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  • Amomum villosum;fructus amomi
砂仁[shā rén]
  1. 砂仁及土砂仁挥发油含量的比较

    Comparison of Volatile Oil Contents Between Fructus Amomi and Homemade Fructus Amomi

  2. GcMsDs分析鉴定精油中35种化合物,与试验对照及地道阳春砂仁化学成分一致,相对含量各有高低。

    GC-MS DS analyses shows that 35 Kinds of chemical compounds in the essential oil are in tune with control group of test and genuine Yangchun Fructus Amomi . The chemical composition vary in the relative content .

  3. 砂仁光合作用的CO2扩散限制与气孔限制分析

    Co_2 diffusional and stomatal limitations of photosynthesis in Amomum villosum

  4. 春砂仁(AmomumvillosumLour)精子的形成和发育

    The Formation and Development of Sperm in Amomum villosum Lour

  5. 春砂仁(AmomumvillosumLour)大孢母细胞的减数分裂和胚囊发育的研究

    Investigation of Megasporocyte Meiosis and Development of the Embryo-sac in Amomum villosum Lour

  6. 南平栽培的砂仁(AmomumvillosumLour)种子精油化学成分的研究

    Study on the chemical constituents OE the essential oil of Amomum villosum Lour seeds cultivated in Nanping

  7. 施用ZnSO4&MnSO4混合微肥能提高阳春砂仁的产量和质量。

    The yield and quality of Fructus Amomi could be increased by applying mixed fertilizer of trace element ZnSO_4 and MnSO_4 to the Plants .

  8. 临床上我们采用益气养阴化瘀通络中药(黄芪、熟地、鳖甲、地龙、水蛭、积雪草、丹参、大黄、茯苓、砂仁等)治疗DGP取得了较好的疗效。

    The prescription containing astragalus , prepared rehmannia root , turtle shell , centella , salvia , rhubarb , lumbricus , leech , Poria and fructus amomi showed good effect to cure DGP by replenishing Qi and Yin , eliminating stasis and dredging meridians .

  9. 为发展山区民族经济和减小对热带山地森林的干扰,以海拔高度和单位面积产量作为砂仁种植适宜地选择标准,提出最适宜区是海拔800~1100m,0.0667hm2产干果15kg以上;

    In order to develop the national economy of mountain area and decrease the disturbance to tropical mountain forest , two criteria , altitude and Amomun production per unit , were selected to classify the sites for Amomun plantation .

  10. 目的:探讨砂仁的促胃肠动力作用机制。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the prokinetic mechanisms of amomum villosum .

  11. 春砂仁无机成分与药效的研究

    Study on Inorganic Elements and Drug Effect of Amomum villosum Lour

  12. 除氧保鲜技术养护砂仁的研究

    Studies on Technique for Keeping Fructus Amomi Fresh by Oxygen Free

  13. 中药砂仁化学成分与质量标准研究概况

    Overview of Chemical Composition and Quality Criteria of Amomum Villosum Lour

  14. 原子吸收法测定砂仁中无机元素

    Determination of the Inorganic Elements in Amomum Villosum Lour with AAs

  15. 种植砂仁使群落垂直结构变得简单,分层明显。

    Planting Amomum made the community structure simple and the layers obvious .

  16. 目的:研究阳春砂仁水溶性成分。

    Objective : To study the water soluble constituents from Amomum villosum .

  17. 不同产地阳春砂仁质量研究

    A Study on Quality of Fructus Amomi villosi from Different Growing Areas

  18. 春砂仁的访花昆虫种类及其访花和筑巢行为

    Flower visiting insects of Amomum villosum and their flower visiting and nesting behavior

  19. 砂仁北移种群水平的果实产量分析

    The Fruit Yield Analysis of the Population Level of Amomum villosum Moved Northward

  20. 砂仁种子的解剖学和组织化学研究

    Anatomy and histochemistry of the seeds of Amomum villosum

  21. 结论砂仁种质资源的遗传多样性较低。

    Conclusion The genetic diversity of germplasm resources in Amomi Fructus is lower .

  22. 西双版纳砂仁种植模式探讨

    Discussion on Cultivation Patterns of Amomum villosum in Xishuangbanna

  23. 热带林下人工种植阳春砂仁的生长与果实产量动态

    Dynamics of Amomum villosum growth and its fruit yield cultivated under tropical forests

  24. 沟谷雨林和次生林下阳春砂仁果实产量差异不显著。

    The yield difference between ravine rainforest and secondary forest was not significant .

  25. 橡胶间种砂仁、咖啡对土壤肥力的影响

    Influence of Rubber Plantation Intercropping with Amomum villosum or Coffee on Soil Fertility

  26. 随种植期增加,阳春砂仁果实产量和成熟植株密度降低。

    The fruit yield and mature plant density decreased with increasing age of the A.

  27. 砂仁减小胃窦纵、环行肌条收缩波平均振幅;

    Sharen decreased mean contractile amplitude of the longitudinal and circular strips of antrum .

  28. 微肥对阳春砂仁质量和化学成分影响的研究

    Effect of Fertilizer of Trace Element on Quality and Chemical composition of Fructus Amomi

  29. 砂仁提取液对离体家兔主动脉条收缩性能的影响

    Effects of Amomum Villosum Extraction on the Contraction of Rabbit Thoracic Aorta in vitro

  30. 以橡胶间种砂仁对土壤肥力的提高最为理想。

    Rubber trees intercropping with Alpinia villosum was the best to improve soil fertility .