
liàn jiāo lú
  • coke oven;cokery
炼焦炉 [liàn jiāo lú]
  • [coke oven;coking furnace] 用烟煤通过特定设备冶炼焦炭的炉子。也叫焦炉

  1. 炼焦炉交换旋塞与加热煤气管道的设计

    A Design of Coke Oven Reversing machine Cock and Oven Heating Gas Pipe

  2. 炼焦炉桥管与阀体结构设计和使用中应注意的问题

    Notice in Design and Application of Coke Oven Bridge Pipe and Valve Body Structure

  3. 我国炼焦炉改造与发展的取向

    The Improvement and Development of Coke Oven in China

  4. 关于无回收炼焦炉

    On No Recovery Coke Oven Battery

  5. 特种焦炭生产的热工特性(2)&炼焦炉的(火用)分析

    The Thermotechnical characteristics for Making Special Cokes ( 2 ) & The Exergy Analysis of the Coke Oven

  6. 2004年济南市某公司焦化厂炼焦炉职业病危害因素调查

    The Investigation on the Adverse Factors of the Coking Plant Coke Furnace Occupational Disease in a Company in Ji'nan

  7. 炼焦炉煤气调节装置孔板盒技术已在许多焦化厂投入使用。

    The orifice plate box technique of gas regulating units in cokemakingoven has been put in practical use in many coking and chemical plants .

  8. 同时对比了已工业化的煤制气主要炉型&炼焦炉、直立炉、鲁奇炉和两段炉的优缺点。

    The advantages and disadvantages of four main types of gas producers , the coke oven , the upright stove , the lurgi gasifier and the two-stage gasifier have been contrasted .

  9. [方法]根据工作场所空气中有害物质监测的采样规范(GBZ159-2004),在炼焦炉进行现场卫生学调查,并对职业病危害因素进行设点检测。

    [ Methods ] In September , 2004 , a spot was established in the coke furnace to carry out the hygiene investigation , and the factor of occupational disease was tested .

  10. 通过对我国焦炉寿命结构的统计,从事故性老化和正常性老化两方面分析了炼焦炉损坏的原因。

    The damage cause has been discussed through the analysis on the normal and abnormal aging of the coke ovens based on the statistics of the coke oven life time in China .

  11. 为了观测到各种高沪和窑,如砖窑、水泥窑、炼钢炉、炼焦炉、锅炉等内部点火和燃烧的火焰,我们研制了火焰观测仪。

    In order to observe burning flame in various blast furnaces and kilns , such as brick-kiln , cement-kiln , steel-making furnace , coke oven and boiler , flame-observing tubes have been developed .

  12. 其中炼焦炉周边、荒煤气净化车间、焦油和粗苯加工车间是焦化厂污染最严重的区域。

    The surrounding area of the coke oven , the raw coal gas purification workshop and the coal tar and crude benzene processing workshop would be the most serious pollution area of the coking plant .

  13. 伟成发英国分公司的大约2000名雇员和1000名合同工突然没了工作。英国政府表示,不可能拯救、或者帮助封存高炉和炼焦炉以备未来使用。

    As about 2000 SSI UK employees and 1000 contractors suddenly lost their jobs , the UK government said it could not save or help to mothball the furnace and coke ovens for future use .

  14. 论文研究建立炼焦炉火道燃烧温度数学模型,以便科学的控制火道温度和结焦时间,保证焦炭质量和节省炼焦过程能耗,提高经济效益。

    The thesis research established coking stove fire way burnable temperature mathematics model , so as to control fire way temperature and coking time scenically , Guaranteeing the coke quantity and saving to coke process can consume , raise the economic performance .