
  1. 云南大叶种茶是制作普洱茶的最好原料。

    Yunnan big leaf species tea is best raw material for Pu'er Tea .

  2. 选用上百年大叶种老树茶为原料,沱形整洁,里外如一、耐泡、滋味醇滑回甘,香气纯正。

    Use hundreds of years large-leafed tea trees as raw material , Da-shaped clean , inside and outside , as one anti-bubble , sliding back alcohol taste sweet , pure flavor .

  3. 大叶种栽培野生茶特色:香扬水柔,在香甜茶系列中最具特色茶品;

    The characteristics of cultivation of wild big tea leaf : strong aroma , light and clean tea liquor , the most unique one in the fragrant sweet series of tea goods ;