
jiā nónɡ pào
  • cannon;gun
加农炮 [jiā nóng pào]
  • [cannon] 一种炮身长、弹道低伸、炮弹初速大的火炮

  1. 152mm加农炮对听器损伤的调查

    Gunners Auditory Organ Damage by 152 mm Cannon

  2. 实际上,越想把耳垢挖出来,通常越会把它捅得更深——加利福尼亚州罗斯维尔(Roseville)SutterRosevillePediatrics的医师助理罗德?莫泽(RodMoser)说:“就像为加农炮装弹一样。”

    In fact , attempts to dig earwax out generally pack it in further -- ' like loading a Civil War cannon , ' says Rod Moser , a physician assistant at Sutter Roseville Pediatrics , Roseville , Calif.

  3. 这些恐怖巨兽背负著类似蛇炮的小型加农炮

    These fearsome beasts have small cannons , comparable to serpentines , mounted on their backs .

  4. 某加农炮身管内膛烧蚀磨损对内弹道性能的影响

    Erosion and Abrasion of a Cannon Barrel to Interior Ballistic Performance

  5. 设置的角度拍摄的加农炮和你的对手。

    Set the angle of the cannon and shoot your opponent .

  6. 停在海港上加农炮的射程之外。

    Stay just out of range of the harbor cannon .

  7. 您还可以使用滑鼠定位加农炮的角度。

    You can also position the cannon 's angle using the mouse .

  8. 加农炮能够被卡车拖挂并牵引。

    Cannon can be hitched to and towed by trucks .

  9. 像你这么大的时候我已经在弗吉谷修理加农炮轮了。

    At your age , I was repairing cannon wheels at Valley forge .

  10. 从一门加农炮里面射出来的一样。

    Like he 's been shot from a cannon .

  11. 加农炮身管纵向振动的固有特征分析

    The natural character analysis of cannon longitudinal vibration

  12. 加农炮会一个接着一个的攻击每个给出的目标物。

    The cannon shoot one after another at each of the given target objects .

  13. 超级加农炮。增加合金战车加农炮的威力。

    HYPER CANNON Enhances slug 's cannon power .

  14. 大批的军队、马匹、加农炮正在调动。

    A great number of troops , horses , and cannons were moving about .

  15. 我们关于线膛炮管的知识已经成功的应用于新加农炮的设计。

    TXT_KEY_EVENT_TRIGGER_RIFLED_CANNON_1 Our knowledge of rifled barrels has been successfully applied to new cannon designs .

  16. 现在通过点击被摧毁要塞加农炮可以修复一次。

    Keep Cannons can now be repaired once they are destroyed by clicking on them .

  17. 在十五世纪中晚期世界各地都在使用加农炮。

    The archetypical Cannon was used all across the world by the mid to late15th century .

  18. 不要在加农炮炮口前调动部队&特别是在加农炮开霰弹射击的时候。

    Don 't move units in front of your cannons-especially when your artillery have cannister selected .

  19. 这是一款让骆驼成为加农炮弹射出的手游!

    This is to allow a camel to become cannon shot out of the hands of tour !

  20. 如果我们的“能量塔”被摧毁,我们的“光子加农炮”就会失去动力,这样我们就容易受到持续的攻击。

    And with our pylon down , our Photon Cannons go offline , making us vulnerable to continued attack .

  21. 守城加农炮造成的伤害降低但可以修复,使它们依然有存在的意义?

    Do the Keep Cannons still feel effective now that they do less damage given that you can now repair them ?

  22. 因为投石机也能直接攻击单位,它们算得上是攻城利器,直到加农炮发明才会被替代。

    Since the trebuchets can also attack units directly , they 're the star city raider until the discovery of cannons .

  23. 将该研究方法具体用于某加农炮身管特性的研究,建立了该加农炮的内弹道性能与其身管内膛烧蚀磨损特征量之间的关系模型。

    At last it gives the model of the interior ballistic performance and characteristics of erosion and abrasion of gun barrel .

  24. 大家看到“光子加农炮”又有了动,“收割者”没有选择余地只好撤退。

    And you can see with our photon cannons back online , the reapers have no choice but to run for cover .

  25. 它可以在很远的距离之外摧毁敌人的城墙,也可以发射开花弹,用飞溅的弹壳碎片杀伤成片的敌人,加农炮的威力非常恐怖。

    Able to demolish enemy walls from a greater range and able to fire troop-killing explosive shells , the cannon is rightly feared .

  26. 当1千吨当量的核弹在底下爆炸后,这玩意儿事实上就变成了核能土豆加农炮,井盖瞬间拥有了巨大的能量。

    When the 1-kiloton nuke went off below , the facility effectively became a nuclear potato cannon , giving the cap a gigantic kick .

  27. 目前,加农炮的维修性验证和评价还是局限于国军标中的相关方法,根据所获取的现场试验信息对装备的维修性水平进行评价。

    At present , most of the maintainability demonstration and evaluation of canon are based on methods from GJB , which uses information from tests .

  28. 玉米加农炮我们花了很多时间来设计,因为我们在寻找终极版本之前做了非常多的尝试。

    The cob cannon took a long time to design due to us coming up with so many variations in the search for the ultimate version .

  29. 可能你动作太慢了,但是经过有着两台守卫入口的加农炮的桥后你得继续前行,来到你此行的目标:一处巨大的计算机终端前。

    Your too slow probably , but at the two thrasher cannons across the bridge you have to run further till you come to a GIANT computer terminal , thats the goal .

  30. 我们建个堡垒吧,我们把远处过往的船只称作敌舰,假装我们正用巨大的加农炮弹轰她!

    Oh ! Let us build a fort ; and we will call that ship away out there , an enemy 's vessel , and make believe we are firing great cannon balls into her !