
xiǎo chǒu
  • clown;buffoon;motley;merry-andrew;droll;knave;a contemptible wretch
小丑 [xiǎo chǒu]
  • [clown;buffoon;knave;merry-andrew] 戏剧或其他文娱表演中的丑角,滑稽演员或喜剧演员;特指杂技表演中扮得稀奇古怪的丑角

小丑[xiǎo chǒu]
  1. 小丑戴着一个假鼻子。

    The clown was wearing a false nose .

  2. 几乎没有人知道,那位总让人们开怀大笑的小丑内心很孤独。

    Few people knew that the popular clown who had been making people fall about with laughter was lonely in heart .

  3. 他们都打扮成小丑。

    They were all dressed as clowns .

  4. 格拉斯的小说里充斥着稀奇古怪的人物:丑陋的怪人、小丑、稻草人和侏儒。

    Grass 's novels are peopled with outlandish characters : grotesques , clowns , scarecrows , dwarfs .

  5. 看到小丑的滑稽动作,我们乐极了。

    We were all tickled to death at the antics of the clowns .

  6. 一个技术官僚和经济行政的结合,再加上有一个小丑的外表还不够:还需要别的东西。

    A technocratic economic administration combined with a clownish fa ç ade does not suffice , however : something more is needed .

  7. 小丑一开始看起来非常活泼有趣。

    The clown looks lively and funny at first .

  8. 通过使用它,你的电子邮件可以被有魅力的人或小丑读给接收者。

    By using it , your e-mails can be read to the receiver by an attractive person or by a clown .

  9. 但如果你选择小丑,在电子邮件中加上一些粗鲁的话,再加上一些愤怒的情绪,你就写出了一封疯人型邮件。

    But if you choose the clown , put a few rude words in an e-mail and add some angry emotions , you 've got a Psycho mail .

  10. 我以前在马戏里最爱看小丑

    I used to like the clowns best at the circus .

  11. 他一边穿,一边象个学生似的蹦蹦跳跳地扮演起小丑来

    While dressing , he capered and clowned like a schoolboy .

  12. 小丑的工作就是娱乐观众。

    A clown 's job is to amuse the spectators .

  13. 他一只眼睛上有块花斑,这使得他有时看上去活象个小丑。

    He had one brindled eye that sometimes made him look like a clown .

  14. 他们把经理描绘成一个小丑。

    They pictured their manager as a buffoon .

  15. 这小丑看上去真是滑稽!

    Doesn 't the clown look funny !

  16. 在马戏团表演中,当小丑出现时,观众总是放声大笑。但我可不觉得有什么好笑的!

    At the circus , the audience always bursts out laughing when the clowns appear – but I don ’ t see what ’ s so funny !

  17. 这份最新的报告分析了全球最让人迷惑的三种表情符号:“茄子”险胜“桃子”和“小丑”,成为最让网友感到困惑的表情符号。

    Adobe 's latest Emoji Trend report also examined the three most misunderstood emojis in the world . The " eggplant " symbol edged out the " peach " and the " clown " emojis respectively as the most confusing for users .

  18. Ed也想成为一个小丑。

    Ed wants to be a clown too .

  19. 第二代的小丑AlexBarney同意这个看法:

    Alex Barney , a second-generation clown , agrees .

  20. 在获得“托尼奖”或扮演《X战警》中招牌角色金刚狼之前,休·杰克曼曾做过另一种娱乐工作:小丑。

    Before Hugh Jackman was a Tony-award winning actor or known for playing Wolverine in the " X-Men " franchise , he worked as another kind of entertainer : a clown .

  21. QQ小丑从不夸大虚伪,始终贯信誉为先,顾客至上的原则。

    The clown never exaggerated false , QQ , always sequential prestige is first the principle of customer first .

  22. 麦当劳已经为中国的学校开设了小丑“麦当劳叔叔”(ronaldmcdonald)展览,既鼓励学生进行体育锻炼,也结合了营养教育内容。

    The group has created a Ronald McDonald clown show for schools in China that combines encouragement to do physical activity with educational material about nutrition .

  23. 我们请了小丑Popo来给大家表演助兴。

    And we have Popo the Clown to entertain you .

  24. 关于“吉利根岛生姜,”胡萝卜顶,和Bozo的小丑。

    Ginger on " Gilligan 's Island ," Carrot Top , and Bozo the Clown .

  25. 这部剧将讲述小丑女和小丑(TheJoker)结束分分合合恋情后的故事,小丑女将在高谭市各式罪案中努力拔得头筹。

    The series will follow Harley after she breaks free from her on-off squeeze The Joker and tries to become top dog among Gotham 's criminals .

  26. 上映日期改变的原因极有可能是因为未来两年上映的DC电影的数量泰国,以及华纳兄弟决定将这些电影的上映时间错开,尤其是考虑到托德·菲利普斯的《小丑》将于2019年10月9日上映。

    The change of release date most likely refers to the sheer amount of DC films lined up to release over the next two years and Warner Bros. decision to spread them further apart , especially when considering the fact Todd Phillips ' Joker film is set to release on October 9th , 2019 .

  27. 孩子们让小丑的滑稽动作逗得哈哈大笑。

    The children laughed with glee at the clown 's antics .

  28. 马戏团的小丑善于踩着高跷走和跑。

    Circus clowns are experts at walking and running on stilts .

  29. 我们要海盗,小丑和一个喜剧牧场。

    Let us have pirates , clowns and a happy ending .

  30. 我能不能用小丑的篮板?

    Can 't I just make one in Arts and crafts ?