
  • 网络agricultural region
  1. 农业区域开发与建设地理研究

    The Development of Agricultural Region and Research of Con-structive Geography

  2. 是重要的农业区域,是粮棉主要产区。

    Is an important agricultural region is the major grain and cotton producing areas .

  3. 农业区域化管理初探GIS在农业气候区划中的应用

    Application of GIS in Agricultural Climatic Zoning

  4. 沼泽地农业区域,简称EAA,占地700000英亩,其中90%用来种植甘蔗。

    The Everglades Agricultural Area , or EAA , covers some 700000 acres , 90 % of it planted in sugarcane .

  5. 农业区域化管理初探县级旅游区划研究

    Study on the Management of Agricultural Regionalization Tourism Regionalization in county Level

  6. 山东省临沂市农业区域综合开发研究

    Study on comprehensive of Linyi agricultural area in Shandong Province

  7. 典型农业区域土壤有机污染状况监测研究

    Study on the monitoring of organic pollution situation of classic agricultural soil

  8. 关于推进农业区域专业化生产的思考

    Reflections on Carrying Forward Regional Specialized Production of Agriculture

  9. 温州市农业区域开发总体构想

    Overall Tentative Plan on Agricultural Regional Exploitation in Wenzhou

  10. 我国农业区域开发简史及历史经验

    A brief history of agricultural area exploitage and its historial experience in China

  11. 我们必须对我国农业区域结构进行合理调整。

    Therefore , the agricultural regional structure of China must be adjusted reasonably .

  12. 2004-2005年美国农业区域进口额

    U.S. agricultural imports : Value by region , 2004-2005

  13. 农业区域开发生命期及其分期依据的探讨

    Discussion on the life peroid of agricultural regional exploitation and its dividing basis

  14. 甘肃省农业区域差异分析及经济欠发达地区发展对策

    Analysis of Agricultural Areal Difference and Development Strategy of Underdeveloped Area in Gansu Province

  15. 农业区域开发的几个战略问题

    Strategies on Regional Agro - development in China

  16. 包头市农业区域化发展战略研究

    Strategic Research on Agricultural Regional Development in Baotou

  17. 农业区域发展学科建设问题

    Issue of subject construction on agriculture regional development

  18. 河南省典型农业区域土壤中多环芳烃污染状况研究

    Study on the Contamination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil from Typical Agriculture Field

  19. 试论农业区域开发

    A Study on the Regional Development of Agriculture

  20. 河南省农业区域开发贵在综合

    Comprehensiveness , the Most Important Character in the Agricultural Regional Development of Henan Province

  21. 山西省生态农业区域划分的研究

    Study on the eco-agricultural regionalization of Shanxi Province

  22. 涟水县农业区域开发规划

    The program of Developing Lianshui Agriculture Region

  23. 盼帕斯的大部分。包括富饶的农业区域都在这一部分。

    Much of the Pampas , including a rich agricultural section , occupies this region .

  24. 随着分工模式变化,农业区域差距呈现波浪式的变化。

    As the pattern of division varies , regional disparities in agriculture change as waves .

  25. 松嫩平原中部农业区域土地景观动态研究

    The study on change of landscape in middle part agriculture area of Song Nen plain

  26. 农业区域内部自发的信息交流与积累产生了重要的产权执行功能;

    The spontaneous information-exchanging and information-accumulating in agriculture area implement an important function on property right ;

  27. 经济全球化与农业区域发展:从自然同质的景观到网络中的异质区段

    Economic globalization and development of agricultural regions : from naturally homogeneous landscapes to segments in networks

  28. 试论农业区域开发的原则

    On Principles In Agricultural Regional Exploitation

  29. 这对农牧业生产和农业区域规划有着一定的指导意义。

    It would be a guidance for regional planning agricultural and livestock production and agricultural programming .

  30. 三是应发展有中国特色的农业区域专业化;

    Thirdly , the development of professional agricultural regional planning with Chinese characteristics should be pursuit ;