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  • wood carving
木雕 [mù diāo]
  • [wood carving] 以锋利的手工工具刻凿装饰木质物件的艺术;亦指以此法制成或装饰过的木器

  1. 我发觉刻木雕过瘾,画油画好玩。

    I found wood carving satisfying and painting fun .

  2. 我觉得木雕能给人带来满足感。

    I found wood carving satisfying .

  3. 他空闲时就刻木雕。

    In idle moments , he carved wooden figures .

  4. 她既做石雕也做木雕。

    She carves in both stone and wood .

  5. 地上满是他刻木雕时落下的碎屑。

    The floor was covered with shavings from his wood carvings .

  6. 她有时刻木雕,有时刻石雕,有时塑泥塑。

    Sometimes she carved wood and sometimes stone ; sometimes she modelled clay

  7. 一个3英尺高的世界锦标赛银质奖杯放在一把木雕椅附近,位置非常显眼。

    A three-foot-high silver World Championship cup takes pride of place near a carved wooden chair

  8. 这个国家的主要手工艺是制陶和木雕。

    The chief handicrafts of this country are pottery and wood carving .

  9. 文章介绍了L-系统法,并将其应用于生成木雕图案,利用VC编程实现了一系列复杂2D分形艺术图案。

    A series of complex 2D fractal artistic patterns are formed by using VC programming . The final proved that we can obtain patterns quickly and conveniently .

  10. 在复杂木雕制品的加工中,采用RPM技术利用CAD直接将纳米木粉形成各种复杂木雕制品,可能开创一种新的木材加工方法。

    Secondly , it can make wood nano-powder forming complicated woodcarvings directly by PRM tech and CAD method , which may set a new method of wood machining .

  11. 我看到当地人在妈祖庙(MatsuTemple)里祈祷,扫燕尾屋顶的妈祖庙始建于16世纪末,庙里的木雕工艺巧夺天工,宁静悠长的历史感触手可及。

    I watched the locals praying at the Matsu Temple , dating from the late 16th century , with its stunning woodcarvings , sweeping swallowtail roof and a palpable sense of the eternal .

  12. 他的家人仍在附近经营着一家商店“崇拜木雕”(SembahyangWoodCarvers),将店内那些工艺复杂的精美木雕运往世界各地,其中部分体型较大的红木制品的价格,甚至能够冲到数万美元。

    His family still runs a shop nearby , Sembahyang Wood Carvers , that ships its intricate , mesmerizing woodwork around the world , with the prices for some of the larger mahogany pieces stretching into tens of thousands of dollars .

  13. 原生的本能现代的范式&论非洲木雕艺术

    Original instinct and modern stereotype & about the African wood sculpture

  14. 黑色大陆之星&我所看到的非洲木雕

    A Star Over the Black Continent-the African Wood Sculpture I Saw

  15. 建筑装饰&徽州木雕艺术探索

    Building decoration artistic exploration in initial stage of Huizhou Wood Statue

  16. 古代江西木雕艺术风格初探

    On the Artistic Style of the Wood Carving in Ancient Jiangxi

  17. 龙眼木雕以圆雕为主,也有浮雕、镂透雕。

    Longan woodcarving Yuandiao , relief , Toudiao , also have .

  18. 试论苏州传统民居木雕门窗的装饰艺术特点

    The Artistic Decoration Style of Soochow Classical Woodcarving Doors and Windows

  19. 《门闩系列》木雕作品创作谈

    On the Creation of Wood Carving Works Entitled Door Bolt Series

  20. 中国传统建筑木雕的美学意蕴中国与欧洲传统建筑雕塑语言特征比较

    Comparison of Sculpture Language Characteristics of Traditional Architecture between China and Europe

  21. 木雕分为建筑装饰和家具雕刻两类。

    The woodcarving divides into architectural carving and furniture carving .

  22. 你看看这房梁上精致的木雕。

    Look at these beautiful wood carvings on the beams .

  23. 浅谈东阳木雕传统工艺与现代理念的综合运用

    Integrated Use of Traditional Arts and Crafts and Modern Concept

  24. 不要向木雕神像祈福。

    Do not beg a blessing of a wooden god .

  25. 木器和木雕在左边的柜台。

    Woodware and wood carvings are in the counter on the left .

  26. 在国外当代艺术中,已经出现了比较优秀的人物木雕作品。

    Foreign contemporary art , there have been relatively good figure carvings .

  27. 中国镂金错彩的木雕艺术闻名遐迩。

    Chinese art of gilt-and-colored wooden carving enjoys widespread renown .

  28. 湘楚民间木雕造像的艺术意蕴

    Artistic Suggestion of the Civilian Wooden Statue in Hunan and Hubei Provinces

  29. 农收季节,有些阿尔卑斯山的男子以木雕为乐。

    In the off-season from farming , some Alpine men enjoy woodcarving .

  30. 您看过木雕和石雕了吗?

    Have you looked at the wood and stone carvings ?