
liàn yù
  • purgatory;hard circumstances;abyss of sufferings or misery
炼狱 [liàn yù]
  • (1) [purgatory]∶天主教指不虔诚的信徒死后灵魂受磨难以赎罪的地狱,通过炼狱才能进入天国

  • (2) [experience hardship and miserable conditions]∶比喻人经受磨练的艰苦环境

  1. 祷告词是为炼狱中的灵魂念的。

    Prayers were said for souls in Purgatory .

  2. 他的这次经历犹如炼狱一般,饱受熬煎。

    His experience this time was like going through purgatory , he had suffered a lot .

  3. 假期可能会糟糕透顶。好吧,让我换一种说法。最初的几天总是如同炼狱。

    Holidays can be horrendous . All right , I 'll rephrase that . The first few days are invariably hell

  4. 和谐的婚姻是尘世的乐园,不和谐的婚姻则是人生的炼狱。

    Marriage , with peace , is this world 's paradise ; with strife , this world 's purgatory .

  5. 上帝说:你恶事不算很多,还是到炼狱里吧

    God says : are evil the thing does not calculate a lot of , still arrive purgatorial in .

  6. 一些开发人员会告诉您Java将他们从内存管理和C++的炼狱中解救出来了。

    Some developers will tell you that Java programming rescued them from the hellfire-and-brimstone pits of memory-management and C + + .

  7. 中文版的炼狱,又称DK2是非法服务器。

    Chinese Version of Darkeden , known as DK2 is illegal service .

  8. 由于试图收购其尚未持有的英国天空广播公司(BSkyB)60%的股份,默多克的媒体帝国&新闻集团(NewsCorp)经历了9个月的政治及监管炼狱。

    News Corp , his media conglomerate , has spent nine months in political and regulatory purgatory as it tries to buy the 60 per cent of British Sky Broadcasting it does not already own .

  9. 旅馆里的生活安排有点儿像炼狱一样。

    Hotels are kind of like the purgatory of living arrangements .

  10. 我会让这所学校成为你的炼狱。

    I will make this school a living hell for you .

  11. 炼狱角斗已经快开始了,现在开始下注了。

    Infernal Games are starting soon , bets are accepted already .

  12. 炼狱是这座岛的名字,我懂

    It 's the name of the island , I know .

  13. 我们向对方许下了一个不明文的承诺,在那炼狱中爱抚。

    We give one another a word to cuddle in the purgare .

  14. 婚姻既不是天堂,也不是地狱,它不过是一个炼狱而已。

    Marriage is neither heaven nor hell , it is simply purgatory .

  15. 直升机机组在距离炼狱更高的上空仍感觉到了热浪。

    Helicopter crews far above the inferno felt the heat .

  16. 但丁在炼狱中游历时,听到其他的声音而分心。

    Dante is distracted by noises when he is visiting the inferno .

  17. 但是,关于炼狱魔王的传说是否真实呢?

    Could there be some basis in truth to all these tales ?

  18. 他把自己在越南作战的经历描述为纯粹的炼狱。

    He described his experience of combat in Vietnam as sheer purgatory .

  19. 据说每吃掉一个“灵魂饼”,就会有一个灵魂被从炼狱中拯救出来。

    Each cake eaten would represent a soul being freed from Purgatory .

  20. 下赛季我们将度过一年的炼狱时间。

    It 's going to be a season in purgatory .

  21. 今晚将成为火热的炼狱。

    It 's gonna be one hell of a barbeque .

  22. 出卖我并将我遗弃在炼狱岛上。

    For betraying and abandoning me to the island of Lian Yu .

  23. 牧师警告我们说,罪人要受炼狱之苦。

    The preacher warned us of the fire and brimstone that awaits sinners .

  24. 我会让你的生活变成炼狱的。

    I 'll make your life a living hell .

  25. 第二部分:叛逆女性的炼狱之路。

    Part 2 : Rebelling women 's painful road .

  26. 神思的天堂与精神的炼狱

    The Thought 's Heaven , the Spirit 's Purgatory

  27. 一座度假天堂化为了炼狱,没有游客胆敢进入。

    A holiday paradise turned into a hell where no tourist would venture .

  28. 炼狱中的灵魂&《问题的核心》中的人文主义研究

    A Soul in the Purgatory & Humanism in The Heart of the Matter

  29. 我处在炼狱之中暂时遭受着惩罚和痛苦

    I 'm in purgatory . A condition of temporary punishment and suffering ,

  30. 飞机将在26分钟后到达炼狱的范围。

    The plane will be in range of Lian Yu in 26 minutes .