
  • 网络Ansai waist drum;Ansai drum
  1. 安塞腰鼓的风格特征及文化价值的研究

    The Study of Style Characteristics and Cultural Values on Ansai Waist Drum

  2. 安塞腰鼓的形成是西北少数民族和中原文化结合的产物。

    Ansai waist drum may be formed by the combination of Central Plains ' culture and the Northwest minorities ' culture .

  3. 主要以时间为轴,考证了安塞腰鼓形成的原因及功能的变迁。

    The part mainly explores reasons for the formation and the change of function of the Ansai waist drum in the time axis .

  4. 运用过文献资料法,对安塞腰鼓的社会特性和功能价值进行研究,提出课程化开发的构想。

    Using the cultural heritage data method , researched the social characteristic of the waist drum of Ansai bring up the course speculation development .

  5. 安塞腰鼓是流传于陕西省安塞县的一种传统体育项目,是我国民族传统体育的重要组成部分。

    Ansai waist drum was passed in Ansai County of Shaanxi Province , a traditional sport is our national tradition of an important part of sports .

  6. 通过安塞腰鼓这一个案,阐明国家政策对于文化发展的重要性及大众的参与对于文化发展的必要性。

    Ansai waist drum , this specific case , is just to show the importance of national policy for cultural development , and necessity of public involvement for culture .

  7. 安塞腰鼓融舞蹈、武术、体操、打击乐、吹奏乐、民歌为一体,是我国优秀的民族传统体育项目。

    The Ansai drum including the dance , the martial arts , gymnastics , percussion instrument , the band music and the folk song is our outstanding traditional sport event .

  8. 而站在雨里则是截然不同的感受,像是安塞腰鼓啪啪的鼓点震动耳膜,有种想追随而去的动荡不安。

    While standing in the rain is a different feeling , like the drums Ansai Waist Drum flap vibration eardrum , a kind of want to follow away in the turmoil .

  9. 在现阶段人民的消费水平不断提高大好前景下,人们有余力也有资金从事安塞腰鼓活动。

    At this stage , the consumption level of the people of the excellent prospects for rising , people are able to have the funds to engage in mass campaigns Ansai Waist Drum .

  10. 目的:通过安塞腰鼓训练对大学生身体机能影响的研究,探讨安塞腰鼓运动的健身价值,为其进入高校体育课程体系及大众健身领域提供科学依据。

    The writer , through investigation and study of students body shape , body function and physique , applies scientific methods to guide teaching and raises some useful measures to improve students health .

  11. 在历史的发展过程中,安塞腰鼓由最初的军事训练,逐渐演变成与健身、娱乐、观赏、保健医疗等融为一体的活动。

    In the course of historical development , Ansai waist drum movement of military training from the very beginning , gradually evolving into and fitness , entertainment , watch , health care and other activities together .

  12. 在以政府为引导和社会资源结合的前提下,投入保护民族文化的专项资金、出台相关政策来传承和发展安塞腰鼓。

    In order to guide the Government and the community under the premise of combining resources into a special fund to protect national culture , to introduce relevant policies and development in Ansai Waist Drum heritage .

  13. 安塞腰鼓作为陕北最能体现黄土文化的民俗艺术被人们津津乐道,叹为观止,越来越被世人所熟知。

    Ansai waist drum most can manifest the loess culture as North Shanxi folk custom art to love to talk about by the people , praises to the heavens , more and more was known very well by the common people .

  14. 各级机关组织应利用安塞腰鼓自身特点来官传和普及该项运动,制定相关政策,吸引更多群众参与到这项积极健康的运动中来。

    Organs at all levels should make use of Ansai Waist Drum campaign to promote its own characteristics and popularity of the sport , the development of relevant policies and attract more people to participate in this active and healthy movement .

  15. 安塞腰鼓是流传于陕西北部地区的一种民间鼓舞艺术形式,它产生于特定的区域,特定的社会生存空间,体现着人们特定的社会生活方式、生产方式和文化心理结构。

    Ansai waist drum was circulated in a northern Shaanxi folk art forms encouraged , it arises from a particular region , specific social living space , it embodies the specific social way of life , psychological and cultural modes of production structure .

  16. 当地居民对腰鼓是非常热衷的,经常喜欢并期待安塞腰鼓的表演;安塞腰鼓在当地是一项普及程度比较高的传统文化活动项目,具有良好的发展前景和群众基础。

    The local resident is craves to the drum , likes and anticipates Ansai waist drum performance frequently ; Ansai waist drum in the locality is a popular degree quite high traditional cultural activity project , has the good prospects for development and the mass base . 5 .

  17. 作为陕北腰鼓一绝的安塞腰鼓更是绵延2000多年历史,以其独具特色的艺术感染力享有神州第一鼓的美誉,可谓黄土高原一枝舞蹈奇葩,安塞县也被称为中国腰鼓之乡。

    Ansai Drum is a uniqueness of Northern Shaanxi with a history of more than two thousand years , which is rare flower of Loess Plateau for its special artistic appeal , enjoyed great reputation of Chinese first drum . So Ansai county is known as Waist-Drum Town .