
  • 网络Institute of International Education;iie;IEA;NAFSA
  1. 国际教育协会说,这一变化反映了“沙特阿拉伯政府在留学奖学金上的大量投资”。

    This change reflects " the Saudi government 's substantial investment in study abroad scholarships ," says IIE .

  2. 位于纽约的美国国际教育协会(theInstituteofInternationalEducation)表示,工程是第二大最受欢迎的课程。

    The Institute of International Education in New York says engineering is the second most popular field , you were wondering .

  3. 美国国际教育协会(InstituteofInternationalEducation)的最新报告称,在上一学年,超过77.1万名外国学生在美国学院和大学就读。

    More than six hundred seventy-one thousand foreign students attended an American college or university during the last school year . So says the latest report from the Institute of International Education .

  4. 纽约的国际教育协会(InstituteofInternationalEducation)将对网上申请进行初步筛选,300个入围者将在纽约、伦敦、北京和曼谷参加面试。

    Online applications will be initially screened by the Institute of International Education in New York , and 300 finalists will be brought in for interviews in New York , London , Beijing or Bangkok .

  5. 根据非营利组织国际教育协会(InstituteofInternationalEducation)周一发布的年度报告,在截至今年5月的学年,有819644名外国学生在美国学习,较前一年上升7.2%。

    In the school year ended in May , 819644 foreign students studied in the U.S. , up 7.2 % from the previous year , according to an annual report released Monday by the Institute of International Education , a nonprofit organization .

  6. 国际教育协会主席兼首席执行长古德曼(AllanE.Goodman)说,将近70%的学生集中在大约200所学校里。

    Nearly 70 % of the students are concentrated in about 200 schools , said Allan E. Goodman , the nonprofit 's president and chief executive . '

  7. 不过,“留学美国”在国际教育协会(InstituteofInternationalEducation)的外展协调员马丁·本内特(MartinBennett)说,如果你是幸运儿之一,对兼职收入有个现实的期待值也很重要。

    However , if you are one of the lucky ones , it is important to have realistic expectations about your part-time income , said Martin Bennett , the EducationUSA outreach coordinator at the Institute of International Education .

  8. 根据国际教育协会(InstituteofInternationalEducation)对全美近500所高校的调查数据,2017年秋季新入学的国际学生数量减少了7%,有45%的高校反映新入学的国际学生数量出现下降。

    The number of newly arriving international students declined an average 7 percent in fall 2017 , with 45 percent of campuses reporting drops in new international enrollment , according to a survey of nearly 500 campuses across the country by the Institute of International Education .

  9. 国际教育协会主席兼首席执行长古德曼(AllanE.Goodman)说,将近70%的学生集中在大约200所学校里。

    Nearly 70 % of the students are concentrated in about 200 schools , said Allan E. Goodman , the nonprofit 's president and chief executive .

  10. 该报告是基于一份调查得出的,该调查由UKCOSA(英国国际教育协会)英国负责国际教育的协会联合诸如英国文化协会这样的机构进行的。

    The document is based on a survey carried out by UKCOSA ― UK Council for International Education ― in association with organisations like the British Council .

  11. 根据国际教育协会发布的《2017年门户开放报告》,2016-17学年,参加OPT项目的中国毕业生人数近6万,较上年增长14.6%,是2009-10学年的数字的5倍多。

    The number of Chinese graduates in such programs reached nearly 60000 in the 2016-17 academic year , an increase of 14.6 % from the previous year and more than five times the figure in the 2009-10 academic year , according to the 2017 Open Doors report by the Institute for International Education .

  12. 国际教育协会负责研究和评估的副主席班达里(RajikaBhandari)说,马萨诸塞、印第安纳和宾夕法尼亚等州的增速最快。

    The states of Massachusetts , Indiana and Pennsylvania saw some of the fastest growth , said Rajika Bhandari , the nonprofit 's deputy vice president for research and evaluation .

  13. 据国际教育协会的数据,外国学生占学生总数的3.9%。

    Foreign students account for 3.9 % of the overall student population , according to the education nonprofit .

  14. 位于纽约的国际教育协会表示,工程是第2大热门专业领域。

    The Institute of International Education in New York says engineering is the second most popular field , in case you were wondering .

  15. “人们对中国的兴趣正在快速增加,我相信明年的报告里我们会看到更大的增长,”国际教育协会会长艾伦·古德曼表示。

    " Interest in China is growing dramatically , and I think we 'll see even sharper increases in next year 's report ," said Allan E.

  16. 国际教育协会说2012-2013年在中国的美国留学生下降了3.2%到14413人,尽管总体的海外留学人数有略微上升。

    The Instituteof International Education says thenumber of U.S. studentsstudying in Chinafell 3.2 percent in 2012-13 to 14413 , even as overall study abroad numbersrose modestly .

  17. 国际教育协会称,去年共有328547名中国学生在美求学,占留学生总数的32%。

    Last year , 328547 Chinese studied in the US , accounting for 32 % of all foreign students , according to the Institute of International Education .

  18. 为美国学校提供这种服务的机构有国际教育协会及美国教育委员会,或在印度,日本的基金会。

    Examples of organizations providing this service to United States institutions are the Institute of International Education , and the United States Educational Commission or Foundations in India , and Japan .

  19. 根据美国国际教育协会发布的数据显示,赴美接受高等教育的留学生人数比以往都要多,尤其是亚洲留学生人数。

    According to the Institute of International Education in the US , foreign students are flocking to the US ' higher education system in greater numbers than ever before , particularly from Asia .

  20. 美国国际教育协会调查显示,2009~2010年间在美国学习的中国学生约有12.8万,主要就读本科以及研究生学位,这一数字较上学年上涨30%。

    In 2009-2010 , about 128,000 Chinese students were studying in the US , mainly in undergraduate and graduate programs , up 30 percent over the previous academic year , a study by the US-based Institute of International Education showed .

  21. 总部位于华盛顿的国际教育协会的数据显示,2014-2015年,美国公立和私立院校录取的近100万名国际学生中,有31.2%,也就是30.4万人来自中国。

    Of nearly 1 million international students enrolled in public and private institutions in the United States in 2014 and 2015 , about 304000 - or 31.2 percent - were from China , according to the Washington-based Institute of International Education .

  22. 这首歌每年亦为非营利组织“国际儿童教育协会”(AssociationforChildhoodEducationInternational)带来数十万美元的收入。

    The song also generates hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for a nonprofit group , the Association for Childhood Education International .

  23. 在他带领下,中大在一九九八年成为北美以外首间获取国际管理教育协会(AACSB)认可的会计院校。

    Under his leadership , CUHK became the first institution outside North America to receive the AACSB authority accreditation in1998 .

  24. 国际工人教育协会联合会

    International Federation of Workers ' Educational Associations

  25. 根据美国国际教育工作者协会的数据显示,外国留学生为东兰辛的经济贡献了2.13亿美元。

    According to NAFSA , the population pumps $ 213 million into the East Lansing economy .

  26. 国际音乐教育协会会议

    International Society for Music Education Conference

  27. 本研究旨在从一维和多维的角度检测国际教育成效评价协会(IEA)儿童认知发展状况测验中中译英考题的项目功能差异(DIF)。

    In this study , we examine the validity equivalence between the Chinese and English versions of the IEA ( International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement ) Child Cognitive Developmental Status Test , through unidimensional and multidimensional analysis of differential item functioning ( DIF ) .

  28. 国际教育成就评价协会近日发布的“国际数学与科学趋势研究”(TIMSS)显示,在四年级和八年级数学成绩国际排名中,新加坡、中国香港、韩国和日本连续20年名列前茅。

    Singapore , Hong Kong , South Korea and Japan continue to dominate international rankings for math at the fourth and eighth grades , maintaining a 20-year edge , according to the " Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study " ( TIMSS ) published by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement .

  29. 国际教育协作研究协会全国中等教育工作者协会

    International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education National Association of Middle School Educators

  30. 有效地控制和管理工程费用,争取制造成本差异控制在零或节余.国际教育成效评价协会儿童认知发展状况测验项目功能差异分析

    To effectively control and manage engineering expense to contribute favorable or zero manufacturing variations . Validity Equivalence between the Chinese and English Versions of the IEA Child Cognitive Developmental Status Test