
  • 网络San Marino Grand Prix
  1. 今年是第26届圣马力诺大奖赛。

    This year marks the26th running of the San Marino Grand prix .

  2. 在圣马力诺大奖赛的大部分时间中,看起来迈克尔-马赫即将要把领先的位置让给速度奇快的费尔南多-隆索,而且法拉利的复兴在刚刚开始之后似乎便要结束。

    For much of San Marino Grand Prix it looked as if Michael Schumacher was going to lose his lead to the flying Fernando alonso-and that ferrari 's resurgence might be over barely after it had started .

  3. 在圣马力诺和欧洲大奖赛的胜利让迈克尔-舒马赫和法拉利回到了争夺2006年总冠军的比赛之中。

    Wins at the San Marino and European Grands Prix have put Michael Schumacher and Ferrari very much back in the2006 title race .

  4. 一级方程式圣马力诺站-圣马力诺国际汽车大奖赛,虽然它并不在圣马力诺举行,但这一赛事仍以该国命名。

    One of the Formula One races , the San Marino Grand Prix , is named after the state , although it does not actually take place in San Marino .