
  • 网络Lampedusa Island
  1. 他想见见兰佩杜萨岛的百姓们,同时感谢他们,

    He wanted to meet the people of Lampedusa and thank them for their ,

  2. 据估计在过去15年里已经有25000人从北非到兰佩杜萨岛的途中失去了生命。

    By some estimates 25000 people have lost their lives in the last 15 years also , making their way from North Africa to Lampedusa .

  3. 这艘船因严重超载,在兰佩杜萨岛以南104公里海域发生倾覆事故,马耳他在该海域承担搜寻和救援的职责。

    The heavily overloaded boat capsized some 104 kilometers south of Lampedusa , in waters where Malta has search and rescue responsibilities .

  4. 法国指责意大利该协议,为抵达意大利兰佩杜萨岛的北非移民发放临时签证。

    France has accused Italy of abusing the accord by granting temporary visas to North African migrants arriving on the Italian island of Lampedusa .

  5. 意大利海岸警卫队员今天早前从一艘在兰佩杜萨岛附近搁浅的难民船上救下了船上所有的528名乘客。

    Italian coast guards earlier today rescued all 528 passengers from a boat that ran aground as it was approaching the port of Lampedusa in the night .

  6. 当教皇快走到兰佩杜萨岛港口时,他向水中抛花圈并为已逝之人祈福。

    As he approached the port of the Lampedusa , he made a reef of flowers in the water and said a prayer for the people who have died .

  7. 周五,一艘载有约250名非洲移民的船只在马耳他和意大利兰西西里岛之间水域发生倾覆事故,造成大约50人死亡,其中包括10名儿童,一周前,意大利兰佩杜萨岛附近曾发生一起沉船事故,造成300多人死亡。

    Some 50 people , including 10 children , have died after a boat carrying some 250 African migrants capsized on Friday in waters between Malta and Italy 's Sicily , a week after a shipwreck left more than 300 people dead near the Italian island of Lampedusa .