
  • 网络sandy loess
  1. 砂黄土高边坡稳定性的数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation of the stability of high sand loess slopes

  2. 陕北晋西砂黄土的胶结物与胶结作用研究

    Cements of sand loess and their cementation in North Shaanxi and West Shanxi

  3. 模拟分析结果为砂黄土高边坡优化设计和灾害治理提供了科学依据。

    The simulation results provide a scientific basis for the high sand loess slope design and hazard control .

  4. 基于野外调查和室内试验分析,阐述了黄土高原北部砂黄土边坡破坏的主要形式及其影响因素。

    Based on field investigation and lab tests , the main failure form of the sand loess slope and its impact factors on the northern Loess Plateau are summarized in this paper .

  5. 本文选用了素土、不同配比的加砂黄土和不同配比不同龄期的粉煤灰土、灰土、水泥黄土等土工材料,通过击实试验获取了最优含水量。

    In the research work , amount of tests of the soil engineering materials such as sand-loess , different mixture ratio and different age fly ash , lime-loess and loess-cement has been done .

  6. 本文研究了渭河盆地三条活断层的破碎物的SEM特征,发现黄土中的石英砂与黄土中断层破碎石英碎屑的SEM特征差别极大。

    The SEM study on the fragment from three active faults in the loess of weihe basin revealed that the quartz fragments from faults in loess differ significantly from the ordinary ones in loess .

  7. 地层对比中将红粘土与细砂互层与黄土沉积的L4相对应。

    The interbed of red clay and sand layers wascorrelated to L4 in loess-paleosol sequence .

  8. 简要叙述了土质边坡的分类,按土性划分为粘性土、砂性土、黄土、软土、胀缩土、碎石土和岩土混合共7类土质边坡;并附土质边坡分类表。

    The first part describes the purpose and basic principle of classification and the classification of earth slopes into 7 types of clayey earth , sandy earth , loess , soft earth , swell shrink earth , debris earth and rock earth slopes .