
  • Ruth;Rose;Lucy;fiber show
  1. 露丝姨在家时,对我爱护有加。

    When Aunt Ruth was at home I was surrounded by love .

  2. 露丝是个好幻想的女孩,她常把时间消磨于做白日梦。

    Ruth is a visionary girl , she spends her time daydreaming .

  3. 露丝和她的男朋友在沙发上搂搂抱抱。

    Luce and her boyfriend cuddled on the sofa .

  4. 这是一篇题为《露丝》的手稿。

    This is a manuscript bearing as a title ruth .

  5. 露丝从不喜欢聚会,因为她不善与人交往。

    Rose has never liked parties , as she doesn 't mix in easily .

  6. 当E走下楼梯与D一起共舞时,他们简直可以被拿来与《泰坦尼克》中的杰克和露丝相提并论。

    They have been compared to Jack and Rose from Titanic when Elena walks down the stairs to meet Damon at the dance .

  7. accreditedadj.被认可的,可接受的,委任的露丝总是诚实的,所以她所说的任何话都会被人相信。

    Ruth is always truthful and anything she says will be accredited .

  8. 加入立体效果后,巨轮显得更加奢华,杰克将打算跳海逃生的露丝救上船的场景在3D效果下看来更加惊险,让人有身临其境之感。

    The ship looks all the more sumptuous with the added dimension . The scene where Jack rescues Rose from jumping overboard comes off as more dangerous and intimately revealing in 3-D.

  9. 只不过它也是专门针对微胖界的大码产品。广告公司YARD的联合创始人露丝o伯恩斯坦认为,抓住“身材正能量”运动的机会进行宣传,是LaneBryant公司走出的一步好棋。

    Capitalizing on the the " body-positive " movement is a good move for Lane Bryant , contends Ruth Bernstein , co-founder of YARD advertising agency , whose clients include Henri Bendel and Banana Republic .

  10. 办法之一是捆住早上露丝的双手,正如奥德修斯(Odysseus)命令水手将他捆在桅杆上一样。

    One option is to tie Morning Ruth 's hands , just as Odysseus ordered his sailors to tie him to the mast .

  11. 上周早些时候,谷歌宣布已任命摩根士丹利前首席财务官、金融界重量级人物露丝o波拉特为该公司新任CFO。

    Earlier this week , Google said that it had hired the former chief financial officer of Morgan Stanley and general finance bigwig Ruth Porat to be its new CFO .

  12. 露丝o王认同这种看法。五月份,这位SixFoods公司联合创始人在众筹平台Kickstarter上筹集了7万美元,开始制作Chirps蟋蟀条,她希望这款产品能够在今年秋天进入食品店。

    Rose Wang , co-founder of Six Foods , which in May raised $ 70000 on Kickstarter to make its Chirps cricket chips and hopes to have the product in stores by fall , agrees .

  13. 英国BLM律师事务所的合伙人露丝•格雷厄姆(RuthGraham)认为,在无人驾驶汽车成为可能前,需要解决民事及产品赔偿责任一些关键领域的问题。

    According to Ruth Graham , a partner at UK law firm BLM , there are key areas of civil and product liability that would need to be addressed before driverless cars became possible .

  14. “为参与者设定标准任何专业机构测试的一个重要内容。”SII总经理露丝。马丁说到。

    " Setting standards for practitioners is a vital part of any professional body 's remit ," said Ruth Martin , managing director of SII .

  15. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的前首席财务官(CFO)露丝•波拉特(RuthPorat)不久前为了整整7000万美元跳槽到谷歌(Google)的举动,被视为硅谷对华尔街优势扩大的另一个信号。

    Ruth Porat 's move last week fromMorgan Stanley , where she was chief financial officer , to Google for a cool $ 70m was taken as another sign of Silicon Valley 's increasing edge over Wall Street .

  16. 露丝波拉特(RuthPorat)在2015年树立了一个标杆,她放弃了摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)首席财务官约1300万美元的年薪,跳槽谷歌(如今的Alphabet)获得五倍于此的薪酬。

    Ruth Porat laid down a big marker in 2015 , swapping an annual $ 13m or so salary as CFO of Morgan Stanley for a package at Google ( now Alphabet ) about five times bigger .

  17. 谷歌在应对华尔街的方式上也作出了相同的转变,包括去年聘请摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)高管露丝波拉特(RuthPorat)担任其首席财务官。这一转变已带来回报,推动谷歌控股公司Alphabet的股票价格强劲上涨。

    A similar switch in Google 's dealings with Wall Street , involving the hiring of Morgan Stanley executive Ruth Porat as chief financial officer last year , has paid dividends , contributing to a strong rally in the stock price of its holding company , Alphabet .

  18. 露丝?佩因(RuthPaine)当时与奥斯瓦德的妻子住在一起,她很早就认同了官方对谋杀案的解释,她说:奥斯瓦德绝对干得出杀人的事来,而且所有证据都说明他没有共犯。

    Ruth Paine , the woman with whom Mr. Oswald 's wife lived at the time , long ago concluded that the official account of the assassination made sense : Mr. Oswald was capable of murder , she said , and all evidence pointed to him acting alone .

  19. 露丝:我发誓。我永不放弃。

    Rose : I promise . I will never let go .

  20. 地方税怎么办?露丝问道。

    What shall we do about the rates ? Asked ruth .

  21. 他甚至没告诉露丝他回来了。

    He did not even let Ruth know he was back .

  22. 你明天能领多少钱?露丝问道。

    How much money will you have tomorrow ? Asked ruth .

  23. 伊斯顿同意回去跟露丝商量一下。

    Easton agreed and said he would mention it to Ruth .

  24. 露丝抬头望着杰克,泪如雨下。

    Rose looks up at Jack tears pouring down her face .

  25. 是的露丝,你在飞。迪卡普里奥回应道。

    Yes , Rose . You 're flying , DiCaprio responded .

  26. 露丝被搞得筋疲力尽,一止一次地发脾气。

    Ruth was exhausted and more than once lost her temper .

  27. 这促使露丝抑制住了最后的摊牌。

    This caused Ruth to hold back from a final confrontation .

  28. 是露丝流起了眼泪,激动的愤怒的眼泪,才给了他启示的。

    Ruth in tears-passionate , angry tears-was a revelation to him .

  29. 我觉得露丝和库泊很合适。

    Luce and coop . I think they 'd be perfect .

  30. 太棒了!这次我们的冠军是露丝。祝贺她!

    Excellent ! Our winner this time is Rose . Congratulations !