
  • 网络Family;disc ipline
  1. 辣椒是一种重要的茄科类蔬菜作物,因其果实营养丰富,特别是维生素C的含量在蔬菜中居第一位而深受人们喜爱。

    Capsicum is an important Solanaceae vegetable crops . It is deeply loved by people , because the fruit nutrient is very rich , especially vitamin C content .

  2. 大学生学习动机存在着显著的性别、年级、不同科类的差异。

    There are significant differences on sex , grade and major .

  3. 高等教育层次和科类结构研究

    A Study on Level and Field Structure of Higher Education

  4. 3种茄科类作物花期西花蓟马种群调查

    Investigation on Population of Western Flower Thrips in Florescence of Three Nightshades

  5. 日本私立高校科类结构的变革与特色

    The transformation and features of discipline structure in Japanese private higher institutions

  6. 附着在岩石等物上的海水或淡水双科类软体动物。

    Marine or freshwater bivalve mollusk that lives attached to rocks etc. .

  7. 985高校招生区域公平之科类探讨

    Regional Enrollment Equity of Disciplines in " 985 " Universities

  8. 人参果属茄科类多年生双子叶草本植物。

    Ginseng is a perennial dicotyledonous herbs Nightshade classes .

  9. 茄科类作物杂草的形状特征研究

    Research on Figure Characters of The Weeds Which Grow Around the Nightshade Crops

  10. 海生双科类软体动物,壳重而带齿,壳内表面深且象船。

    Marine bivalve mollusk having a heavy toothed shell with a deep boat-like inner surface .

  11. 高等教育发展与我国研究生教育科类结构、层次结构关系初探

    On the Relationship between Higher Education and the Structure of Subjects and Levels in Postgraduate Education

  12. 我国高等教育扩张中的科类结构变化分析

    Analysis on the Change of the Disciplinary Structure in the Course of Higher Education Expansion in China

  13. 云南省高等教育科类结构现状分析及调整对策研究

    On Adjustment Countermeasure and Analysis in the Present Situation of Academic Subjects Structure in Yunnan Higher Education

  14. (教育)调整科类结构和专业设置

    Readjust faculties and specialities

  15. 阿卜杜拉国王收集的马科类动物给人印象深刻,多达1000多匹,养在利雅得吉安娜提拉(Janadira)农场的马厩里。

    King Abdullah 's impressive equine collection of over 1000 horses is stabled at Janadira Farm in Riyadh .

  16. 分别在播前浸种处理禾本科类和蔬菜种子,结果表明它们具有促进作物生长及提高免疫力的作用。

    Their growth generating and immunization activity is shown in pre sowing treatment of seeds of vegetables and cereals .

  17. t检验表明,抑郁在性别方面差异显著,焦虑在不同的科类上差异显著。

    T test indicates that depression is prominently different in sex aspect and anxiety realizes in the subjective difference .

  18. 有深色加长壳的海生双科类软体动物;附着在固体特别是潮间带的固体上生活。

    Marine bivalve mollusk having a dark elongated shell ; live attached to solid objects esp. in intertidal zones .

  19. 沉水植物的所属科类及比表面积是决定壳聚糖浸泡液适宜质量浓度的重要因素。

    Species and specific surface area of submersed plants were two key factors to decide the appropriate concentration of chitosan .

  20. 提出了按学校地域、层次、科类专业、办学水平确定高等教育生均成本;

    Setting up tuition standard should be based on the rule of sharing higher education cost according to beneficial and financial status .

  21. 体育锻炼运动量的差异是导致三个科类学生体质产生差异的主要原因。

    Differences in physical activity are the main reason for the difference of physical fitness of the students from three categories above .

  22. 对3种茄科类作物(番茄、辣椒、茄子)花期西花蓟马的种群动态进行了调查。

    The experiment investigated on the population of western flower thrips in florescence of three nightshades ( tomato , capsicum and aubergine ) .

  23. 大学生学习动机的性别、年级、不同科类的差异;大学生专业情感与学习动机的关系。

    General level of learning motivation , difference of sex , grade and major , and professional emotion of college students were observed mainly .

  24. 某些植物科类(包括罂粟科和茄科)的生物碱含量特别丰富。

    Certain plant families , including the poppy family ( Papaveraceae ) and the nightshade family ( Solanaceae ), are particularly rich in them .

  25. 校内、外实践教学基地是高职工科类院校开展实践教学,提高学生实践能力的必备场所。

    In and out school practice teaching base is the necessary place for higher college carrying out practice teaching , improving students practice ability .

  26. 通过高校毕业生结构性失衡的实证分析,本文觉得其症结主要是高等教育层次结构和科类结构的失衡。

    The key to the structural imbalance of the graduates ( level structure and subject structure ) is the adjustment of the structure of higher education .

  27. 根据茄科类作物及其杂草的形状特点,提取其有效的形状特征参数,并用神经网络进行验证。

    The author pick up effective figure character parameters and validate them by nerve net , according to the figure characters of the nightshade crops ahd weeds .

  28. 首先,对西部地区高等教育的层次结构、科类结构、形式结构、区域结构现状做生态分析。

    The thesis demonstrates an ecological analysis on higher education structure in Chinese western region , taking the value of ecology and ecological principles and methods into account .

  29. 从目标方面看,主要是决策者、办学者和国民的目标偏离:从结构方面看,主要是布局结构、层次结构、科类结构与形式结构失衡;

    As for the respect of structure , it mainly analyzes that overall arrangement structure , hierarchical structure , department structure and form structure are out of balance ;

  30. 从国际比较来看,我国女子高等教育在入学机会和层次分布上,与国外尤其是西方发达国家仍有一定差距,在科类分布上则较为均衡。

    From the view of international perspective , there is still a gap in the entrance opportunity and level distribution , compared with the foreign countries , especially the developed world .