
  • 网络Timber framing
  1. 针对在项目中应用的新型木骨架两侧斜蒙竹篾条墙体应用ANSYS软件采用参数化建模进行数值模拟计算分析,提供设计依据。

    Using ANSYS software with parametric modeling to numerical simulation analysis the new application in the project on both sides with the cable-stayed bamboo bar of the wood frame wall .

  2. 它的特征性形式是立在砖石基座上的木骨架即木框架,上面有带挑檐的坡屋顶。

    Its characteristic form is a timber skeleton or framework standing on a masonry platform and covered by a pitched roof with overhanging eaves .

  3. 嗯,简而言之,的茅屋涉及覆盖的梁或椽子---屋顶的木骨架用芦苇或稻草---。

    Well , in a nutshell , thatching involves covering the beams or rafters --- the wooden skeleton of a roof --- with reeds or straw .

  4. 苯并二氧六环类木脂素骨架的合成方法研究

    Research into the New Synthesis Method about Skeleton of Benzodioxane Lignin

  5. 实验构造墙体的保温性能完全满足木结构住宅和钢筋混凝土框架木骨架填充墙体的使用要求。

    The insulation properties of the experimental structure walls were qualified to the technical code for wood construction and partitions with timber frame - work used in reinforced concrete frame .

  6. 完全降解木聚糖需要多种酶的协同作用,而木聚糖酶是其中最重要的酶之一。木聚糖酶可以水解木聚糖骨架的β-1,4糖苷键,将木聚糖降解成木糖和低聚糖。

    But complete degradation requires the synergistic action of several glycoside hydrolytic enzymes , xylanase is the crucial enzyme to catalyze the hydrolysis of the main backbone of xylan , which can be degrade into xylose and oligosaccharides .