
  1. 现代竹结构抗震安居房的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Modern Bamboo Anti-seismic Living Room

  2. 因此,保证安居房资料的完整性和准确性显得极为重要。

    Therefore , to ensure the completeness and accuracy of information Anjufang appear to be extremely important .

  3. 记者了解到,在广州仍有不少人对安居房知之甚少,以至于错失良机。

    This reporter has learned that there are still many people in Guangzhou on Anjufang are poorly understood , so good .

  4. 截至2012年底,全区累计建成40.83万户安居房,占农牧民总户数的88.7%。

    By the end of 2012 , a total of 408300 low-income houses were built , providing housing to 88.7 percent of local households of farmers and herdsmen .

  5. 安居房不能办理抵押贷款,但可在“绿证换红证”后办理抵押贷款手续。

    How to reside a room to cannot handle mortgage loan , but can be in " green card changes red testimony " hind procedures of conduction mortgage loan .

  6. 旧房屋的居住者大多为都江堰市区的老年人,灾后都江堰市政府为住房毁损户建设了统一的安居房,老年人则成为了这些安居房主要居住群体。

    The dwellers in damaged old houses mostly are the elderly , post-disaster Dujiangyan government has built some Government-Subsidized Housing for the disaster victims , the elderly naturally become the main occupant of these Subsidized Houses .

  7. 老年人从旧社区中迁往安居房居住,改变了原来社区的人口结构,也给安居小区带来了特殊的老龄化问题。

    The elderly moved from old community that they had lived for years to a new community , changing not only the demographic structure of the original communities , but also bringing a special aging problem .