
shā yǎn
  • blowhole;blister;voids;abscess;sand hole
砂眼 [shā yǎn]
  • [sand hole]气体或杂质在铸件内部或表面形成的小孔

砂眼[shā yǎn]
  1. 实践证明,在工期短、备件准备不足的情况下,使用化学制品进行金属修补和砂眼堵漏是一条有效的故障修复途径。

    Practice shows that under the circumstances of short construction period and inadequate preparation of spare parts , using chemicals in metal mending and blowhole clogging is an effective way for corrective maintenance .

  2. 油脂表面会排斥焊料,留下氧化物裸点,并导致砂眼和杂物。

    Oily or greasy surfaces repel fluxes , leaving bare spots that oxide and result in voids and inclusions .

  3. 介绍了用由面阵CCD组成的单列阵扫描法测量大型显像管玻壳模具的表面裂纹和砂眼等缺陷。

    A measuring method of the surface defects for the large model of the monitor tube , by scanning with planar CCD array is presented .

  4. 鼻炎、咽炎、砂眼、关节酸痛、神经衰弱征候群等发病率升高,均具有统计学差异(P<0.05,P<0.01),说明作业环境对交警人群健康具有一定的危害。

    They all showed statistical differences ( P < 0 . 05 , P < 0 . 01 ) . It indicates that the working environment of the traffic police is harmful to their health .

  5. 06A汽缸体砂眼缺陷在线控制系统的设计开发

    Design and Exploitation for Controlling-online System of 06A Cylinder Block Sand-hole Objection

  6. 圆网印花中砂眼的产生原因及预防

    Cause and Prevention of Pin Holes in Rotary Screen Printing

  7. 电冰箱蒸发器砂眼平均初始深度的数学诊断

    The Mathematical Diagnosis of the Fridge Evaporator Sand Hole Equal Initial Depth

  8. 用金属熔融填充修补机修复铸件砂眼和气孔

    Repairing Sand Hold and Air Hold of Foundry Goods with Metal Fusion Filling Repairing Machine

  9. 分散/士林迷彩布砂眼的分析与防止

    Analysis and Prevention of Sand Hole Defect on Disperse / Indanthrene Prints with Dim Effect

  10. 对气冲造型湿砂型生产铸钢件产生砂眼缺陷的原因及如何消除进行了研究。

    The causes and solutions of sand hole in steel casting with air impact molding were investigated .

  11. 高速离心铸造,组织致密,无砂眼、夹渣,表面光滑、壁厚均匀。

    Centrifugal casting , compact structure , free from pinhole porosity and slag , smooth surface and even wall thickness .

  12. 结果表明:铸件表面光洁,无砂眼、气孔等缺陷,铸件合格率高于90%;

    The defects of sand-slag and gas-hole are absent in the water-cooling-sprayer whose surface is clean and qualified rate is more than 90 % .

  13. 铸造技术不完善、铜合金原料中的杂质致使水龙头零件表面疏松,并有大量砂眼。

    The defects of casting technology and the impurities in copper alloy material cause roughness of faucet surface with large amounts of sand holes .

  14. 介绍用粘合剂修补铸件的砂眼、气孔等缺陷的方法。

    The method by using the adhesive for repairing casting defects such as sand holes and air holes has been described in this article .

  15. 铸铁件含碳量高,结构疏松、表面有大量砂眼等缺陷,增加了电镀的难度。

    High carbon content of iron castings and defects of incompact structure and a great deal of sand holes on the surface of iron castings make it difficult for electroplating .

  16. 论述了铸铁件中两种不同成因的砂眼的判别方法及如何从型砂品质管理和工艺改进来防止砂眼的措施。

    A description was made about the method to distinguish two kinds of sand inclusions caused by different reasons and how prevent sand inclusion by improving sand quality control and foundry method .

  17. 通过对试棒焊补效果的显微分析及对机床导轨、油缸、曲轴修复结果的检验和分析,表明铸造缺陷修补机在修补铸铁材质零件的砂眼、缩松方面是可行的;

    By analyzing welding effect of test bars , guide rails , oil cylinders and crankshafts , the results show the casting defect repair machine is feasible in repairing sand holes and dispersed shrinkage of castings .

  18. 建立了电冰箱蒸发器可靠性寿命的数学模型,并给出了由数学模型确定制作蒸发器材料主要工业指标(砂眼平均初始深度)的数学方法。

    This paper establishes a mathematical model of the fridge evaporator reliability life , and then describes a mathematical method determining the main industry quota ( the fridge ecaporator sand hole equal initial depth ) on the evaporator manufacturing stuff though the mathematical model .