
chōu xiàng pài
  • abstractionism;abstractionist school
抽象派[chōu xiàng pài]
  1. 这封公开信是反驳抽象派论点的。

    This open letter is to rebut the argument of abstractionism .

  2. 如果你持有的抽象派作品的地方是在左,右展览展出表象,那么王育红最近的作品绝对应该放在两人之间。

    If you hold an exhibition where works of abstractionism are displayed at left and representationalism at right , then Wang Yuhong 's recent works should definitely be placed between them two .

  3. 抽象派画家与过去的传统断绝了关系。

    Abstract painters made a break with the tradition .

  4. 他是一个抽象派画家。

    He is an abstract painter .

  5. 我认为源自康定斯基(Kandinsky)和早期的抽象派艺术家,其他人则指出是windowsphone。

    I suggested Kandinsky and the early abstractionists yesterday , others have pointed to the Windows Phone .

  6. 甚至老鼠在听完莫扎特之后在穿越迷宫时都比那些只听了些白噪声或抽象派作曲家PhilipGlass写的音乐的老鼠更加迅速和精确。

    Even rats ran mazes faster and more accurately after hearing Mozart than after white noise or music by the minimalist composer Philip Glass .

  7. 这幅抽象派拼贴画来源于许多集体照,显示了人们在说“cheese”的时候都摆出了相同的姿态。

    The collage , cobbled from dozens of group portraits , shows how people adopt the same huddle when they 're saying'cheese . '

  8. 抽象派艺术所炮制的糟粕可以和具象派艺术平分秋色。

    Abstract art can produce as much trash as representational art .

  9. 参加大会的人几乎一致认为抽象派艺术是不合人意的。

    Congress almost to a man thought that abstract art was undesirable .

  10. 抽象派艺术作品顺从对学生来说不是个抽象的概念。

    Conformity is not an abstract concept to these students .

  11. 这就是你以后要发展的方向……抽象派。

    This is what you should be focusing on ... Abstract work .

  12. 抽象派画不怎么能引起我的兴趣。

    Abstract paintings don 't appeal to me much .

  13. 康定斯创作的抽象派作品有一种音乐美。

    Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery that had a musical quality .

  14. 第五章,俄耳甫斯主义和抽象派。

    The fifth chapter , Orpheus , and abstract .

  15. 下面来看一下如何将家里装修成极简抽象派艺术与工业艺术相结合的样子。

    Here 's how to build a minimalist-industrial look .

  16. 抽象派绘画引不起他的兴趣。

    Abstract paintings did not appeal to him .

  17. transform:转换,使…变化我专注于将满腔愤怒转向艺术collage:抽象派美术我做了些拼贴画。

    I focused on transforming my anger into art . I made some collages .

  18. 他本人的办公室是用木质板材装饰的,室内摆放的是意大利的皮质家具和抽象派艺术作品。

    His own office is wood-panelled , with Italian leather furniture and abstract art .

  19. 他是一个完全的极简抽象派艺术家,他喜爱他生活中的点点滴滴;

    He was a complete minimalist , he loved the little things in life ;

  20. 抽象派艺术要慢慢才会欣赏。

    Abstract art is an acquired taste .

  21. 抽象派艺术家,具体的分析家,无情的的赌马人。

    I am an abstract artist , a concrete analyst , and a ruthless bookie .

  22. 我是个基于自然的抽象派画家。

    I 'm a nature-based Abstract painter .

  23. 这种技法抓住了他周围自然世界的粗犷,但接近抽象派。

    Which captured the wildness of the natural world around him but which bordered on abstraction .

  24. 我喜欢那些还会画画,剪纸,和玩抽象派美术的的设计师们。

    I love designers and art directors who paint , or cut paper or make collages .

  25. 我上次来这不禁注意到了这幅德·库宁的画作[抽象派画家]

    I couldn 't help but notice the de Kooning the last time I was here .

  26. 这些画作从栩栩如生的树木、花卉,到抽象派的画风都有;

    The themes of their paintings range from true-to-life trees and flowers , and even abstract images .

  27. 对中国人来说,抽象派的画不是很受欢迎,但我喜欢需要更多想象力的东西。

    For Chinese , abstract painting is not so popular , but I like things that need more imagination .

  28. 第一次世界大战后发生在德国的抽象派艺术运动;工业原材料被用来构造抽象的物体。

    An abstractionist artistic movement in Russia after World War I ; industrial materials were used to construct nonrepresentational objects .

  29. 叙事艺术的绘画、雕刻、建筑美&京派女作家小说研究之一这种画被称做“抽象派”画。

    The Beauty of Drawing Carving and Architecture in Narrative Art & Research on the Fictions of the Woman Writers of Beijing School ;

  30. 现代派诗人就其许多想象又回到了十七世纪极抽象派诗人的意象诗中。

    The modern poets have gone back to the fanciful poems of the metaphysical poets of the seventeenth century for many of their images .