
kē huàn xiǎo shuō
  • science fiction
科幻小说[kē huàn xiǎo shuō]
  1. 克隆已经灭绝的生物的想法仍旧只限于科幻小说中。

    The idea of cloning extinct life forms still belongs to science fiction .

  2. 这本小说既非科幻小说亦非哥特派恐怖小说。

    This novel is not science fiction , nor is it Gothic horror .

  3. 科学事实和科幻小说之间的界限变得有点儿模糊了。

    The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy .

  4. 她听了关于科幻小说写作的系列讲座。

    She attended a series of lectures about science fiction writing .

  5. 将自己的卫星送入轨道,这听起来像从科幻小说中直接截取出来的想法。

    Having your personal satellite launched into orbit might sound like an idea straight out of science fiction .

  6. 但这是科幻小说,所以我们可以乐观!

    But this is science fiction , so we can be optimistic !

  7. 阿瑟?C.克拉克是科幻小说作家中的老前辈。

    Arthur C Clarke is the doyen of science-fiction writers .

  8. 听起来或许像科幻小说中的场景,然而这项利用人体DNA中制造胶制品的新科技正吸引着越来越多研究界和工业界人士的关注。

    This may sound like science fiction , yet a new technique for making gelatin from human DNA is attracting increasing interest from research and industrial circles .

  9. 中国作家刘慈欣荣获了2015年最佳科幻小说雨果奖(HugoAward)。

    The Chinese writer Liu Cixin has won the 2015 Hugo Award for best science-fiction novel .

  10. 激光眼是X战警的领导之一。他能够从眼中发射出强大的能量光线,这听起来简直就是科幻小说。

    Cyclops , one of the leaders of the X-Men , shoots a powerful beam of energy from his eyes . This sounds like pure science fiction .

  11. 对上世纪70年代的儿童来说,这些似乎是最具吸引力的选项,那时的英国人酷爱科幻小说、《超人》(Superman)和《神秘博士》(DoctorWho)。

    These seemed the most attractive options for a kid in 1970s Britain who adored sci-fi , Superman and Doctor Who .

  12. 在领先的虚拟现实公司Oculus,新入职人员会收到一本颇受欢迎的科幻小说《一级玩家》(ReadyPlayerOne)。

    At Oculus , a leading virtual reality company , a copy of the popular sci-fi novel " Ready Player One " is handed out to new hires .

  13. 这部小说于4月由英国Sphere出版社出版,正是罗琳《哈利波特》系列小说之后的第一部科幻小说《偶发空缺》的出版商。

    The novel was published in April by Sphere in the UK - the same imprint as her first fiction novel after Harry Potter , The Casual Vacancy .

  14. 但是NASA的探测器,勇气号和机遇号,是我们所具有的与科幻小说上的机器人最相近的东西。

    But the NASA rovers , Spirit and Opportunity , are the closest things we have to the space robots of science fiction .

  15. Soylent之名取自1966年哈里.哈里森(HarryHarrison)的科幻小说《MakeRoom!MakeRoom!》,小说探讨了人口剧增可能给全球资源带来的影响。

    The company takes its name from a 1966 Harry Harrison science-fiction novel Make Room ! Make Room ! , which explores the impact massive population growth could have on world resources .

  16. 微软将在2014年推出XboxOne版的《光晕》游戏,而史蒂夫•斯皮尔伯格将根据科幻小说,为XboxLive拍摄一部《光晕》电视剧。

    Microsoft has its first Xbox one halo game coming in 2014 and Steven Spielberg is developing a live action halo TV series for Xbox Live based on the sci-fi franchise .

  17. 1984年的科学发明是日新月异的,而科学界最具开创性的时刻与乔治·奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)的著名反乌托邦科幻小说无关。

    Science was forever changed in 1984 , and the groundbreaking moment had nothing to do with George Orwell 's famous sci-fi dystopia .

  18. 如今AI最受欢迎的想法是源于科幻小说和电影,我本人就是《星球大战》的超级粉丝。

    Now , most popular views of AI , of course , come from science fiction and the movies , and I 'm personally a big Star Wars fan .

  19. 这是经典的科幻小说故事,有着英国科幻小说大师阿瑟·C·克拉克(ArthurC.Clarke)的风格,刘慈欣说,自己从小就看克拉克的小说。

    It is a classic science-fiction story in the style of the British master Arthur C. Clarke , whose work Mr. Liu says he grew up reading .

  20. 我们总是在讨论太空,最近他在纽约探险者俱乐部(ExplorersClub)的一次会议上说。我喜欢科幻小说,我觉得太空也充满了科幻的感觉。

    We 're always talking about space , he said recently at a meeting of the Explorers Club in New York , and I loved sci-fi and I thought space was it too .

  21. 对于大部分人,短语“时间旅行”会使他们联想到科幻小说:H.G.Wells、StarTrek和某种流行的DeLorean汽车。

    For most people , the words " time travel " bring to mind science fiction : H.G.Wells , Star Trek , and a certain famous DeLorean automobile .

  22. 俄罗斯物理学家维克托·韦谢拉戈(VictorVeselago)于1967年首次在理论上提出设想,物理学家戴维·R·史密斯(DavidR.Smith)领导的研究小组于1999年将理论转变为现实。这种新方法起初被视作科幻小说中提到的稀奇之物,比如隐形披风。

    First theorized in 1967 by the Russian physicist Victor Veselago and invented in 1999 by a group led by the physicist David R. Smith , the new design approach was first seen as a curiosity that hinted at science fiction applications like invisibility cloaks .

  23. 对于Arkin博士的工作和由科幻小说作家IsaacAsimov提出管理机器人行为的著名机器人定律需要相互比较。

    There are comparisons to be made between Dr Arkin 's work and the famous laws of robotics drawn up by Isaac Asimov , a science-fiction writer , to govern robot behaviour .

  24. 其它具有“逃避现实”功效的图书销量也很好。尽管与去年同期相比,今年2月份大部分图书的销量平平或下降,但Borders图书连锁店的发言人称,科幻小说和书名幽默的图书销量有所上升。

    Other escapist literature also has done well : Although most book sales were flat or down in February 2009 from the year before , a spokesperson for the Borders book chain says that science fiction and fantasy were up - as were humor titles . 4 .

  25. 斯蒂芬森在接受BBC采访中表示,他的观点来自亚利桑那州立大学校长迈克尔克罗。这位校长曾在一场未来学的会议上说,科学家和工程师应该为科幻小说提供更多科学依据。

    In an interview with the BBC , Stephenson said he got this idea from president of Arizona State University ( ASU ) Michael Crow , who said at a conference on futurology that science fiction needed to supply ideas that scientists and engineers could actually implement .

  26. 该书由刘宇昆翻译,他同样是一位获奖科幻小说作家,现居美国(两人没有亲属关系)。目前被译为英文的中文科幻小说非常少见,本书将于周二由托尔图书出版社(TorBooks)在美国发行。

    Translated by Ken Liu , an award-winning science-fiction writer in his own right who is based in the United States ( the men are not related ) , it is one of the few Chinese science-fiction novels to be translated into English . It will be released in the United States on Tuesday by Tor Books .

  27. 第一章对科幻小说的形成进行追根溯源。

    The first chapter traces back the origin of science fiction .

  28. 科幻小说:科技时代新的解读方式

    Science Fiction : A New Reading in and against Science Age

  29. 模式匹配技术科幻小说的正误

    Technology of schema matching The Rights and Wrongs of Science Fiction

  30. 哦,是的,科幻小说也很受青睐。

    Oh , yes , science fiction is also largely read .