
  1. 刀杆节傈僳族的传统节日,农历二月初八举行,最引人入胜的活动是“爬刀杆”。

    Falling on the8th day of the2nd lunar month , it is a traditional festival of the Lisuethnic minority group .

  2. 民间有每年农历二月十五是百花生日之说,俗称“花朝节”。

    According to folklore , the twelfth of the second lunar month , called " flowers festival ", is the birthday of flowers .

  3. 凡农桑歉收之年,于冬季选祭地,次年农历二月吉日搭祭台,供祭品祭众神。

    Where Nongsang harvest year , in winter Jide election the following year auspicious Lunar New Year in February take the altar for the sacrifice festival gods .

  4. 在哀牢山一带居住的拉祜族支系苦聪人,每年农历二月初八都要隆重举行“畲皅”节。

    The Kucong ethnic groups , one of Lahu ethnic , living in the Ailao Mountain , will solemnly celebrate their Sheba Day on lunar February8th very year .

  5. 为避免旱灾发生,人们还进行前期感情投资。于是,形成了农历二月二日、五月二十日祀龙神的节俗。

    To avoid droughts ; people also did the front-end emotional investment , and therefore formed a festival customs of dragon worship in lunar February 2 and lunar May 20 .

  6. 今年的农历新年在二月中旬。

    This year that holiday is in mid-February .

  7. 农历新年通常在二月。

    Chinese New Year is usually in February .