
jiǎn chá diǎn
  • Checkpoints;check point;checking point
检查点[jiǎn chá diǎn]
  1. cyClinD可以促使细胞通过检查点(CheckPoint),进入自主分裂程序。

    Cyclin D may enforce cell cycle through the check point and cause independent cell division .

  2. Vogels提到使用实时定价的四种架构:map-reduce、数据网格软件、队列以及检查点恢复软件。

    Vogels mentioned four types of architectures making use of Spot : map-reduce , data grid software , queues , and check point restore software .

  3. 这也就是一个检查点(check)和检查(checking)的区别。

    That is the difference between a check and checking .

  4. 基于Linux内核的进程检查点系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Process Checkpointing System Based on Linux Kernel

  5. 在次要服务器上完成检查点处理之后,次要服务器会进入排出模式(drainmode)。

    When checkpoint processing at the secondary completes , secondary goes to drain mode .

  6. 大肠癌细胞周期G1/S期检查点调控的研究进展

    The Advances of Checkpoint G_1 / S in The Cell Cycle Regulator of Colorectal Carcinoma

  7. 基于Linux内核的进程检查点技术研究

    Research of Process Checkpoint Technology Based on Linux Kernel

  8. DNA损伤试剂对HeLa细胞的细胞周期检查点的影响

    Effect of DNA Damage Agents on Cell Cycle Checkpoints of HeLa Cells

  9. 传统化疗药正定霉素(DR)处理可使其细胞周期检查点蛋白上调。

    Traditional chemotherapeutics such as DR treatment can activate the cell cycle checkpoint .

  10. Michael一定程度上也同意这个观点,他认为仅仅检查点(check)本身是很微不足道的。

    Michael agreed to this to some extent when he mentioned that a check in itself is relatively trivial .

  11. 基于相互独立检查点的MPI消息日志系统

    The system of MPI message logging based on relatively independent checkpoint

  12. Unix进程检查点设置关键技术

    Key Techniques for Unix Process Checkpointing

  13. 支持网格环境下MPI程序迁移的检查点机制

    A Checkpoint / Restart Mechanism for MPI Application Migration in Grid Environments

  14. 这意味着只有在SD服务器中的检查点完成后,主服务器中的检查点才能完成。

    This means a checkpoint at the primary server completes only after the checkpoint at the SD server completes .

  15. 基于检查点和Rejuvenation的软件可靠性建模分析

    Analysis of Software Reliability Modeling on Checkpointing and Rejuvenation

  16. 多种细胞机制功能障碍将导致染色体不稳定性,包括染色体分离、DNA损伤反应、细胞周期检查点、端粒功能等。

    Several factors , such as defects in chromosome segregation and DNA damage response , failure of cell cycle checkpoint , telomere dysfunction , may cause chromosomal instability .

  17. 研究了一种基于PVM的交错一致检查点算法。

    This paper presents a staggered consistent checkpointing based on PVM .

  18. Solaris系统多线程检查点设置与卷回恢复

    A Transparent Checkpointing and Rollback Recovery for Multithreaded Programs under Solaris

  19. p53蛋白参与了细胞周期检查点和DNA修复等多种生命活动中,在维护基因组完整性中发挥重要的作用。

    Tumor suppressor protein p53 plays a critical role in the maintenance of genomic stability , participating in many cellular processes such as cell cycle checkpoints and DNA repair .

  20. 当发出“AlterTablespacetsnameEndBackup”时,在联机备份数据文件的的文件头中再次记录了检查点SCN。

    When Alter Tablespace ts_name End Backup is issued , again a checkpoint SCN is recorded at the headers of online backup data files .

  21. 氧化应激性DNA损伤精子体外受精后胚胎细胞在第一次有丝分裂细胞周期启动了G2/M检查点。

    1-cell mouse embryos in vitro fertilized with DNA-damaged sperm induced by oxidative stress activates the of G2 / M cell cycle checkpoint to delay the progress of the first mitotic cell cycle .

  22. 利用检查点机制在PVM中实现进程迁移

    Implementing process migration in PVM with checkpointing

  23. 基于PVM的准同步检查点设置方法

    Method for PVM-based quasi - synchronous checkpointing

  24. JavaBatch,提供了一个批处理容器服务,集成了批处理编程模型,同时提供了一些管理功能,如任务定义、任务状态、检查点与重启等等。

    Java Batch , which provides a batch container service that integrates a batch programming model with administration functions such as job definition , job status , checkpoint and restart .

  25. 基于PVM的协调检查点设置关键技术

    Key Techniques for PVM-Based Coordinated Checkpointing

  26. 为了避免阻塞检查点,我们支持在HDR次要节点上暂存日志。

    To avoid blocking checkpoints , we enable log staging at HDR secondary nodes .

  27. 在基于Linux检查点机制的Apache服务器进程迁移过程中,实现了打开文件状态的一致性恢复。

    In the process migration of Apache server based on the checkpoint mechanism of Linux , the restoration of opened files ' state to consistency is implemented .

  28. 在异步模式下,只有检查点在主服务器和HDR备用服务器之间是同步的。

    In asynchronous mode , only checkpoints are synchronized between the primary and HDR secondary .

  29. Unix进程的检查点设置是实现分布/并行系统容错、重播调试、进程迁移、系统模拟和作业切换等功能的基础。

    Unix process checkpointing is the basis for distributed / parallel system fault tolerance , replay debugging , process migration , job swapping and system simulation .

  30. AWS提出四种架构风格,可以作为容纳潜在中断风险的解决方案,包括:Map/Reduce、Grid、基于队列的、以及基于检查点(Checkpoint)的架构。

    AWS points out four architectural styles that accommodate solutions with potential for interruption including Map / Reduce , Grid , Queue-based and Checkpoint-based architectures .