
  • 网络OPC;NSC;concrete;normal concrete;normal-strength concrete
  1. 试验结果表明,GBC混凝土的干缩小于普通混凝土,抗裂性能高于普通混凝土.GBC具有较好的抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能。

    Results show that the GBC concrete has lower dry shrinkage and higher anti-crack property than that of OPC , that the GBC mortar has better resistance to sulfate attack , and that the GBC concrete has excellent ability to resist erosion of chloride ion with a low diffusion coefficient .

  2. 矿渣混凝土的抗冻融耐久性明显优于同等级的普通混凝土;

    The freeze thaw durability of GGBS concrete is much better than the same strength OPC concrete .

  3. 关于厦门地区《普通混凝土配合比设计规程》中回归系数αa、αb值的确定

    Selection of the value of regressive coefficient α _a 、α _b in 《 Regulation of Common Concrete Mix Design 》 in Xiamen area

  4. 钢纤维混凝土(steelfiberreinforcedconcrete,SFRC)是一种现代的新型混凝土,它是在普通混凝土中掺入乱向分布的钢纤维后所形成的一种多相复合材料。

    Steel fiber reinforced concrete ( SFRC ) is a kind of new-type concrete , it is in the ordinary concrete adding to the confusion of steel fiber distribution after form a multiphase composite materials .

  5. 高性能混凝土(HPC)比普通混凝土(OPC)的抗渗透性能要好。

    The anti-chloride ion permeability of the high performance concrete ( HPC ) is better than that of the plain concrete ( OPC ) .

  6. 通过建立神经网络中使用最广泛的BP网络模型,预测普通混凝土、高强混凝土等多种混凝土强度。

    By establishing BP neural network model that is widely applied in all kinds of the neural networks , the strength of common concrete and high strength concrete can be forecasted , and so on .

  7. 但是由于RPC材料的造价昂贵,一般都是普通混凝土的十倍以上,因此在工程中难以推广。

    Because the cost of RPC is ten times expensive than the ordinary concrete , so is hard to promote this new materials in engineering field .

  8. 分析结果表明:无论哪种龄期,PVA纤维混凝土梁的韧性要比普通混凝土梁高,且随纤维含量的增加而增大;

    The result indicates : the toughness of PVA fiber concrete beams is higher than common concrete in any concrete ages , and increasing with PVA fiber volume ratios increasing .

  9. 但是,FRP筋是弹性体,到达抗拉极限强度时突然断裂,用于普通混凝土梁时,没有屈服点和塑性阶段,会发生脆性破坏。

    However , as a type of elastic material , its sudden rupture without any yielding point or plastic property in the ultimate stage of tension will cause the unexpected failure of flexural members .

  10. 通过多次的实弹试验,验证了公式的可靠性,得到了RPC的抗侵彻能力是普通混凝土的3倍的结论。

    The reliability of the formulae is proved by repeated test , and a conclusion is gained that the anti-penetrating ability of RPC is three times as that of general concrete .

  11. 对高性能混凝土(HPC)在经历不同的高温和冷却制度后的剩余力学性能及其相应的孔结构进行了测定,并与普通混凝土(NC)的测试结果进行了对比。

    Residual mechanical property and the corresponding pore structure of high performance concrete ( HPC ) after being subjected to different high temperatures and cooling regimes were studied and compared with normal concrete ( NC ) .

  12. 用RPC代替普通混凝土用在钢混组合结构中可以进一步增加承载力,提高抗裂性能,使得景观桥更加灵巧,新颖。

    RPC instead of ordinary concrete used in the steel-concrete composite structures can further increase the carrying capacity and improve the crack resistance . That making landscapes Bridge is becoming more nimble and innovative .

  13. 基于给定的耐久性失效准则,结合相关影响因素的统计概率分布,通过MonteCarlo随机模拟,开展氯盐环境下普通混凝土结构的可靠性分析。

    Based on the given durability failure criterion , in conjunction with the relevant statistical probability distribution of influencing factors , the reliability analysis of ordinary concrete structure was conducted in the chloride environment through the Monte Carlo random simulation .

  14. 纵然高性能混凝土(HPC)克服了普通混凝土的许多缺点,兼具高工作性、高抗压强度与高耐久性,但仍存在韧性低、抗裂性差等问题。

    High performance concrete with high strength , high workability and high durability has overcome a lot of shortcomings of normal concrete , but it still has low toughness and low crack resistance .

  15. 目前,国内外的试验研究大多限于普通混凝土桥墩以及高强混凝土桥墩,对于RPC箱型桥墩的抗震性能研究甚少。

    Up to now , seismic performance of RPC box piers has been rarely studied , while most of studies in China and abroad are limited to normal concrete piers and high-strength concrete box piers .

  16. 通过对试验数据的分析,分别建立了与普通混凝土相衔接的CFRP与SFRC有效粘结长度以及极限粘结力的计算公式,计算结果与试验结果一致性较好。

    Based on the experimental data , formulas for calculating the ultimate bond strength and critical bond length of CFRP-to-SFRC , which link up to those of CFRP-to-concrete , are proposed , and the calculated results are agreement well with the results measured .

  17. CRCP消除了普通混凝土路面的横向接缝,具有行车舒适性好,承载能力高,使用寿命长,养护维修少等显著优点。

    With the exclusion of transverse expansion or contraction joints of Portland Concrete Pavement , CRCP has more advantages including better riding quality , higher bearing capacity , longer service life and less maintenance work .

  18. F.C材料是一种新型筑路材料,与普通混凝土相比,具有良好的物理力学性能。

    C is a new kind of pavement material . Compared with concrete , F. C has many good physical and mechanical property .

  19. SCLC的抗渗性能和抗碳化能力要优于普通混凝土,但其在自然条件下的干缩值要大于普通混凝土。

    The properties of SCLC , such as anti-carbonization , permeability resistance , are better than those of ordinary performance concrete , but its dry shrinkages value will be bigger than that of ordinary performance concrete in the natural surroundings .

  20. 综合考虑了最高受热温度和冷却方式,对普通混凝土(C35)与高强混凝土(C60)高温后抗压强度及高温粘结性能差异进行比较研究。

    The article compared the difference between normal concrete ( C35 ) and high-strengh concrete ( C60 ) in compressive strength and bond properties with the influence of the highest temperature and cooling methods .

  21. 应用显式动力有限元程序,对Φ37mm弹丸冲击侵彻普通混凝土及钢纤维混凝土问题进行了数值模拟分析。

    Kinetic energy projectile (Φ 37mm ) penetrating normal concrete and steel fiber reinforced concrete ( SFRC ) targets are simulated by the finite element method .

  22. 试验表明,对于非预应力混凝土配筋梁,LC45轻骨料混凝土构件的开裂荷载及破坏荷载分别高于C45普通混凝土构件;

    From the test we known : for nonprestressed distributed steel beam , lightweight aggregate concrete beam 's cracking load and failing load all larger than normal concrete beam .

  23. 针对自密实轻骨料混凝土(SCLC)的力学性能与普通混凝土力学性能的差异,采用常规混凝土力学性能的试验方法,对SCLC的力学性能进行研究,得出了SCLC的一般力学性能结论。

    Directed against the differences in mechanical properties of self-compacting lightweight aggregate concrete ( SCLC ) and ordinary concrete , adopting ordinary testing ways in mechanical properties of concrete , the authors study mechanical properties of SCLC and draw the conclusions on mechanical conclusions of SCLC .

  24. 利用碳纤维水泥基(CFRC)材料的电热效应,通过对埋置于普通混凝土梁中的CFRC材料通电加热后产生的热膨胀可以实现对混凝土梁应变或挠度变形的主动调节和控制。

    Based on the Joule heating effect of carbon fiber-reinforced cement ( CFRC ) based materials , the strain or deflections of normal concrete beams can be actively adjusted and controlled by heating up the CFRC to thermal expansion , which is validated by an experimental study .

  25. 通过对主跨为120m的连续刚构桥分别采用普通混凝土和轻质高强混凝土进行试设计,对上部结构几何尺寸、预应力筋配束等进行优化,并对结构优化与经济指标进行对比分析。

    Respectively using common concrete and high-strength light-weight concrete , a continuous rigid frame bridge with main span of 120 m is tried to design , their geometry dimensions of superstructure and setting style of prestressed bars are optimized , and the structure optimization and the economic index analyzed .

  26. 为研究钢纤维混凝土与普通混凝土抗弹丸侵彻性能的异同之处,利用别列赞公式对Φ37mm弹丸侵彻两种混凝土靶弹道试验数据进行了拟合、分析。

    In order to study the anti-penetration properties of steel fiber reinforced concrete ( SFRC ) and normal concrete , the data of penetration ballistic experiments of the two materials were analyzed using the experiential formula and compared with each other .

  27. 双掺法在低强普通混凝土上的应用

    Application of adding two sorts of admixture to low-strength ordinary concrete

  28. 试论普通混凝土配合比中原材料的选择

    On raw materials ' selection in mix proportion of ordinary concrete

  29. 碳纤维塑料筋普通混凝土梁的试验研究

    Test Research on ordinary concrete beam with carbon fiber plastic bar

  30. 普通混凝土、高强混凝土与高性能混凝土

    Ordinary concrete , high strength concrete and high performance concrete