
  • 网络pristina;Prishtina
  1. 莫斯科支持贝尔格莱德的立场,而美国已经宣布支持普里什蒂纳。

    Moscow supports Belgrade 's position but the United States has announced its support for Pristina .

  2. 克林顿是从塞尔维亚抵达普里什蒂纳的,塞尔维亚拒绝承认科索沃这个曾经是它的一个省的独立。

    Clinton arrived in Pristina from Serbia , which refuses to recognize the independence of its former province .

  3. 成千上万的人聚集在科索沃首府普里什蒂纳议会门外听声明并庆祝他们长久等待的独立。

    Tens of thousands of people had gathered outside parliament in the capital Pristina to listen to the declaration and to celebrate their long-awaited independence .

  4. 克林顿随后与哈奇总理举行了会谈。星期三晚些时候,克林顿按计划将访问位于首都普里什蒂纳郊外格拉查尼察的少数民族塞族一个飞地。

    She then held talks with Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and was scheduled to visit a minority Serb enclave in Gracanica , just outside Pristina later Wednesday .

  5. 普里什蒂纳大学院长的发言人说,管理机构将会查看结果,但没有说反应会是什么。

    The spokesman for the dean of the University of Pristina said the governing body would look at the findings , but did not say what the response would be .

  6. 人们在科索沃首府普里什蒂纳的街道上跳舞,向空中鸣枪,并欢呼着挥动红黑两色的阿尔巴尼亚国旗,庆祝世界上的一个新国家“科索沃”的诞生。

    People danced in the streets of Pristina , fired guns into the air and waved red and black Albanian flags in jubilation at the birth of the world 's newest country : Kosovo .