
  • 网络Poitier;PIS;Diane de Poitiers
  1. 在百年战争中,英格兰的弓箭手们使用长弓,在克雷西战役、普瓦捷战役和阿让库尔战役中都发挥了重要的作用。

    English archers used longbows in the Hundred Years'War , and the weapon played an important role in the Battles of Crecy , Poitiers , and Agincourt .

  2. 在旅游和普瓦捷期间,一个军队的法兰克人和勃艮第人以查理马特尔的力量打败了倭马亚哈里发,现在战斗的地方下落不明。

    Fought somewhere , now precisely unknown , between Tours and Poitiers , an army of Franks and Burgundians under Charles Martel defeated the forces of the Umayyad Caliphate .