
chōu qì bèng
  • suction pump;extraction pump;ejector;air extracting pump
抽气泵[chōu qì bèng]
  1. VD精炼炉的真空抽气泵工作时蒸汽压力稳定而流量具有周期性,间断使用。

    The pressure of the steam used in the vacuum pump of VD refining furnace is stable , but its flow is periodic .

  2. 主抽气泵,主排气泵控制泵和主动回油泵

    Main scavenging pump control and primary scavenging pump

  3. 设计了一套硅片专用真空夹紧装置,包括夹紧装置和微型无油真空抽气泵。

    A vacuum clamp equipment used for holding Si wafer is designed in this paper .

  4. 霓虹灯管真空抽气泵自动斯普伦格尔真空泵

    Neon light tube vacuum pump

  5. 抽气泵的排气管应该导向室外空旷处或导向一座通风橱。

    The pump exhaust should lead to the open air or a fume hood . Exhaust vaporous wastes through a pipe .

  6. 并结合β射线粉尘仪采样器控制要求,分别设计了抽气泵,电磁铁,步进电机的控制程序。

    Allowing forthe β - ray Dust Monitor Sampling control requirements , designs are made for the airpump , solenoid , stepper motor control program .

  7. 热沉不但具备模拟宇宙的冷黑环境功能,而且它还相当于一个辐射换热器和抽气泵,由此引出热沉材料的选择原则。

    Because the heat sink not only has the functions of simulating the " cold " and " dark " conditions of space , but also is a radiation-heat exchanger and a vacuum pump , the choice of heat sink materials is important .