
chōu xiànɡ biǎo xiàn zhǔ yì
  • abstract expressionism
  1. 我的作品从来不是对于抽象表现主义的反动。

    My work has never been a reaction against Abstract expressionism .

  2. 抽象表现主义对中国现代陶艺的影响

    The Influence of the Abstract Expressionism to the Chinese Contemporary Ceramic Art

  3. 结果证明,他也很欣赏霍伊兰,后者曾受抽象表现主义画家影响。赫斯特是在上学期间参观利兹美术馆(LeedsArtGallery)时注意到霍伊兰的作品的。

    As it turns out , he is also an admirer of Hoyland , who was influenced by the Abstract Expressionists , and whom he discovered when visiting Leeds Art Gallery as a schoolboy .

  4. 它赞助过椅子制作比赛,将一块空地变成活动板房的陈列场,还展出过回形针,仿佛它们是罗斯科(Rothko,抽象表现主义艺术家&译注)的作品似的。

    It has sponsored chair-making competitions , turned a vacant lot into a showcase of prefabricated housing and exhibited paper clips as if they were Rothkos .

  5. 抽象表现主义大师康定斯基

    A Plain Analysis on Abstract Expressionism Master - Kandinsky

  6. 汉斯·霍夫曼是最早的抽象表现主义艺术家之一。

    Hans Hofmann was the first abstract expressionist artists .

  7. 它大概是抽象表现主义形式的第一个例子。

    Perhaps it was the first example of a form of abstract expressionism .

  8. 语言直接成为本质的显现&对“纯粹美术”和“抽象表现主义”的再认识

    Language directly becomes nature showing & recognize again " unadulterated art " and " abstract expressionism "

  9. 盖里与抽象表现主义

    Gehry and Abstract Expressionism

  10. 这正是波普艺术盛行的年代,抽象表现主义绘画席卷欧美。

    That was the era of popular pop art , and abstract expressionist painting swept Europe and America .

  11. 德库宁是20世纪最伟大的画家之一,抽象表现主义的灵魂人物。

    De Kooning was one of the greatest painter and the soul of the abstract expressionism in the 20th century .

  12. 西方抽象表现主义与中国现代水墨是两种不同的艺术形态,这两种艺术形态都有着各自不同的特点。

    Western abstract expressionism and modern Chinese ink painting are two different art forms . These two forms have different characteristics .

  13. 本文所探讨的表现主义涵盖了德国表现主义、美国抽象表现主义、德国新表现主义等诸多表现主义历史时期。

    The paper includes the German Expressionism , the United States abstract expressionism , the new German Expressionism and so on .

  14. 在西方抽象表现主义风潮与中国文字的灵感启迪中,陈荫罴找到了自己独特的个人风格。

    With the mannerism of Western Abstract Art and his inspiration from Chinese characters , Chann has found his unique style .

  15. “纯粹美术”和“抽象表现主义”事实上都是一种“语言直接成为本质的显现”的绘画艺术。

    In fact , " unadulterated art " and " abstractexpressionism " is a kind of painting art , which can directly turn language into nature showing .

  16. 摘要如果说抽象表现主义绘画是现代艺术最后的辉煌,那么,波普艺术和超级写实主义绘画则预示着当代艺术的转型。

    If the last glory of modem art is the abstract expressionist painting , then , pop art and surrealist painting anticipates the transformation of contemporary art .

  17. 沿着这两条主线,论文试图挖掘美国现代主义艺术在哲学基础上如何获得认同,最终致使抽象表现主义的诞生,引导视觉走向观念。

    Following two main traits to dig how American modern art get acknowledge in the basic of philosophy eventually born abstract expressionism and steering visual to the conceptions .

  18. 怀斯没有选择当时红极一时的抽象表现主义,而是选择了以具象的形象表现抽象意识这样一条艺术道路。

    Wyeth did not select the prevalent abstract expressionism at that time , but chose the way in which the abstract consciousness is represented by the representational figures .

  19. 抽象表现主义作为最早在美国涌现出的现代艺术流派之一,在美国艺术史上有着极其重要的地位。

    Abstract expressionism , as one of the earliest emergence of modern art schools in the United States , has extremely important position in the history of art .

  20. 在抽象表现主义中,根据创作形式的不同,被大致分为了行动绘画与色域绘画两类风格。

    In abstract expressionism , depending on the creation form , has been roughly divided into " action painting " and " color gamut painting " two kind of style .

  21. 由于毕业创作的绘画风格最终定在了抽象表现主义上,所以就着这个契机整理出关于抽象表现主义的脉络。

    Graduated creation of the painting style of the final set in the abstract expressionism , and so on with this opportunity to sort out the context of abstract expressionism .

  22. 同样,在西方艺术中,以泼为创作方式的绘画实践也要到20世纪中叶的抽象表现主义才出现。

    Likewise , in Western art , the drawing practice taking " splash " as the way of creation only appeared in the abstract expressionism in the middle of the 20th century .

  23. 转型期(1979&1992)绘画风格完全向现代主义转变,追求抽象表现主义造型语言、野兽主义抽象化色彩以及超现实主义的画面氛围。

    His artistic style of transition period has completely transferred into modernism art which pursuits the shape of abstract-expressionism , the abstract color of fauvism and the atmosphere of surrealism in painting .

  24. 为了平衡画面中物体、形状以及山水之间的关系,佳佳创造了一种抽象表现主义的绘画风格,即风景与静物的有机融合和交织。

    By balancing out the relationship between objects , shapes , mountains and drips , the artist creates a cross genre painting as abstract painting , landscape and still life are mixed and forced together .

  25. 西方抽象表现主义产生于美国,是西方现代艺术的重要转折点,西方现代艺术的中心从此由巴黎转移到了纽约。

    The Western abstract expressionism deriving form the United States is an important turning point of modern Western art , on which the center of modern Western art transferred from Paris to ' New York .

  26. 但是时代的不同,社会的发展使每个人的想法在不断的更新变化,也有了新的认识,形成了关于浅谈对抽象表现主义的新认识这篇论文。

    Different times and social development so that the idea of everyone constantly updated changes , a new understanding of the formation of the Discussion on " abstract expressionism " new understanding of this paper .

  27. 从19世纪末到20世纪初期表现主义在西方大体上经历了四个阶段,即法国早期表现主义,德国表现主义,美国抽象表现主义和德国新表现主义。

    From the late 19th century to early 20th century expressionism in the West largely through the four stages , namely , the early French Expressionism , German Expressionism , American abstract expressionism and the new German Expressionism .

  28. 表现一词首先出现在1901年在法国巴黎举办的马蒂斯画展上。而它在西方的发展,大致经历了早期的法国和德国的表现主义、美国的抽象表现主义以及德国的新表现主义几个阶段。

    " Expression " first appeared in the Matisse ' art exhibition held in Paris , France , in 1901.Btu its development has experienced the earlier French and German expressionism , the American abstract expressionism and German new expressionism .

  29. 透过对禅学与美国抽象表现主义绘画关系的研究,试图为艺术实践打开一个窗口,透过这个窗口,去探寻禅与艺术实践交渗的无限可能。

    Through the research of relationship between Zen and American abstract paintings , we are trying to open a window for artistic practice , and to explore the infinite possibilities of Zen and art practice in permeability through the window .

  30. 在这里先是对抽象表现主义的理解及代表人物的分析,然后从几种有代表性的艺术流派与抽象表现主义的关系来细致解析,最后深挖抽象表现主义的内涵及重新的认识。

    Understanding of abstract expressionism and the representative of the analysis here first , then the relationship between several representative school of art and abstract expressionism to detailed resolution , and finally ferret out the connotation of abstract expressionism and re-understanding .