
  • 网络Border conflicts;Kargil War;a border conflict;a border clash
  1. 中国渴望获得更多的缅甸资源,包括天然气,但担心缅甸军方和少数民族武装分子间停火中断可能引发的边境冲突。

    China is keen to win greater access to Burma 's resources , including its gas , but worries about border conflicts should ceasefires between the army and ethnic militias break down .

  2. 该委员会于12月10日发布了最新报告《2030年全球趋势:不一样的世界》(GlobalTrends2030:AlternativeWorlds),其中涉及跨边境冲突、恐怖主义和区域经济崩溃等诸多话题。

    Its newest report , issued on December 10th and called global trends 2030 : alternative worlds , covers many topics from cross-border conflict to terrorism to regional economic collapse .

  3. 1980年,JN1105A参加中国-越南边境冲突而且在压制越南军队指挥&控制和通信网络上扮演了重要的角色。

    The JN1105A took part in the1980s China-Vietnam border conflict and played important roles in the electronic warfare to suppress Vietnamese Army command & control and communications networks .

  4. 报上有关边境冲突的报导有倾向性。

    The newspaper stories on the border clash were slanted .

  5. 苏拉培准将说,他不知道什么时候边境冲突终将结束。

    Saw Lah Pwe said he doesn 't know when the border clashes will end .

  6. 这是自四年前的黎巴嫩战争以来最为严重的边境冲突。

    It was the most serious border clash since the Lebanon War four years ago .

  7. 我觉得他的意思是南北朝鲜原本就有边境冲突,原本挨不着我们什么事儿。

    I think what he 's saying is that N.and S.Korea have boarder disputes , which are really none of our business .

  8. 此外,由于水资源储备迅速枯竭,中国与印度的边境冲突可能很快会由于在喜马拉雅水系问题上的针锋相对而白热化。

    Also , because of rapidly depleting water reserves , the border conflict with India could soon fuse with fierce rivalry over Himalayan rivers .

  9. 总体来看,为平息这场由领土争端引发的边境冲突,柬方采取的策略是求助于联合国和东盟。

    Overall , to quell the border conflict triggered by a territorial dispute , the policy adopted by the Cambodian side is turned to the United Nations and ASEAN .

  10. 在中苏这两个昔日盟友长期的不和以后(这包括1973年在黑龙江边发生的边境冲突),中苏关系那时也只是刚刚开始解冻。

    Relations with the Soviet Union were only just starting to thaw after a long falling-out between the two former allies that had included border skirmishes along the Amur in1973 ;

  11. 年,中国与邻国在云南麻栗坡老山、者阴山一带爆发了边境冲突。一批军队作家到前线采访,我在其中。

    In1984 , armed conflicts occurred on the Mountain Lao , Mountain Zheyin along the Sino-Vietnamese border . I was one of the PLA writers who went to the frontline .

  12. 双方军队在边境的冲突引发了战争。

    A border clash between the two armies started the war .

  13. 维和任务代理负责人已经亲自到达事发地点,深切担忧这次边境小冲突会引发更广泛的冲突。

    The acting head of the force has himself gone to the site , reflecting deep concerns that the border skirmish could trigger a wider conflict .

  14. 吴登盛在任金三角总司令期间因反泰立场而建立起了良好名声,因为他发现了一些泰国军队挑起的边境小冲突。

    During his time as the Triangle Region Commander , Thein Sein developed a reputation of being anti-Thai because a number of border skirmishes with Thai troops occurred on his watch .

  15. 而随着越来越多的边境小规模冲突,和这篇文章建议将印度分成30块,事情变得更加复杂。

    And with the growing border skirmishes , and articles which proposes to break India in to30 pieces , things become much more complicated .

  16. 联合国仍将在这里部署数千名维和人员。现在仍然担忧南北双方军队在石油丰富的边境地区发生冲突。

    Thousands of UN peacekeepers will still have to be deployed here , and there are fears of clashes between northern and southern troops along that oil-rich border .

  17. 伊朗在德黑兰主持与两个饱受战争摧残的邻国-巴基斯坦和阿富汗的高层会谈,旨在结束边境地区的冲突事件。

    Afghan , Pakistani , Iranian Presidents Meet in Tehran Iran is a high-profile summit of two key war-torn neighbors , Pakistan and Afghanistan , to put an end to conflicts that along its borders .

  18. 苏丹南北双方在边境地带发生激烈冲突,联合国称其四名维和人员在此次冲突中受伤。

    The UN says four of its peacekeepers in Sudan have been wounded in a tense border region between the north and the south of the country .

  19. 八月中旬,缅甸政府向民族武装伸出橄榄枝,在克钦邦等边境地区停止持续冲突。

    Their comments come after the Myanmar government extended an olive branch to ethnic armies last week to end ongoing fighting in border areas like Kachin state .

  20. 所以当来到达尔福尔地区的时候,我们真能相信就算我们不采取任何行动来改变这种状况,在苏丹边境上的暴力冲突也会停止吗?

    So when we come to Darfur , do we really believe that if we do not act to change this situation , the violence will stop at the borders of Sudan ?

  21. 同时,美国国防部长查克·哈格尔对国会表示,五角大楼计划从陆军总部派遣士兵前往约旦,帮助遏制约旦与叙利亚边境附近的暴力冲突。

    Meanwhile , US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel talks Congress that the Pentagon is sending soldiers from its Army headquarters unit to Jordan to help contain violence along that country 's border with Syria .

  22. 越南还先后在广西和云南边境与中国边境军官发生多次武装冲突,并最终导致中越边境战争的爆发以及此后持续长达十年之久的中越边境的武装冲突。

    Vietnam also worked in Guangxi and Yunnan border with China on many occasions border officers armed conflict , and eventually led to the outbreak of the Sino-Vietnamese border war and the subsequent armed conflict last up to ten years of Sino-Vietnamese border .

  23. 随着中越经济的飞速发展和中越边境贸易的繁荣,中越边境无线电频率冲突日益严重,必须采取行之有效的措施进行边境频率协调。

    With the rapid development of Sino-Vietnamese economy , the border trade are becoming more prosperity , so that the radio frequencies conflict in the Sino-Vietnamese border are increasingly seriously , we must take effective measures for the border frequency coordination .