
  • 网络conceptualism;Conceptual Art;Idea Art
  1. 2011年,三星(Samsung)推出了一款智能手机。这款手机大得简直像是个笑话、败笔或是向观念艺术的转型。

    In 2011 Samsung unveiled a smartphone so big it looked as if it must have been a joke , a mistake or a turn toward conceptual art .

  2. 论观念艺术对中国油画的影响

    On Influence of Conceptual Art on " Chinese Oil Paintings "

  3. 媒材的变革&90年代中国观念艺术述评

    Transformation of Medium Materials & Review of ' 90 Conceptual Arts in China

  4. 观念艺术与建筑创作中的观念

    Conceptual Art and the Concept of Architecture Creation

  5. 它可以被看作是一种从达达主义中产生的中国版本的观念艺术。

    It can be considered a Chinese derivative of the conceptual art of Dadaism .

  6. 装置艺术具有观念艺术的根源。

    Installation Art has some concept roots .

  7. 观念艺术推进的助动剂

    Concepts the Catalysts for Art Development

  8. 陈劭雄的这些图片作品,源自他今年的一个观念艺术项目“信则有”。

    These photo works by Chen Shaoxiong are inspired by his conceptual art project " Seeing is Believing " .

  9. 大地艺术本是20世纪60年代源于西方的一个艺术流派,它的源头是杜尚的观念艺术,杜尚认为世界和生活的本身就是艺术。

    Land-art is just an art style that based on Marcel Duchamp 's avant-garde art in 20th-century , which believes that life is art .

  10. 与学院写实主义和抽象、观念艺术不同的表现性艺术,范围最广,活力最强。

    Different from the college realism , abstract art and the idea art , expressionism art has the wider scope and the stronger vitality .

  11. 从某种意义上来说,观念艺术可以与后现代艺术直接画上等号,因为它是后现代艺术的最显著特征之一。

    To some extent , conceptual art is identical with post-modern art because it is one of the most remarkable characteristics in post-modern art .

  12. 本文通过装置艺术的应用以及观念艺术的表达来研究实验艺术的观念,并通过我的创作实践来探讨装置艺术的观念表达。

    Through installation art applications to study experimental art , and installation art to explore through my creative practice to avoid ready-made expression of ideas .

  13. 但由于对观念艺术的理解、界定和阐释的模糊,导致了一些问题。

    But the fuzziness of understanding , defining , and explaining conceptual art has caused some problems , which are quite normal in the development .

  14. 他的著述包括关于黑格尔与纳尔逊•古德曼美学、舞蹈、雕塑与公共艺术、观念艺术、文化霸权等方面的论述。

    His publications include writings on Hegel 's and Nelson Goodman 's aesthetics , dance , sculpture and public art , conceptual art , and cultural hegemony .

  15. 这一实践表现在致力于通过对传统符号形体的媒介转换,来探讨传统语言的重新造,作品随后又吸收了观念艺术。

    It was displayed by Zhan Wang 's committing to transforming traditional language through media shift for traditional symbols . Zhan 's works also absorbed conceptual art later .

  16. 这使得观念艺术的意义不断拓宽,它在很多场合代表的是一种艺术的取向,而不仅仅是一个具体的艺术流派的名称。

    This broadens the meaning of " conceptual art ", which represents the tendency of art in many circumstances besides the title of a concrete movement in art .

  17. 从修辞语言的角度切入,当代中国观念艺术最常见的措辞方式主要有重复、戏拟、并置和挪用等诸种。

    From the angle of rhetoric language , the most common rhetoric ways of contemporary Chinese conceptual art include repetition , parody , juxtaposition , diversion and so on .

  18. 20世纪晚期,虽然观念艺术在世界上占据了主流位置,但也不乏一些专门从事传统架上绘画的画家,他们依然活跃在欧洲的各个国家。

    In the late twentieth century , though the Conceptual Art took a mainstream position around the world , there were still some painters working on Traditional Board Paintings .

  19. 中国的当代观念艺术大多经不起推敲,往往是“点子”和“窍门”的取巧,不具优秀艺术“耐人寻味”的审美要求。

    Most of the works can not withstand scrutiny , often playing tricks with shallow ideas , therefore , are unable to meet the esthetical criterions as thought-provoking fine arts .

  20. 此次参加展览的艺术家现在大多依然活跃在抽象观念艺术领域,并且在国内外都享有盛誉。

    Most of the artists participating in the exhibition still play an active role in the field of abstract conceptual art and enjoy high reputation both at home and abroad .

  21. 他所创作的笑脸已成为中国当代艺术的经典,但耿建翌却认为油画限制了自己的艺术创作,从而转向摄影、装置等观念艺术。

    These faces became an iconic image in contemporary Chinese art , but Geng Jianyi felt limited by painting and moved on to investigate photography , installation and conceptual art .

  22. 与此同时新的观念艺术,装置艺术以及新媒体艺术等新的艺术形式开始对传统的架上绘画造成一种威胁。

    At the same time the new concept art , installation art and new media art and other new art form began to cause a threat to the traditional easel painting .

  23. 观念艺术的第一个问题在于哲学有替代艺术的危险性,而更重要的问题还在于它具有假大空的危险。

    The first problem of concept art is there is a risk that philosophy will replace art . The more important one is that concept art may be fake and inane .

  24. 揭示当代各种艺术流派与思想,主要是波普艺术、极简主义艺术、大地艺术、观念艺术在她设计风格形成中所起的重要作用。

    Her art background and practice experience by which to find out how the artistic genre has influenced her design career , especially the pop-art , minimalist art , land art and concept art .

  25. 此时,中国的艺术圈里开始出现新媒体艺术,观念艺术,实验艺术和各种前卫艺术思潮,出现多元复杂的局面。

    At this point , the Chinese art circle began to appear in the new media art , concept art , experimental art and thoughts of avant-garde art , appear the situation of multiple complex .

  26. 试以古代审美观念谈艺术的超越性

    On the Transcendency of Art from Ancient Aesthetic Standard

  27. 现代艺术观念对艺术衡量尺度的贡献&从茨威格谈起

    Contributions of modern artistic idea in weighing art

  28. 与众不同的是其作品是两个透视焦点重合,双重图像重叠的观念化艺术作品。

    Distinguishingly , they are conceptual art works with two superposed focuses and overlapped images .

  29. 材料·观念·艺术语言

    Material , Concept , Art Language

  30. 匠心与诗性&江黎的设计观念与艺术精神评析

    Originality and Poetry & Comment on the Design Conceptions and the Artistic Spirit of Jiang Li