
dà zhònɡ jiào yù
  • mass education
  1. 我们在大众教育上的绝对优势一直保持到20世纪70年代,哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)的克劳迪亚·戈尔丁(ClaudiaGoldin)和劳伦斯·卡茨(LawrenceKatz)曾掷地有声地说,这是美国经济崛起的秘诀。

    Until the 1970s , we were pre-eminent in mass education , and Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz of Harvard University argue powerfully that this was the secret to America 's economic rise .

  2. 然后我们搞砸了,最新一期OECD报告显示我们正在被世界甩在身后。美国实际上变成了19世纪的英国:向精英提供一流教育,大众教育却衰败不堪。

    Then we blew it , and the latest O.E.C.D. report underscores how the rest of the world is eclipsing us . In effect , the United States has become 19th-century Britain : We provide superb education for elites , but we falter at mass education .

  3. 大众教育条件下浙江高等教育质量保证体制探讨

    Reflections on the Quality Guarantee System of Zhejiang Provincial Higher Education

  4. 从精英教育到大众教育和普及教育;

    Education has progressed from elitist education to mass and universal education ;

  5. 从精英教育过渡到大众教育阶段人才培养模式初探

    On the mode of training talent in the " transitional phase " from

  6. 中国高等教育开始由精英教育向大众教育转变。

    The elite education of higher education begins to become mass education in China .

  7. 功利主义大众教育思想及其对中国高等教育大众化的影响

    Utilitarianism Popular Educational Thinking and Its Effect on the Higher Education Popularization in China

  8. 高等教育转向大众教育过程中个性教育面临的机遇与挑战

    Individuality-education Confronting Opportunities and Challenges During the Mass-education

  9. 高等教育已从传统的精英教育走向大众教育。

    Higher education has from the traditional " elite education to mass education " .

  10. 随着中国高校的不断发展和扩招,高等教育从精英教育渐渐趋向大众教育。

    As China expands its colleges and universities , higher education tends to become popularized .

  11. 我国的大学生数量在与日俱增,精英教育正转向大众教育。

    Increasing the number of college students , elite education are turning to public education .

  12. 中国高等教育发展应该走大众教育与精英教育并举的道路。

    Co-ordination of mass HE and elite HE is essential for the development of Chinese HE .

  13. 论大众教育时代的精英教育

    Elite Education in Public Education Era

  14. 我国的大学教育已由精英教育向大众教育转化。

    Higher education in China has shifted from " elite education " to " mass education " .

  15. 大众教育必须与特殊教育相结合才是真正完整的教育,英才教育正是属于特殊教育的一部分。

    Education must be combined with the special education . Elite education is part of special education .

  16. 精英教育与大众教育并存,是高等教育大众化阶段的基本特征。

    The basic characteristic of the mass higher education is the elite education coexisting with popular education .

  17. 随着中国高等教育从精英教育向大众教育转型,中国高等教育实现了突飞猛进的发展。

    Chinese Higher Education has achieved striking development with the transition from elite education to popular education .

  18. 因此,基础教育的根本定位只能是大众教育、素质教育、生活教育。

    So the root of the basic education is public education , quality education , and life education .

  19. 高等教育系统中大众教育与精英教育有机结合的研究

    The Research on the Combination of the Mass Education and the Elite Education in the Higher Education System

  20. 《国际糖尿病》:大众教育是否应该面向最基层群众?

    International Diabetes : Does public education come from the grassroots or the top down perhaps government educating ?

  21. 中国高等教育的连年扩招,正逐步实现由精英教育向大众教育的过渡。

    There is a change from elite education to popular education in Chinese higher learning education after successive recruit-expansion .

  22. 由此出发,陶形成了自己的大众教育观,及总的大众价值体系,全面否定了新文化运动及胡在其中的历史地位。

    Tao totally denied the historical significance of the New Culture Movement and Hu Shi 's status in it .

  23. 随着我国高等教育规模越来越大,高等教育已经从精英教育转向大众教育。

    With the increasing scale of higher education , higher education has grown from elite education to mass education .

  24. 高等学校素质教育的核心问题,要为大众教育,学科本身要改革难的问题。

    The core of the quality-oriented education is the mass education of the masses and the reform of academic subjects .

  25. 我国高等教育已完成精英教育向大众教育的转型,规模发展很快,取得了巨大的成绩。

    Our country 's advanced education has quickly been shifted from elite education to popularity education and has accomplished great achievements .

  26. 山西电大是运用现代远程教育技术手段进行大众教育的远程开放大学。

    TV University is open distance university that carries out the mass education by using the means of modern distance education technology .

  27. 我国高等教育在新世纪初呈现从精英教育向大众教育转变的形势。

    Higher education in China has experienced a transform from elite education to popular education at the beginning of the new century .

  28. 高等教育客观上存在着“精英教育→大众教育→普及教育”这一发展演进趋势。如果以毛入学率15%&50%为划分标准,我国高等教育在2002年就已经进入了大众教育的初级阶段。

    An evolution trend , " elite education → mass education → popularization education ", exist impersonally in the development of higher education .

  29. 国家失语症协会:促进大众教育、研究、以及对失语症患者与家庭的复健与支持服务。

    The National Aphasia Association promotes public education , research , rehabilitation and support services to assist people with aphasia and their families .

  30. 我国的高等教育在较短时间内实现了从精英教育向大众教育转变后,越来越多的青年人获得了接受高等教育的机会。

    With the higher education orientation from elite education to mass education , more and more youths enjoy the chance of higher education .