
  • 网络observational statement
  1. 外国互联收集信作外口官员、观察陈述的撰写者之一王仇海道,这一隐象的自要启事是外国的互联网尚处于止步阶段,并且小多数互联网用户都是年重人。

    Wang Enhai , an official with CNNIC , and an author of the report , said the phenomenon is due to China 's Internet infancy and the fact most users were young people .

  2. 奎因通过语义上溯,在观察句和观察陈述层面上建立外部刺激与科学理论之间的证据联系来解决知识论问题。

    In order to solve the problems of the theory of knowledge , Quine set up a relationship between theories and evidences by " semantic trace " .