
  1. 经检验,假说便于全面查找事故原因和预防措施,便于分析和弥补IMO现行安全措施的不足,方便了海上安全学科体系的构建。

    The hypothesis provides an easy way to trace accident causes , to draft preventive measures , to analyze and remedy deficiency in the IMO 's current safety measures . It facilitates the construction of subject system for marine safety .

  2. 如今,德格劳威教授在一篇与人合作撰写的论文中指出,欧洲央行通过所谓“直接货币交易”(omt)收购陷入困境的政府的债券,这一原则决定为人们检验他的假说提供了可能。

    Today , argues Professor de GRAUWE in a co-authored paper , the decision in principle of the ECB to buy up the debt of governments in trouble , through the so-called " outright monetary transactions " ( OMT ) , allows one to test his hypothesis .

  3. 他继续检验各种假说,或加以排除或加以证实。

    He continued testing hypotheses and eliminating them or confirming them .

  4. 我希望利用暑期实习之机进一步检验上述假说。

    I hope to use the summer internship as a means to further test this hypothesis .

  5. 为了检验该假说,我们评估在首次经皮冠脉介入后立即冠状动脉内注射低剂量的链激酶的效果。

    To test this hypothesis , we evaluated the effect of low-dose intracoronary streptokinase administered immediately after primary PCI .

  6. 2001年,列斯特大学的研究者们为了检验这个假说,做了给奶牛播放不同风格音乐的实验。

    In 2001 , University of Leicester researchers decided to test this by exposing dairy cows to different genres of music .

  7. 在一个社会福利最大化模型基础上提出了一个EKC假说的存在条件,并利用我国省际面板数据检验这一假说。

    The existence conditions of an EKC hypothesis is presented in the base of a social welfare maximization model , and using Chinese provincial panel data to test this hypothesis .

  8. 本文检验情状体假说在中国学生的英语过渡语中是否成立。

    Chinese students are often found to have difficulties with the acquisition of English simple past .

  9. 本文利用计划迁移数量决定的计量分析,以及北京市就业保护政策的演变实例检验了上述假说。

    A statistical analysis of determination of planned migration and a case study of employment policy evolution have been utilized to prove above hypothesis .

  10. 围绕着如何解释和检验费雪效应假说,各国学者提出了很多的理论及方法,产生了大量相关的文献。

    Around how to explain and test the ' Fisher Effect Hypothesis ', scholars from various countries proposed a lot of theories and methods and produce a large number of relevant documents .

  11. 前期研究多通过比较上市公司在不同融资约束程度下的投资&现金流敏感性差异,来检验融资约束假说。

    Previous research are focus on the difference between investment-cash flow sensitivity by comparing the listed companies under the different levels of financing constraints in order to test the financing constraints hypothesis .

  12. 因此,本研究旨在检验投入量假说在附带词汇习得上的有效性,为投入量假说提供有力实证。

    Therefore , the first aim of this study was to explore the efficacy of the involvement load on the effectiveness of different vocabulary learning tasks , and thus provide further empirical evidence to the Involvement Load Hypothesis .

  13. 化学实验是现代科学研究中,认识主体获得直接的感性经验和事实材料的根本途径和重要手段,是检验和发展假说的实践基础,是使化学科学知识达到真理标准的方法。

    Chemistry experiment is a fundamental way and an important means that perceptual experience and facts are obtained by recognizing principal part in modern scientific research . It is a practical base of developing hypothesis and also a way of making chemistry scientific knowledge reach true standard .

  14. 本研究在控制相关变量下,采用OLS经验检查自由现金流量和审计费用之间的关系,从审计费用视角检验自由现金流量假说和债务控制假说。

    After controlling for related variables , the study applies OLS to examine empirically the relationship between free cash flow and audit fees test the free cash flow hypothesis and debt control hypothesis from audit fees perspective .

  15. 研究者们在对老鼠的一些列实验中检验了他们的假说。

    They tested their hypothesis in a series of experiments on mice .

  16. 由总体抽选出来以检验对总体的假说的样本。

    Items selected from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population .

  17. 一家和我有交道的零售商似乎阴差阳错地检验了这条假说。

    A retailer with which I 'm involved appears to be testing this hypothesis by default .

  18. 本文从中国上市公司进入新行业这一全新视角检验了管理能力假说与管理保护假说。

    The paper tests the hypotheses of managerial entrenchment and managerial abilities based on diversifying entry of listed companies in China .

  19. 因此,我们有机会利用汉语被试的实验数据来检验这些理论和假说。

    Therefore we are able to make use of this opportunity to check these hypotheses against data we collect in Chinese subjects .

  20. 首先,评估了量表的信度和效度;然后,通过验证性因子分析确认本研究中涉及的3个同源变量之间的区别;最后,采用回归分析法检验了本文的假说。

    First , the reliability and validity of the scales were assessed . Then , differences between the 3 variables which this research involves were confirmed through the confirmative factor analysis .

  21. 基于增发事件研究对我国股票市场半强式有效实证检验分析有效市场假说把市场有效性分成三个层次:弱式有效、半强式有效和强式有效。

    Empirical Analysis to Semi-Strong Form Efficiency of Chinese Stock Market Based on the Event Study of SEOs Answers to these questions exist in the test of the Efficient Market Hypothesese ( EMH ) .

  22. 现在,一项针对手机通话的研究试图检验邓巴教授的假说——即我们的感情亲密度是像俄罗斯套娃那样分层分布的——进而帮助理解我们如何给自己的社交关系分层。

    Now a study of mobile phone calls has attempted to test Prof Dunbar 's hypothesis about our Russian doll-like shells of emotional intimacy , providing insight into how we stratify our social connections .

  23. 同时运用我国22家商业银行的数据,检验了市场力量假说和有效结构假说,结果发现这两种假说在我国银行业均不成立。

    Furthermore , the paper uses the data of 22 banks to test market power hypothesis and efficient structure hypothesis . The results show that the two hypothesizes is rejected in Chinese banking industry .

  24. 自然科学领域的检验主要是针对假说的检验,而社会科学领域的检验则强调事实检验和价值检验的统一。

    The test in the realm of natural science is mainly aimed at the test of the scientific hypotheses , while that in the realm of social science stresses the unity of the test about the truth and value .

  25. 买主拒收货物,随后寄上密封样本与检验报告。由总体抽选出来以检验对总体的假说的样本。

    Buyer refuse gawk delivery sealed sample survey report following . items selected from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population .