
ɡuó jì fǎ xué
  • science of international law
  1. 比较方法在任何法学部门的研究中都具有重要的作用,而在国际法学中的地位和作用尤为突出。

    Comparative method is important in all of law subject and is very important in the science of International Law .

  2. 国际法渊源是国际法学的一个基本概念,然而在现实中的使用却极其混乱。

    The Sources of international law is a basic concept in the science of international law , while it has been confusedly used .

  3. WTO争端解决机制中适用法律的范围,一直是国际法学界存在争议的问题。

    The range of legal applicability in the system of WTO 's dispute settlement has been a controversial problem existed in international legal circles .

  4. 中国的国际法学:问题与思考

    International Law Studies in China : Problems and Reflections

  5. 早期国际法学者对马克思国际法思想的影响

    On the early international lawyers ' influence on Marx 's international law thoughts

  6. 国际法学在中国的成长

    International Law Grew up in China

  7. 美洲国际法学研究所

    Inter-American Institute of International Legal Studies

  8. 国家及其财产享有管辖豁免是当今国际法学界一个重要而又复杂的理论与实践问题。

    In international law , state immunity is one of the most important and complex issue .

  9. 地方实体是否具有缔约能力问题,国际法学界存在争论。

    International law scholars are divided over the issue of whether the sub-national entities could possess treaty-making capacity .

  10. 近年来,间接征收问题日益引起许多政府及国际法学者的广泛关注。

    In recent years the issue of indirect expropriation has raised great concern among many governments and international jurists .

  11. 国际法学界对国际人道法的定义存在着不同的理解,但其法律概念和特征都应当是一致的。

    There exist different understandings about the concept of International Humanitarian Law , in the field of international law society .

  12. 中国的国际法学在繁荣发展的同时,也存在诸多的问题。

    In spite of the prosperity of international law studies in China , some problems still have to be addressed .

  13. 推动了非洲国际法学的发展并在一定程度上促进了常设性国际刑事法院的建立。

    Promoted the development of African international law and the establishment of International Criminal Court ( ICC ) in some extent .

  14. 而正是由于对法律渊源这个概念的不同认识,导致了在国际法学界对于国际法渊源认识的差异。

    The different understandings of the sources of law have led to the differences in the recognizing of sources of international law .

  15. 国际法学作为近代欧洲国际关系的产物于鸦片战争后传入中国。

    After the Opium War , international law is passed into China as it is the outcome of modern European international relation .

  16. 中国的神舟五号、六号相继上天,世界对中国的空间活动投来了关注的目光,作为国际法学者,我们扪心自问,中国的空间法研究与空间活动同步吗?

    With the launches of Shenzhou 5 and Shenzhou 6 into outer space , China 's space activities draw great concerns from the world .

  17. 如何有效地解决恐怖主义问题,成为各国政府和国际法学者的研究重点。

    Consequently , how to eliminate international terrorism becomes the key task in the international law research field to be carried out by states and lawyers .

  18. 外大陆架界限确定问题,是近年来国际法学界关注的热点。

    The establishment of Outer limits of the outer continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles has been a heated topic for international law academia in recent years .

  19. 民族国家与全球化主权是现代民族国家的本质属性,也是国际法学、政治学和国际关系学的基础概念之一。

    As the essential attribute of modem nation state , SOVEREIGNTY is one of the basic concepts of international law , west political theory and international relations .

  20. 晚清社会转型中的教育改革立法刍议晚清公法时代国际法学教育述论

    A Tentative Research on the Legislation for Education Reform in the Transitional Era of the Late Qing Dynasty ; Education in International Law in the Late Qing Dynasty " Public Law Era "

  21. 她是美国国际法学学会的前任会长,她同时还是美国国务院政策规划司成员,美国艺术与科学学会成员。

    She is former President of the American Society of International Law and a member of the Board of the Council of Foreign Relations and a member of the American Society of Arts and Sciences .

  22. 正是在时代的呼唤中,在早期和同时代国际法学者著述的滋养下,马克思恩格斯国际法思想不断发展并日益完善。

    It was just in the call of the era and with the nourishment of the thought of the above international lawyers that Marx and Engels ' thought of international law developed and was matured gradually .

  23. 目前国际法学界对这个问题的看法主要有4种:(1)个人是国际法的主体,而且是唯一的主体;

    Nowadays , there are four different viewpoints on this question in the field of international law , they are : ( 1 ) the individual is the subject of international law and is the unique one ;

  24. 当然,在这其中有很多必然原因。现代商人法、巴塞尔协议引发的国际法学争论在一定程度上也反映了国际社会关于国际软法的迷惑。

    Of course , in which there are many inevitable reasons , the modern law merchant , the Basel International Law caused controversy to a certain extent , reflects the international community about the confusion of international soft law .

  25. 现实需要我们研究并学会利用外交保护法律制度,然而中国国际法学界在这方面的研究却浮于表面,缺乏系统性、实践性和实用性。

    So we have to study and make use of the legal system of the diplomatic protection , but current related research made by the Chinese international law academe is a little superficial and lack of system , practice and practicability .

  26. 整篇论文结合战争伦理学、军事技术哲学、经济学和国际法学等方面的基本观点,比较全面和系统地分析了生物武器的伦理问题,对解决方法也作了比较切合实际的探讨。

    Having absorbed basic views from martial ethics , philosophy of martial technology , economics , and international law , the paper has made a systematic analysis on the ethics aroused by biological weapon and put forward practicable means of solving this problem .

  27. 长久以来,虽然有国际法学者和各国政府实务部门的不断努力,试图建立起一个有效的争端解决机制,但无奈效果并不理想,问题并未得到解决。

    For a long time , although there are the continuous efforts of the international law scholars and governments ' substantive departments , trying to establish an effective dispute settlement mechanism , but the effect is not ideal , the issue has not been resolved .

  28. 九五期间中国国际经济法学研究回顾与展望

    On international economic law in China : retrospect of the past five years and prospect

  29. 1992年吉林大学法学院国际法系法学学士。

    Bachelor of Law , Department of International Law , Jilin University Law School , 1992 .

  30. 本文研究的角度主要从国际海商法学,特别是有关提单的法律部分出发。

    This papers mainly research from The International Maritime Law , especially from the Bill of Lading .