
  1. 这门课程将通过研究乔治·R·R·马丁的小说《冰与火之歌》及据此改编的HBO电视剧《权力的游戏》,来探讨该剧与中世纪真实历史之间的异同。

    And this summer , the school will offer a six-week course titled " The Linguistics of Game of Thrones and the Art of Language Invention , " taught by Dothraki creator David J. Peterson .

  2. 本月HBO将会以“铁王座庆典”来纪念《权力的游戏》开播十周年。庆典于4月6日开始,将一直持续到4月底。

    This month , HBO will be commemorating the 10th anniversary of Game of Thrones with the Iron Anniversary , which launched on Tuesday and will last through the end of April .

  3. 你在乎的人越多,你就越脆弱。——《权力的游戏》

    The more people you love , the weaker you are .

  4. 在现在与永远之间,有无数可能。——《权力的游戏》

    A lot can happen between now and never .

  5. 《权力的游戏》于2011年4月17日首播,2019年5月19日剧终,在美国观看总人数达到4500万,并在其他170个国家同时播出。

    Game of Thrones premiered on April 17th , 2011 and concluded May 19th , 2019 , bringing in a total of 45 million viewers in the US and simulcasting in 170 other countries .

  6. 幸运如我,能够和适合我生活方式的好朋友杰伊·瓦克尔结婚,他喜欢旅行、烹饪、看《权力的游戏》和摄影,可逗比,也可严肃。

    Lucky for me , I married my best friend and someone who fits my lifestyle . Jay Wacker , who loves to travel , cook , watch Game of Thrones , take pictures and who can be silly and serious .

  7. 《HouseoftheDragon》(《龙族》)并不是《权力的游戏》唯一的前传。

    House of the Dragon isn 't the only Game of Thrones prequel .

  8. 剧情类最佳剧集:《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones,HBO)

    Drama Series : " Game of Thrones " ( HBO )

  9. 乔治·RR·马丁(GeorgeRRMartin)因为《权力的游戏》系列享有盛名。

    George RR Martin is known for taking his time over his books .

  10. 《权力的游戏》最后一季将在在四月回归HBO和SkyAtlantic。

    Game of Thrones returns to HBO and Sky Atlantic for its final season in April .

  11. 排在第一位的是《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones),大约被下载了810万次。

    Topping that list was " Game of Thrones , " with an estimated 8.1 million downloads ;

  12. HBO发布了《权力的游戏》第8季的全新镜头。

    HBO has released brand new footage of Game of Thrones season 8 .

  13. 此外,Variety评估《权力的游戏》的主角彼特·丁拉基、琳娜·海蒂、基特·哈灵顿、艾米莉亚·克拉克和尼可拉·科斯特·瓦尔道的片酬与凯文·斯贝西大致相当。

    Variety estimates that the same amount is paid to Game of Thrones cast members Peter Dinklage , Lena Headey , Kit Harington , Emilia Clarke and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau .

  14. 先给大家带来一则坏消息:BranStark不会出现在《权力的游戏》第五季。

    Bad news first : Bran Stark is being cut from Game of Thrones Season 5 .

  15. 预计《权力的游戏》第五季将会在2015年春季在HBO电视台回归。

    Game of Thrones is expected to return in the spring of 2015 on HBO .

  16. 两位演员在HBO大热剧集《权力的游戏》的拍摄现场相遇并坠入爱河。

    They met and fell in love on the set of the HBO hit series .

  17. 据说只有HBO台的《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)超过这一高昂预算。

    Only " Game of Thrones , " on HBO , is said to surpass that steep budget .

  18. 根据《粉丝的复仇》网站报道,华纳兄弟一直在盘算用《权力的游戏》中的明星替换本阿弗莱克在DC的蝙蝠侠系列中的角色。

    According to Revenge of the Fans , Warner Bros has been eyeing the Game of Thrones star as Ben Affleck 's replacement in DC 's Batman franchise .

  19. 他参加了《权力的游戏》制片商面向语言创造协会(LanguageCreationSociety)会员设立的一场竞赛。彼得森是协会的联合创始人之一,协会宗旨是推广、讨论和解构人造语言。

    He entered a competition set by the Game of Thrones producers for members of the Language Creation Society , a group he had co-founded , to promote , discuss and deconstruct invented languages .

  20. 《权力的游戏》的制片人克里斯托弗•纽曼已经与星光传媒和K.

    Christopher Newman , the brain behind Game , has signed a deal with Starlight Media and K.

  21. 周一晚,马丁在艾美奖红毯上接受了媒体《Variety》的采访,希望《权力的游戏》能有第13季。

    In an interview with Variety on the Emmys red carpet Monday night , author George R.R. Martin said he could have seen the show going on for a whopping 13 seasons .

  22. 《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)则是一个很好的例子:该剧有很多性和暴力的场面。

    Game of Thrones is good example : there 's a lot of sexual content and extreme violence in that show .

  23. HBO《权力的游戏》系列电视剧刚开始的时候,许多人对史塔克的病房感慨万千。

    At the start of the HBO series , many had mixed feelings for the Stark ward .

  24. 马丁用5年时间完成了第一部《权力的游戏》(AGameofThrones)的写作,并于1996年出版。

    The first , called A Game of Thrones , took Martin five years to write , and was published in 1996 .

  25. 《权力的游戏》第8季于4月14日,东部时间星期天晚9点、中部时间晚8点在HBO首播。

    Game of Thrones Season 8 premieres on HBO on Sunday , April 14 at 9 / 8c .

  26. 上周,《权力的游戏》最新一季第四集“战利品”在播出之前便从其分销商StarIndia处遭到泄露。

    The fourth episode of the latest series , ' The Spoils of War ' was leaked from HBO International distributor Star India a few days before it aired last week .

  27. HBO的流行剧《权力的游戏》给北爱尔兰的经济带来了意外的旅游收入。

    HBO 's Popular TV series Game of Thrones has given Northern Ireland 's economy an unexpected tourism boast .

  28. 新一季HBO热播剧《权力的游戏》在粉丝望眼欲穿的期盼中与大家见面了。

    Numerous fans wait with bated breath for the next season of HBO 's hit series Game of Thrones .

  29. 警告:内含《权力的游戏》第八季第五集“TheBells”的完整剧透。

    Warning : Full spoilers below for Game of Thrones Season 8 , episode 5 , " The Bells . "

  30. 据悉,HBO出品的《权力的游戏》近日再登TorrentFreak电视剧盗版榜榜首。

    HBO 's " Game of Thrones " once again topped TorrentFreak 's list of the most pirated TV shows .