patterns and most of them are the rural sideline culture , which have backward technology of composting fermentation .

  8. 发展方向主要为:优化区域布局,推进技术进步及现代化进程,大力发展农村副业尤其是农产品加工业,提高产品质量、强化市场管理,保护资源、治理环境,改善农村社会经济条件。

    The strategy of development lies in the optimization of regional layout , advancement of technology and modernization , development of sideline , reinforcement of goods quality and market , protection and proper exploitation of resources & environment , and improvement of rural society and economy .

  9. 白川乡和五崮山的历史村落放养白蜡虫是农村非常有利的副业。

    Raising white wax insects is very profitable in the countryside .

  10. 放养白蜡虫是农村非常有利的副业。去年副业使这家农户增加了多少收入?

    Raising white wax insects is very profitable in the countryside . How much did the sideline bring the farmer family in last year ?