
  • 网络Joulutarina;Christmas Story;Christmas Tale;Rare Exports A Christmas Tale
  1. 克劳斯夫人于19世纪80年代末的圣诞传说中第一次亮相。

    Mrs. Claus began appearing in Christmas lore in the late 1880s .

  2. 圣诞老人民间传说的因素还来自于德国的传统。

    Elements of Santa Claus folklore are also derived from Germanic traditions .

  3. 圣诞袜的传说

    Story of Christmas Stocking

  4. 有时我曾经想熬夜藏在一边,以看到他把它们留在那里。但就像对待圣诞老人的传说那样,我不想破坏掉这种神奇幻想,更害怕他再也不会继续。

    Sometimes I would think about staying up late at night , so I could see him leave them there , but just like with Santa Claus , I didnt want to ruin the magic for fear that he would never do it again .

  5. 还有另一个关于圣诞树起源的传说。

    There is another legend regarding the origination of the Christmas tree .

  6. 普通群众创造了关于圣诞老人的各种传说,以表达对孩子深深的爱意。

    The common people have created legends of Santa Claus as a symbol of their deep love for the children .

  7. 驯鹿最有可能是因1823年的一首题为《圣诞前夕》(TheNightBeforeChristmas)的诗,而披上有魔力的外衣、走进圣诞传说当中的。

    Most likely these magical deer made it into festive lore because of the 1823 poem titled The Night Before Christmas .

  8. 在世界各地,圣诞有不同的庆祝方式,仅某些形式或风格的圣诞树就很受欢迎,(可关于圣诞树由来的传说,各地却)莫衷一是。

    In various parts of the world Christmas is celebrated differently , but the Christmas tree in some form or fashion is quite popular ; examining differences and similarities .