
  • 网络Grey List;gray list;greylist;Greylisting
  1. 巴拿马已经做出一些改变以回应金融行动特别工作组(FinancialActionTaskForce)的批评。金融行动特别工作组是一家打击金融犯罪行为的国际监管机构,在去年6月将巴拿马列入其反洗钱高风险国家的“灰名单”。

    Panama has already made some changes in response to criticism from the Financial Action Task Force , the international financial crimes watchdog , which put the country on its " grey list " of anti-money laundering high-risk countries in June .

  2. 但今年2月该机构表示,巴拿马在反洗钱和反恐怖融资制度方面“取得了重要进展”,因此将其移出灰名单。

    It was removed in February after the FATF said it recognised Panama had " made significant progress " in improving its regime to combat money laundering and terrorist financing .

  3. 瑞士近期的良好表现无疑与两年前面临的尴尬局面有关。当时,经济合作与发展组织将其列入了避税天堂的灰名单,因为这些避税场所不符合国际透明度标准。

    The recent show of good behavior is surely tied to Switzerland 's deep embarrassment two years ago when the OECD put it on a " gray list " of tax havens that failed to meet international transparency standards .