
lù tiān méi kuànɡ
  • opencut coal mine
  1. 中蒙合作开发露天煤矿安全工作的管理实践

    Chinese and Mongolian Country cooperation development opencut coal mine trouble-free service management practice

  2. 我国露天煤矿开采环境问题及防治对策研究

    Study on environmental problems raised by china 's opencut coal mine mining and Prevention & mitigation measures

  3. 基于GIS的露天煤矿土地复垦信息系统的建立

    Establishment of land reclamation information system in opencast mine base on GIS

  4. 本文设计了一种基于GPS的露天煤矿车辆调度系统。

    A vehicle scheduling system is proposed forthe opencast coalmine in this paper .

  5. 目前我国大部分露天煤矿设备管理还是采用传统的手工登帐、登卡,单据流转及部分EXCEL电子表格来实现的。

    At present our country most open coal mine still uses the traditional manual registration , boarding card , document flow and some EXCEL spreadsheets to fulfill .

  6. I-kon数码雷管在露天煤矿抛掷爆破技术中的应用

    Application of I-kon Digital Detonator System on the Cast Blasting in Open Cut

  7. 分析了灵泉露天煤矿地质水文状况,提出了该矿F4断层带煤壁回采方案。

    We have analysed the geological hydrology state of Lingquan open-pit coal mine , and proposed the coal extraction scheme of this mine F4 shear-zone coal wall .

  8. 基于多时相Landsat遥感影像的海州露天煤矿排土场植被时空特征分析低变质烟煤加氢增塑过程中岩相特征变化试验研究

    Monitoring of temporal and spatial change of vegetation in waste dump of Haizhou opencast coal mine area using multi-temporal Landsat remote sensing images The experimental research on petrological transformation of low rank coal during its enhancement of plastic characteristics by hydrogenation

  9. 露天煤矿连续工艺系统可靠性分析

    Reliability analysis of a continuous mining system in a surface mine

  10. 露天煤矿排土场工程地质勘察技术方法浅析

    The analysis of open coal mine engineering geology explore technique measures

  11. 海州露天煤矿排土场土地复垦研究

    The Study of Land Reclamation on Haizhou Open Pit Coal Mine

  12. 南露天煤矿空气柱装药法爆破的应用

    Application of blasting method with broken charge in south open pit

  13. 露天煤矿单斗挖掘机&卡车工艺发展探讨

    Development discussion of single truck shovel-truck technology in surface coal mine

  14. 风化煤施用对露天煤矿区复垦土壤性质的影响

    Effects of Weathered Coal on Soil Properties in Open-Cast Mine Area

  15. 为此原因,露天煤矿以前经常使用金丝雀。

    Canaries were formerly used in coal mines for this reason .

  16. 露天煤矿端帮残煤开采及边坡暴露时间分析

    Analyses of End Slope Remnant Coal Mining and Slope Exposure Time

  17. 中国露天煤矿的投资效益分析

    An analysis of Investment Profit in China ' Open-Pit Coal Mines

  18. 露天煤矿利用坑内煤层巷道疏干基岩水

    Using coal seam heading in pit exhausting bedrock water in open-cast

  19. 露天煤矿半连续工艺关键技术研究

    Study on Key Techniques of Semicontinuous Technology in Surface Coal Mines

  20. 露天煤矿蠕动边坡变形破坏过程中的动态控制技术问题

    Dynamic control of creep slope deformation failure at surface coal mines

  21. 探讨了露天煤矿区草地沙化的影响因子;

    Factors inducing desertification of grassland in opencast coalmine are discussed .

  22. 北露天煤矿最终境界边坡的稳定性分析

    Analysis on stability of final boundary slope in North Open Pit Mine

  23. 露天煤矿滑坡灾害与整治

    Landslide hazards and its treatments in the open-pit coal mine

  24. 大中型露天煤矿闭坑地质灾害浅析

    Study on geological hazards of closed large-medium open coal pit

  25. 海州露天煤矿排土场土壤现状评价

    Analysis of soil condition on Haizhou Open Pit Coal Mine

  26. 抚顺东露天煤矿开采工艺系统的优化选择

    Optimum Selection of Mining System in East Fushun Surface Mine

  27. 生态学在露天煤矿排土场生态恢复中的应用

    Application of ecology in the ecological recovery of open-pit coal mine dump

  28. 露天煤矿区草地荒漠化的遥感分析

    Analysis of grassland desertification due to coal exploitation based on remote sensing

  29. 大型露天煤矿人工扰动地貌生态重建研究

    Ecological Rehabilitation of Disturbed Landform of Large-scale Opencast Coal Mine

  30. 大型露天煤矿土地复垦规划案例研究

    Study on Land Reclamation Planning in Large-scale Opencast Coal Mine