
  1. 在城市化进程的推动下,中国各个大中小城市都在不断地加快城市建设。

    The urbanization process pushes medium and small cities in China to accelerating urban construction constantly .

  2. 大中小城市和小城镇协调发展是中国特色的城镇化道路。

    The coordinated and balanced development between mega polis and small cities is a minutia of Chinese-style urbanization .

  3. 现代中国社会是一个高速发展的社会,在中国大中小城市和乡村,到处都是建设的身影。

    Modern Chinese society is a high developing society , and constructions are in the cities and countries .

  4. 今后,要走大中小城市和小城镇协调发展的道路。

    Efforts will be made to promote the coordinated development of large , medium-sized and small cities and small towns .

  5. 色彩污染、色彩泛滥在国内各大中小城市随处可见。

    Color flood and pollution can be seen everywhere in each big , middle , small city in our country .

  6. 本公司实力雄厚、经验丰富、配套齐全、产品畅销国内外各大中小城市。

    The strength of the company , experienced , fully furnished , medium and small cities all products sold at home and abroad .

  7. 1931年至1945年日本侵占我国东北期间,大小不等的地下抗日组织在东北各大中小城市的秘密战线进行抗日斗争。

    When Japan invaded and occupied Northeast China from 1931 to 1945 , some patriotic people resisted Japanese aggressors secretly in the cities there .

  8. 开发地域性经济、文化中心的作用,完善大中小城市和小城镇协调发展的全国城镇体系。

    Regional economic and cultural centers will be exploited to build a nationwide system coordinated development of small towns and cities , medium-sized and large cities .

  9. 我国拥有大中小城市600多座,由此可见公路建设规模之大,对互通立交的需求可想而知。

    Our country has more than 600 large and small cities , so the road construction scale and the need to build interchange between cities are huge .

  10. 促进中部地区城镇化健康发展,必须走一条城乡协调、工农互动、大中小城市协调发展的新型城镇化道路。

    Therefore , a new path of urbanization must be followed , which calls for the coordination between urban and rural development and between industry and agriculture .

  11. 而目前我国房地产业的发展主要集中在超大城市和大中小城市,使得小城镇和广大农村房地产业的发展受到限制。

    However , presently , in China , the real estate development mainly concentrates in large cities and small cities , which restricts real estate development in small towns and countries .

  12. 公司以科学的管理方式,提高产品质量,产品畅销全国各大中小城市;远销东南亚,中东,非洲等国家。

    Companies with scientific management , improve product quality , the products sell well all over the country sized cities , In southeast Asia , Middle East , Africa and other countries .

  13. 在促进大中小城市以及小城镇协调发展过程中,全面推进城乡一体化发展将成为中国城镇化的方向。

    In medium cities and small towns to promote the coordinated development of the process , and comprehensively promote the development of urban and rural urbanization in China will be the direction .

  14. 要遵循城市发展规律,从各地实际出发,促进大中小城市和小城镇协调发展。

    We will promote the coordinated development of large , medium-sized , and small cities as well as small towns in light of local conditions and in accordance with the laws governing urban development .

  15. 没有企业集群,就没有中小城(镇)的发展动力,大中小城市、小城镇就不能协调发展。

    Without enterprise clusters , the development of small and medium cities would not have the driving force , and the coordinated development between big / medium cities and small cities would not be achieved .

  16. 经济的快速发展带动城市化进程不断加快,大中小城市数量不断增加,城市各项基础设施也日益完善。

    Meanwhile , the urbanized advancement has speeded up unceasingly , the quantity of big small and medium-sized town and cities has increased unceasingly , and the infrastructure of city also has been consummated day by day .

  17. 所以本课题从理论到实践对土地收购储备制度进行系统的研究将对我国各大中小城市实行土地收购储备具有一定的理论指导和现实意义。

    So the study on system of land purchase and repertory from theory to practice , will have theoretical guidance and realistic meaning to our large and medium-sided towns where we will carry out land purchasing and reserving system .

  18. 中国央行对50个大中小城市2万名储户进行的季度调查发现,47.6%的被调查者认为物价过高、难于接受,比上年同期提高了23.2个百分点。

    The quarterly central bank survey of 20,000 depositors in 50 large , medium and small cities found 48 per cent considered prices to be overly high and hard to accept , a rise of 23 percentage points year-on-year .

  19. 提出了进一步优化全省城市空间结构的发展对策,应构筑大中小城市协调发展的城市布局,从点、轴、群的城市体系向网络城市体系格局转化。

    The author puts forward further optimizing countermeasures in Hebei province city spatial structure . The big , medium , small city should be constructed moderately and city system structure should be converted from nodes , axes , clusters toward city net system pattern .

  20. 世界普遍规律与国情有机结合,形成中国城市化模式:坚持大中小城市和小城镇协调发展,走中国特色城镇化道路。

    The organic combination of the world universal law and concrete conditions of China forms the Chinese urbanization pattern : Adhere to the coordinated development among the large , medium and small cities and small towns and take the urbanization road with distinct Chinese characteristics .

  21. 建立沿江区域协调发展体系、走大中小城市协调发展的城市化道路、巩固长江发展轴的核心地位、统筹沿江重大基础设施的建设是城市带发展的总体构想。

    The overall conception to develop the city strip is that : set up a harmony development system along the Yangtze River ; adopt a urbanization way of harmony development for big and middle and small cities ; consolidate the core status of the Yangtze River development axis ;

  22. 坚持走中国特色城镇化道路,促进大中小城市和小城镇协调发展,着力提高城镇综合承载能力,发挥城市对农村的辐射带动作用,促进城镇化和新农村建设良性互动。

    We will promote balanced development between towns and large , small and medium-sized cities ; increase the overall carrying capacity of cities and towns ; ensure that cities stimulate the development of surrounding rural areas ; and promote positive interaction between urbanization and the building of a new countryside .

  23. 这段时间要求我们对一些尖锐的问题做出回答,我们能做什么,我们必须要做什么才能防止类似新城、奥罗拉,橡树溪的惨案以及每天在全国的大中小城市发生的惨剧再次发生。

    They 've forced us to answer some difficult questions about what we can do - what we must do - to prevent the kinds of massacres we 've seen in Newtown and Aurora and Oak Creek , as well as the everyday tragedies that happen far too often in big cities and small towns all across America .

  24. 以大城市、中小城市、农村三段消费创建了波状消费模型,采集数据验证了该模型的合理性。

    In this paper , a waving-consumption model is given about urban and rural consumption research , which is verified to be reasonable with data .

  25. 第四,专业对大学生是否选择大城市、中小城市和基层就业的影响是显著的,但对大学生是否选择农村就业的影响是不显著的。

    Fourth , the impact of the professional in choosing big cities , small cities employment is significant , but in choosing rural area is not significant .

  26. 无论是大城市还是中小城市都在进行城市规模扩张和城市边缘区的开发建设活动。

    Regardless of the big city and medium or small sized town and cities all is carrying on the city scale expansion and city fringe area development construction .

  27. 采用文献资料、问卷调查和数理统计等研究方法,对全国排球联赛大城市和中小城市主场现场观众做了对比研究,结果表明,大城市和中小城市主场现场观众中男女性别比例基本相当;

    With methods of document , questionnaire and statistical research , the paper makes a comparison of the audience in national volleyball matches between big and medium or small host towns .

  28. 此外,文章还对大城市和中小城市现场观众获得门票的途径,可以接受的门票价格,消费动机等做了对比研究。

    Moreover , a comparison study is done towards the means of access to tickets , acceptable ticket price range and their motives of consumption between audience in big cities and in medium or small towns .

  29. 以大城市北京和中小城市晋江作为实地考察点,证明竞技运动表演与城市融合的意义与价值。

    Taking two cities , Beijing and Jinjiang , as examples , this chapter aims to prove the meaning and value of integration of CSP .

  30. 目前对土地利用空间结构的研究还处于发展阶段,并且研究的尺度大多集中在大城市,对中小城市以及县域尺度方面的研究较少。

    The current study of spatial structure of land-use still remains in the developing stage , and most literature promoting the large cities , there are relatively few studies which show the small-medium cities .