
  • 网络decentralization;deconcentration;decentralize
  1. 20世纪50年代英国广播公司的权力分散和下放。

    The decentralization and devolution of the BBC during the1950s .

  2. 我们决定使权力分散,总经理说。

    " We are committed to the decentralization of power ," said the general manager .

  3. 问题在于如何将权力分散而不造成无政府状态。

    The problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy .

  4. 将权力分散到自行运作的团队里。

    Decentralise authority to self-organising teams .

  5. 正如最近欧洲央行(ecb)的一份报告所言,只要与共同目标相符,欧盟应抓住这一机会,接受权力分散,宽待某些对预算纪律有着本国解释的成员国。

    As suggested in a recent European Central Bank paper , the EU should grasp this opportunity , embrace decentralisation and cut some slack for member countries equipped with home-grown definitions of budgetary discipline , provided these are coherent with common aims .

  6. 西蒙教授表示,权力分散很重要。

    Decentralisation is important , according to Prof Simon .

  7. 私有企业福喜的这种权力分散型业务模式给中国经理人留出了自行决策的空间。

    The private OSI 's decentralized business model allowed Chinese managers leeway to make their own decisions .

  8. 美国这种权力分散的体制、多重制约及平衡长期确保了没有哪个党派能独揽大权。

    America 's decentralised system and multiple checks and balances have long ensured that no single faction can monopolise power .

  9. 权力分散给主权国家带来的挑战使得国家凝聚力和文化吸引力成为提升软权力的重要因素。

    The challenges of decentralization make the national cohesion and cultural attraction as an important factor to increase its soft power .

  10. 权力分散后,企业高级管理人员的薪酬由董事会下设的薪酬委员会来决定。

    After the decentralization of power , the compensation establishing power is attributed to Remuneration Committee which is a sub-organization of directorate .

  11. 根据本文的政府治理模型,建立一个权力分散的政府,政府的行为将受到约束,现在国有企业存在的很多问题也将得到解决。

    According to the government governance model of this paper , to establish a government with limited power can restrict government action and solve many questions existing in the enterprise .

  12. 同样的道理,目前这种权力分散于多个不同组织和个人的局面,对于改善当前危机中缺乏清晰的领导力和方向的现状毫无助益。

    In the same logic , the absence of clear leadership and direction in the current crisis is not helped by having competences spread and divided between so many different bodies and individuals .

  13. 我国的基金会管理机构有两个,即登记管理机关和业务主管单位,这种模式虽然具有一定的优势,但可能会导致权责不清、权力分散等诸多问题,弊大于利。

    China has two regulatory agencies , the registration authorities and the competent institutions . Despite certain advantages , this mode may lead to the confusion of responsibilities , the decentralization of power and many other problems .

  14. 权力分散在地方政权中分散(中央政权)的管理职能或权力产权清晰,责权明确,政企分开,管理科学

    To distribute the administrative functions or powers of ( a central authority ) among several local authorities . " Clearly defining property rights , specifying rights and responsibilities , separating ownership from daily management and adopting scientific management "

  15. 在此,权力分散、流动于各个利益相关者之间并成为他们捕捉的对象,并试图以权力、话语修辞来生产、建构他们预期的社会现实与真相。

    In between , decentralization , flow to the various stakeholders and became the object of their capture , and tried to power , discourse rhetoric to production , construct their expected social " reality " and " truth " .

  16. 主要采取以下几个方法控制行政成本:政府的管理职能由划桨转为掌舵;建立市场取向的政府;建立权力分散型政府,广泛采用分权或授权的方式进行管理。

    They mainly adopt the following methods to control the administration cost : changing the management functions of the government from paddle to helm ; establishing the market-oriented government ; establishing the decentralized government for widely using decentralized or authorized approach in management .

  17. 权力分散和制衡,使得官僚机构之间的竞争很难以政策垄断者的出现收场,决策得以形成是因为存在着机会窗口和政策窗口。

    The decentralization and balance of political power made it difficult for the competition of bureaucratic organizations to end with a monopoly of power . In addition , the decision-making of different political actors can be contributed to the existence of the opportunity widow and the policy window .

  18. 他公布的计划旨在提高学校办学标准,加强家长权力,分散管理。

    His declared agenda is to raise standards in schools , fortify parent power and decentralise control .

  19. 在国际政治领域,这一变革带来的最直接的影响就是权力的分散。

    In the international political arena , the most direct influence is decentralization .

  20. 权力已分散到各小组委员会。不要分散兵力!集中于一点进行压制!

    Power has been diffused to subcommittees ABELIA : Don 't spread out your forces ! Concentrate your attacks on one target at a time !

  21. 此外,双重模式还会造成管理权力的分散、部门职责不清,互相推诿责任等情况的发生。

    In addition , the " dual mode " also can cause the dispersion of management power , the fuzzy of department responsibility and pass the responsibility to each other and so on .

  22. 现在的董事会引入了独立董事,董事会成员加入了外部人士,而且通过在董事会下面设置由独立董事任职的专门委员会使得董事会的权力得以分散。

    All members in the directorate were internal persons ; but now independent directors are introduced into directorate , and more specialized committees which are held by independent directors are set up in the directorate .

  23. 其中,多元主义与精英主义处于(权力)分散与集中连续谱的不同位置,而多元主义与法团主义则可以在(组织)开放与封闭的连续谱上发现它们的居所。

    At the opposite poles of the continuum of " competition - monopoly " based on power distribution , stand Pluralism and Elitism while Pluralism and Corporatism can be found in the continuum of " open - close " in term of organization structure .

  24. 将政治和经济权力下放和分散到各地区

    To decentralize and geographically disperse political and economic power

  25. 从战后美国和法国的课程变化情况可以得出两个结论:1、当社会比较稳定、经济比较繁荣时,课程场域中的权力倾向于分散;

    From the curriculum transformation in America and France after the 2nd world war , we can educe two conclusions .

  26. 第三,路级各监察官员之间地位平等,公务中互相合作,权力都比较分散。

    Third , the Lu between the supervisory level equal status , public officials in mutual cooperation , power are scattered .

  27. 但一方面,散户投资者通常缺乏评估大多数金融产品的知识;另一方面,消费者权力太过分散,无法挑战该行业的运转方式。

    But not only do retail investors often lack the knowledge to evaluate most financial products , consumer power is too fragmented to challenge how the industry is run .

  28. 这还意味着,它们往往会选择权力更为分散的管理模式,这种模式在新兴市场前景应该比较好(但也有例外,譬如高度集权的大众)。

    It also means they tend to have more decentralised management models , something that should bode well in emerging markets ( with exceptions , such as the highly centralised VW ) .

  29. 即因反恐、缉毒等工作的需要以及联邦职能扩展使得美国警察体制呈现出统一化的发展趋势;而受社区警务发展的影响,使得地方警察机构的权力进一步地分散。

    Because of the necessaries of Anti-terrorism , investigating drug smuggling and function expanding of the federal government , the police system present unitive development tendency . But be effected by the community policing , the power of local police departments is divided further .

  30. 我国政府职能正在向“服务型”转变,道德建设方式随之转变:道德权力由集中转向分散;

    The government function in China is going towards a " service type ", and accordingly , the ways of morality construction have changed .