
ɡuó jì jīnɡ jì ɡuān xi
  • international economic relations
  1. 当前国际经济关系含有两条轴线,一条是以WTO为代表的多边主义,另一条是以地区自由贸易协定为代表的区域主义。

    The current international economic relations consist of two major axes . One is multilateralism represented by WTO and the other is regionalism .

  2. 新德里印度国际经济关系研究会(IndiaCouncilofResearchinInternationalEconomicRelations)的会长,库马尔(RajivKumar)指出,过去四年亚洲市场占印度出口的比例稳定上升。

    Rajiv Kumar , head of the Indian Council of Research in International Economic Relations in New Delhi , points out that Asia 's share in India 's exports has risen steadily in the last four years .

  3. FDI是国际经济关系中最为敏感的部分,因而是各国经济政策的主要筹码,同时也是发展中国家外部资金最重要的来源。

    FDI is the most sensitive part in international economy relations , and thus is the main chip of various countries ' economic policies , simultaneously also is the most important source of foreign capital in developing countries .

  4. 中国国际经济关系学会简介

    A Brief Introduction to the China International Economic Relation Research Association

  5. 跨国公司在国际经济关系中也有一定的消极作用。

    Transnational corporations in international economic relations also have negative effects .

  6. 金融全球化对国际经济关系的影响

    On the Effect of Financial Globalization on International Economic Relationship

  7. 跨国公司行为分析及其对国际经济关系的影响

    Behavior Analysis of Multinational Company and the Influence upon International Economic Relation

  8. 论对冲基金投机冲击对国际经济关系的影响

    An Analysis of Hedge Fund Speculation Lash ' Impact on International Economic Relations

  9. 全球化与新经济:国际经济关系中的老问题与新挑战

    Globalization and New Economy : Old Problems and New Challenges for International Economic Relations

  10. 要把马克思的总体方法结合于国际经济关系新的实际的研究之中。

    It should also be incorporated in the new study of international economic relations .

  11. 国际经济关系中的中国理念

    China 's Ideas about International Economic Relations

  12. 经济与政治有着密切的关系。当代国际经济关系集团化与政治化

    Economy is closely allied to politics . Present International Economic Relations : Politicalization & Collectivization

  13. 经济技术开发区是我国对外开放和进入国际经济关系格局的一种重要形式。

    The Policy Effect Appraisal of Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone in Attracting Foreign Investment ;

  14. 进入九十年代后,国际经济关系和环境发生了很大的变化。

    In the 1990s , international economic relations and the international economic environment have already undergone great changes .

  15. 一位美国官员表示,这种机制在美国国际经济关系史上是头一例。

    A US official said the mechanism was the first of its kind in US international economic relations .

  16. 这使得中国参与国际经济关系不同领域的方式出现了明显的不均衡。

    This generated a marked disproportion in the way China participated in different areas of international economic relations .

  17. 其中,国家主权原则和国际经济关系的变化对管辖权审查制度的产生起着决定性的作用,另外各法域间法律制度的差异也在一定程度上形成了管辖权审查的客观要求。

    Among them , They are most important that national sovereignty principle and the changing of international economy relations .

  18. 发展中国家的对外直接投资,已经成为国际经济关系中不可忽视的现象,并且让那些建立在发达国家对外直接投资基础上传统的理论受到了挑战。

    This phenomenon has challenged the traditional theories which are based on the outward FDI of the developed countries .

  19. 中国货币金融问题与国际经济关系&20世纪30年代币制改革的历史考察

    The Relationship Between Chinese Finance and International Economy & Reviewing the History of Reform of Monetary System in 1930s

  20. 当今的国际经济关系是一种互利、互惠的合作博弈关系。

    The present international economic relation is the one of cooperation and game characterized by mutual benefit and reciprocity .

  21. 我们要建立互利互补,共同发展的新型国际经济关系。

    We must establish a new type of international economic relations featuring mutual benefit , mutual support and common development .

  22. 在全球化背景下国际经济关系决定国际政治关系,在国际交往中应采取相应的策略。

    Under the globalization background , international economy relationship determines international politics relationship . China should adopt relative tactics in international intercourse .

  23. 能源外交是国际经济关系的重要组成部分,同时也是国际政治关系的重要内容。

    Energy diplomacy is an important part of international economic relations , and it is also an important content of international political relations .

  24. 当今世界,随着国际经济关系的发展,著作权制度的许多规定都由国际公约达成了很大的趋同。

    Nowadays with the developments of international economic relationship , many international conventions reach agreements on many regulations of moral rights of copyright .

  25. 通过开创新的商业趋势以及新的知识产权的产生,这些技术变化已经完全地改变了国际经济关系。

    Those technological changes had completely transformed international economic relations by creating new commercial trends and through the emergence of new intellectual property rights .

  26. 官方开发援助是一种经济外交的载体,是一种典型的国际经济关系政治化的表现。

    Official development assistant is a kind of vehicle for economic diplomacy , as well as a typical phenomenon of the politicalization of international economical relation .

  27. 印度国际经济关系研究院的贸易分析人士塔尼加警告,光有最惠国贸易协定对扩大商业是不够的。

    Trade analyst Nita Taneja at the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations warns that favorable trade accords alone are insufficient to boost commerce .

  28. 金融全球化是一把双刃剑,它对国际经济关系和国际政治关系既带来正面影响也带来负面影响。

    It is also a double-edge sword , which has already brought about either positive influence or negative impact on the international economic and political relations .

  29. 国家竞争政策不论是在促进国内经济健康有序发展,还是在协调国际经济关系方面,都发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    National competitive policies will play an increasingly important role both in promoting the healthy and orderly development of domestic economies and in coordinating international economic relations .

  30. 科学技术的发展,必然使国际经济关系发生这样或那样的变化,从而要求新的国际经济法,这是一个客观规律。

    It is an objective law that a new international economic law will be needed to govern the new international economic relations because of the development of science and technology .