
nónɡ cūn dào lù
  • Rural roads;village road
  1. 农村道路交通规划方法浅析

    Simple Analysis of Methods for Traffic Planning of Village Road

  2. 桥梁是公路、铁路、城市道路和农村道路及水利建设中,为了跨越各种障碍的结构物。

    The bridge is in highway , railroad , city road and village road and water conservancy construction , is for crossing over various obstacle of structure thing .

  3. 琅驰6C系列客车发动机的开发成功,为城际干线配套动力、农村道路标准化配套动力、城市公交配套动力提供了从158~206kW功率范围的配套解决方案。

    The successfully developed Launcher 6C diesel engine provides a solution of power applied to inter-city highway coaches , country road carriages and city buses .

  4. 当前农村道路交通现状及管理令人堪忧。

    The current situation of the countryside traffic is extremely serious .

  5. 车辆在农村道路行驶时极限速度的研究

    Research on the limited speed of the vehicle on Farm Road

  6. 产业化生产与农村道路交通规划结合之思考

    Probe into the Integration of Industrialized Production and Traffic Communications Plan

  7. 当前农村道路交通安全管理工作

    Analysis of Current Management on Traffic Security in Country

  8. 农村道路对减缓贫困的影响分析

    Impact Analysis of Rural Road on Poverty Reduction

  9. 桃源县廊道共有三种类型:公路、农村道路和沟渠。

    Taoyuan ' corridors have three types : highway , rural roads and ditches .

  10. 水网密度与农村道路密度是影响村镇土地规模利用的普遍性因素。

    Water network density and road density in rural that affect large-scale land-use common factor .

  11. 农村道路应尽可能地结合地形地貌条件及生产方式进行布置,体现因地制宜原则。

    Rural roads should be laid combining topography conditions and production methods as far as possible .

  12. 农村道路交通安全问题已成为制约社会主义新农村建设的一个比较突出的问题。

    Rural road safety problem has restricted the construction of new socialist countryside a more prominent issue .

  13. 研究区的廊道类型主要有水系、公路与农村道路。

    In the study area , the distribution of corridor consisted of water system , road and county road .

  14. 然而,农村道路条件的不断改善,使用户对驾驶舒适性的要求不断提高;

    However , since the countryside roads are continuously improved , the requirement of operators for comfortable driving is also rising ;

  15. 继续对城市公交、农村道路客运、出租车行业给予补贴,安排补贴资金168.42亿元。

    A total of16.842 billion yuan will be used to subsidize urban pubic transportation , rural passenger transportation and taxi services .

  16. 农业基础设施,特别是农村道路交通和大型水利设施建设成效显著。

    Agricultural infrastructure , particularly the traffic and the construction of large water conservancy facilities in rural areas is achieved obviously .

  17. 但公路建设的高速增长也带来了日益增多的交通安全隐患,导致农村道路的交通安全问题逐渐凸显。

    But many hidden dangers in traffic safety also increase very fastas a result of high speed development of the highway construction .

  18. 介绍了我省农村道路旅客运输的现状和存在的问题,为实现村村通客车的近期目标,提出了发展农村客运班车的具体措施。

    The paper introduced the current situation and existed problem of county transportation vehicles in our province , and proposed specific measures .

  19. 第四,在位于武陵山区的这五个贫困区、县修建农村道路,可以得到较高的回报。

    Fourthly , constructing rural roads in the five poor districts ( counties ) in Wuling mountain of Chongqing can receive relatively high returns .

  20. 研究涉及高速公路、国道、省道、县乡道路、农村道路等五个等级的道路。

    This study involved five different levels roads , includes the highway , state roads , national highway , county roads , rural roads .

  21. 从廊道指数来看,五个样区农村道路建设后较建设前的总长度、密度均有不同程度增加。

    Like the index of view from the corridor , the total length and density of rural roads in all cease areas had increased .

  22. 世行已在其中三个领域-灌溉、饮用水供应和农村道路建设方面,对印度提供积极的支持。

    The Bank is already very active in supporting India in three of those sectors : irrigation , drinking water supply and rural roads .

  23. 提出以地理信息系统为研究平台,结合城乡道路规划理论方法进行新农村道路选线的方法。

    Based on GIS , this paper researches on the new alignment of rural roads combining with theoretical methods of urban and rural road planning .

  24. 西部地区地域辽阔、人口稀少、经济总量小的现实使得西部地区农村道路具有交通量小、出行距离长的交通特征。

    West region is vast , sparsely populated and have small economic gross , which makes western rural roads have low traffic and long travel distance .

  25. 天津市已建成的现有桥梁有3000多座,随着城市的发展,高速公路、快速干道以及农村道路的提级建设加快,随之而来的是桥梁数量的不断增加。

    There are three thousand seat Tianjin bridge , with highways , roads and rural roads quickly put level reconstruction , bridge number continues to increase .

  26. 但是,周密计划的基础设施规划将会带来许多好处:修建农村道路会增加市场准入机会,提高农民的收入,并降低产妇死亡率。

    But a well-planned infrastructure programme will have multiple benefits : rural roads increase access to markets , boost farmers ' income , and reduce maternal mortality .

  27. 近几十年来,中国基础建设快速发展,尤其是在公路、铁路、城市和农村道路和水利建设当中修建和将要修建各种类型的桥梁和涵洞。

    In the last decades , with the high-speed development of capital construction in China , many different types of bridges have been built or will be built .

  28. 秘鲁的农村道路方案就是一个这样的例子,其中道路维修工作雇用的妇女人数不断增加,以帮助其他妇女走得更远和更安全。

    One example is the Peru Rural Roads Program , where an increasing number of women were employed in road maintenance , helping other women to travel further and more safely .

  29. 加快修建农村道路,改造农村电网,推进农村中小学标准化建设,改善农民生活条件。

    We will pick up pace in building roads , upgrading power grids , promoting standardization in the construction of primary and secondary schools in rural areas , and improving farmers'living conditions .

  30. 并以湘潭县新阳村为例综合考虑了新农村道路选线的各方面影响因素,选择地物、地形和受益人群三个方面因素作为选线适宜性分析的评价因子。

    Taking Xinyang village of Xiangtan county as an example , this paper takes factors into consideration , by selecting buildings , terrain and benefit population as three factors in road alignment .