
  • 网络galveston;Galveston Island;Galveston, TX
  1. “嘉年华胜利号”游轮上星期四离开德克萨斯州的加尔维斯敦,开始为期四天的航程。但是星期天,游轮机房起火,主要动力来源被切断,使得这艘游轮在距离墨西哥尤卡坦半岛240公里的海面上漂流。

    The Carnival Cruise Lines ' Carnival Triumph ship left Galveston , Texas last Thursday for a four-day cruise , but an engine room fire Sunday knocked out the ship 's primary power source and left it adrift 240 kilometers off Mexico 's Yucatan Peninsula .

  2. “这完全是误传,”加尔维斯敦德州大学医疗分部母胎医学行政长官GeorgeSaade说。

    " That 's clearly a myth ," says George Saade , chief of maternal-fetal medicine at The University of Texas Medical Branch ( U.T.M.B. ) in Galveston .

  3. 听说你是从加尔维斯敦来的。

    From galveston , I 'm told .

  4. 班斯利目前被羁押于加尔维斯敦县立监狱,因抢劫住家及意图重伤,以4万美元保释。

    Bensley is now being held in the Galveston County Jail on a $ 40,000 bond for home burglary with intent to commit a felony .

  5. 有一天,趁着孩子们上学去了,她把自己的物品装到箱子里,去加尔维斯敦市跟女儿一起生活了。

    One day while the boys were at school , she packed everything she owned into one suitcase and went to live with her daughter in Galveston .

  6. 如果我是芝加哥一名纺织品分析家,或者在加尔维斯敦的沃尔玛工作,那么我为什么在乎突尼斯发生的一切呢?

    If I 'm a textiles analyst in Chicago or I work at a Walmart in Galveston , why should I care about what 's happening in Tunisia ?

  7. 加尔维斯敦的警察局长海耶斯表示,班斯利被人发现时仅穿著四角平口内裤,在一处停车场中嚎叫并发出嘶吼声。

    Found growling and hissing in a parking lot and wearing only boxer shorts , the pierced and tattooed Bensley claimed he was a500-year-old vampire who needed to " feed ," Galveston Police Capt.

  8. 流行文化对于这起攻击事件有多大影响,目前仍不明朗。被指控抢劫罪名的19岁攻击者班斯利,现在被拘留在德州的加尔维斯敦监狱,等候接受精神状态评估。

    Whether pop culture played a role in the attack remains to be seen , as19-year-old Lyle Monroe Bensley awaits a psychiatric evaluation in jail on burglary ( 2 ) charges in Galveston , Texas .