
kē xué huàn xiǎnɡ
  • science fiction;sci-fi
  1. 但是,科学家正在努力工作,以求使这一切科学幻想成为医学现实。本府本处,亦惟有激励全区民众,继续努力,以求贯彻。

    But scientists are working hard to turn all this sci-fi into medical reality . For their part the Border Region Government and the Rear Headquarters will encourage the people of the whole region to continue their efforts to the very end .

  2. 听起来像是科学幻想,但随着3D打印机的崛起,这正在迅速成为现实。能够通过数字蓝图、多层塑料或其他材料制造物体的设备正快速变成现实。

    It sounds like a sci-fi fantasy , but thanks to the rise of 3-D printers devices that can build objects from digital blueprints , usually by layering plastic or other materials it is rapidly becoming reality .

  3. 如果我们无法在中国使用碳捕捉技术,那么G8在6月份所作的承诺将成为科学幻想。他表示。

    If we cannot implement carbon capturing technology in China , then the G8 promises in June about carbon emissions will be science fiction , he says .

  4. 他的科学幻想小说在美国轰动一时。

    His science fiction was quite a hit in the states .

  5. 从图书馆借来的书不全是科学幻想小说。

    Every book borrowed from the library was not science fiction .

  6. 迄今为止,这面太空镜仍属科学幻想。

    This space mirror is - so far - science fiction .

  7. 科学幻想小说是兴起于现当代西方的一种文类。

    Science Fiction is a literary genre originated in contemporary western countries .

  8. 一篇小说或者一个故事,怎样才能成为科学幻想?

    When does a novel or story become science fiction ?

  9. 这种设想已不是科学幻想。

    The hypothesis no longer belongs to the realm of science fiction .

  10. 说真话,我对科学幻想小说很有乐趣。

    To tell the truth , I 'm rather keen on science fictions .

  11. 他很喜欢看科学幻想小说。

    He 's a great reader of science fiction .

  12. 科学幻想作品里才有真的火星人。

    Martians are real only in science fiction .

  13. 如果科学幻想并不存在,我们还有必要再去发明它吗?

    If science fiction did not exist , would we have to invent it ?

  14. 科学幻想小说是一种新兴的文学类型。

    Science fiction is an emergent literature style , which combined science and fantasy .

  15. 他没有在他充满科学幻想的小说中预言过未来,这是他的坚持。

    He did not predict the future in his copious science fiction , he insisted .

  16. 多利羊诞生之后,克隆就再也不能当作科学幻想而不去认真考虑了。

    After Dolly was born , cloning could no longer be dismissed as science fiction .

  17. 他叫它们社区科学幻想杂志。

    He calls them community zines .

  18. 赫·乔·威尔斯的科学幻想小说的现实意义。

    And ( 3 ) the particular realistic significance of the science fiction of H. G. Wells .

  19. 他所穿的宇宙服,甚至在制成之前,科学幻想小说中就有这个叫法了。

    The space suit he wears had a name in science fiction even before existed in reality .

  20. 这也许就是我们在科学幻想小说里经常读到的那种死光。

    Perhaps this is the " death ray ", which we often read about in science fiction .

  21. 科学幻想画作为科幻题材的视觉文本,其视觉文化表达一直被人们所忽略。

    As visual text of science fiction theme , the visual culture expression of science fiction art has been ignored .

  22. 它将会是增加信心的一票&这些经济城是真实的,而不是科学幻想。

    That would be the vote of confidence that these economic cities are for real and aren 't science fiction .

  23. 本文将着重探讨以下几个问题:(1)科学幻想小说的定义;

    This thesis is mainly focused on the following issues : ( 1 ) The definition of science of science fiction ;

  24. 或者,我们可以去露天影院看两部科学幻想片,如果你想看双片连映的话。

    Or , we can go to the drive-in movie to see two science fiction films if you like double features .

  25. 他对分裂原子特别有兴趣,当时好象这仍然是属于科学幻想的领域。

    He was especially interested in splitting atoms , which at that point seemed still in the realm of science fiction .

  26. 对那些近乎科学幻想的念头,我们应该保持开放,至少是半开放的态度。

    And we should keep our minds open , or at least ajar , to concepts on the fringe of science fiction .

  27. 外骨骼系统一直是漫画书和未来风格电影中不可缺少的元素之一,但现在,它们已不再是一种科学幻想了。

    Exoskeletons have long been a fixture of comic books and futuristic movies , but they aren 't science fiction any more .

  28. 这听起来好像是出自计算机朋克的科学幻想:猴子通过其脑波控制数英里以外的机械手;

    It sounds like something straight out of cyberpunk science fiction : monkeys controlling robot arms miles away through their brain waves ;

  29. 20世纪是世界科学幻想般展示的世纪,文化与时代、科技相结合。

    The 20th century is showing the world as the century of science fiction , culture and age , science and technology combined .

  30. 在二十年里,让数百万的企业大规模生产比邮票还小的强大计算机的想法纯粹是科学幻想。

    A medium-sized company or university might have had one or two computers , while large institutions had at most a few dozen .