
  • 网络Bound checking;Boundary Check
  1. 静态声明的数组的边界检查

    Bounds checking of statically declared arrays

  2. 定义事件处理程序,并在该事件处理程序中编写代码,以便对出生日期执行边界检查。

    Define the event handler , and write the code inside of it to perform bounds checking on the birth date .

  3. 作为一个类型安全程序语言,Java要求对每次数组访问提供边界检查。

    As a type-safe program language , Java requires bounds checks of array accesses .

  4. 由于C语言允许通过指针进行间接内存访问,但并不进行边界检查,因此可能存在缓冲区溢出。

    The C language allows indirect access memory location by pointer without boundary check , which may cause buffer overflow .

  5. PCC中数组边界检查的优化和生成

    Optimization and Creation for Array Bound Check in Proof Carrying Code

  6. 一个重要的原因就是C/C++允许通过指针进行间接内存访问但没有缓冲区边界检查和提供了大量对缓冲区可能存在不安全操作的库函数,在Windows操作系统中也存在类似的函数。

    One of the most important reasons is that C allow indirect memory access by pointer without boundary check and provide many unsafe functions which may cause buffer overflow . Meanwhile , there are such functions in Windows operating system .

  7. 例如,OSR有时候无法提升循环、消除数组边界检查或解开循环(参见参考资料)。

    For instance , OSR sometimes cannot do loop-hoisting , array-bounds check elimination , or loop unrolling ( see Resources ) .

  8. PCC的数组边界检查存在着由于无法确定数组下标表达式符号值的范围,而造成拒绝执行一些安全的移动代码等问题。

    Some of the safe mobile codes may be rejected to execute , since there is no way to verify statically that the symbol range value of an array subscript expression in PCC .

  9. 对切除的肿瘤标本进行外科边界检查。

    The resected specimens were checked carefully to mark their surgical margin .

  10. 翻译是磁盘容量是不相符。的设置“边界检查”。

    Disk capacity is mismatched with the setting of " Boundary Check " .

  11. 上位机软件具有防止人为误操作、数据边界检查、权限限制、系统数据备份和软件实现双机热备用等功能。

    Master computer software can avoid human-initiated-failure , check data border , limit authority , backup system data and start backup computer by software etc.

  12. 这就是为什么您应当始终支持执行边界检查的系统(检查可由您或者编译器和运行时执行)的原因。

    That 's why you should always support a system that does bounds checking , either by you or by the compiler and runtime .

  13. 该方法通过分析程序的逻辑结构试图发现所有可能的缓冲区,对这些缓冲区的访问进行跟踪,并插入必要的边界检查代码。

    This approach analyzes the program logic structure in order to find all potential buffers , track their access , and insert necessary bound checking code .

  14. 通过加入和企业应用相关的性能指标,完善错误检测和边界检查机制等方法对这套模型进行了扩展,使其具有更多动态资源分配的高级功能。

    By adding application specified performance indicators , complete error handling mechanism and edge detection mechanism to extend this model , it can be used with more advanced functions of dynamic resource allocation .

  15. 我们的方法基于这一事实把边界检查限定在只和外部输入相关的缓冲区,这样就节省了很多代码插入和需要保存的缓冲区边界信息从而具有较低的时间和空间开销。

    Our idea is based on this observation to bounds check only input-related buffers so that it can save much code instrumentation and bounds checking meta-data , and so it has low time and space overhead .

  16. 依据这些信息,对攻击行为执行缓冲区边界检查,栈边界检查,返回地址保护和跳转指令检查,在缓冲区溢出攻击流程的关键节点拦截攻击,增强系统运行过程中的安全性。

    Based on these information , make the attack code accepts the buffer boundary check , stack boundary check , return address check and jump instruction check , intercept attacks on the key nodes of buffer overflow attacks , enhance system dynamic security .

  17. 类似的结果存在时的所有期货有效的边界进行检查,以的基准投资组合有效前沿的跨越。

    Similar results exist when the efficient frontier of all futures is examined for spanning by the efficient frontier of benchmark portfolio .

  18. 通过考虑组件在应用程序结构内的主要使用情况,可以更为恰当地确定数据有效性检查的位置&例如,仅在受管理的信任边界进行检查。

    Considering the primary uses of components within application structures leads to more appropriate placement of data validity checking & for example , only at managed trust boundaries .

  19. 堆栈溢出利用程序中边界条件检查的不严谨,在修改某个堆栈上的局部变量的过程中,同时完成注入攻击代码和更改程序运行流程的任务。

    This kind of attacks is generally achieved by the carelessness of border condition check through modifying the process of local variables in stack to inject attack codes and thus change the operation procedure of program .

  20. 详细讨论和分析了由于C/C++语言不进行数组和指针的边界越界检查造成缓冲区、堆栈溢出的原理、要素、以及对系统造成的危害。

    The paper discusses and analyzes the principle , main factors of stack and array overflow and its harm to the system resulted from that the C / C ~ ( + + ) do not check whether the array and pointer boundary overflow .

  21. 在共同边界逐步取消检查的申根协定

    Schengen Agreement on the Gradual Abolition of Checks at their Common Borders

  22. 其中一些条款已经付诸实施,包括国家情报总监的设立,加紧陆地边界地区的检查和打击恐怖融资。

    Some of them have been implemented , including the creation of a director of national intelligence , tightening land border screening and cracking down on terror financing .

  23. 附面层[边界层]空气检查边缘:悬垂边缘必须位于台面界面以内。

    Boundary - layer air Check the edge - the edge overhang should be consistent throughout the perimeter of the countertop .

  24. 例如,一个接受过一定培训、有一定积极性的程序员可以很好地找到边界条件,并且检查每一个等价类是否都处理了。

    For example , a reasonably trained , reasonably motivated programmer can do a perfectly fine job finding boundary conditions and checking whether each known equivalence class is handled .