
  • 网络St. John's Church;St John's Church;St John's Cathedral;St John Basilica;The Basilica of Saint John
  1. 圣约翰教堂尖顶窗上爬满了常春藤。

    Ivy has been encouraged around St. John 's pointed windows .

  2. 在华盛顿西北部的客西马尼圣约翰教堂的内,雷萨•琼斯接纳耶稣基督进入到了她的生活之中。

    Within the high walls of Gethsemane Baptist Church in Northwest Washington , Leisa Jones accepted Jesus Christ into her life .

  3. 怎解释燕子飞返圣约翰大教堂?

    How do explain the swallows flying back to San Juan capistrano .