
  • 网络social care;Social concern
  1. 报告文学是以非虚构为规则,以社会关怀为主旨,以现实生活为主要报告对象的兼具新闻性、文学性和思辨色彩的一种边缘性文体。

    Reportage is a marginal style that considers nonfiction its rule , social concern its aim and real life its content .

  2. 西方现代景观规划设计从早期的功能理性到今天的公众参与,走的一直是一条坚持社会关怀的道路。

    From functionalism at the beginning to public participation today , modern landscape architecture in the west has always been a way of sticking to social concern .

  3. 他努力改变大众的态度,提高社会关怀。

    He worked to change public attitudes and improve social care .

  4. 构建对弱势群体社会关怀体系的探索

    Exploration on Constructing a Social Solicitude System for the Disadvantage Group

  5. 在系统中加入了心理社会关怀以及心理社会咨询。

    by adding psycho-social care and psycho-social counselors to the system .

  6. 俄罗斯针对处境不利儿童的社会关怀

    An Analysis of Social Care for Russian Disadvantaged Children

  7. 现代性:学术关怀与社会关怀的理性话题(四篇)

    Modernity : An Intellectual Theme for Academic and Social Concerns ( four );

  8. 社会关怀与终极关怀的换位与重构&佛教与盛唐诗人生活研究之二

    Transposition and Reconstruction of Social and Ultimate Solicitudes

  9. 同样,社会关怀和社会服务也是宗教的主要社会功能。

    Similarly , social care and social services are the main religion social function .

  10. 老庄道家的诗意人生是建立在充满人生关怀和社会关怀的人生观基础之上的。

    Taoism poetic life bases on the concern of life and the concern of society .

  11. 致力于为自闭儿建立更好是社会关怀机制。

    The autism center works to promote building a better social support system for the children .

  12. 我们在报告中指出应从这几个领域着手:健康、社会关怀,以及法律和秩序。

    Our report identifies areas to address : health , social care , and law and order .

  13. 结论利用计划生育网络,对计划生育干部进行艾滋病健康教育,可营造社会关怀艾滋病患者氛围。

    Conclusion Spreading AIDS health education with family planning system network would build a AIDS-care atmosphere in the whole sociality .

  14. 报告称,通过教育、健康服务和社会关怀,评估方法不同、保护额外支持的开端也是分为不同的级别。

    Across education , health services and social care , assessments were different and the thresholds for securing additional support were at widely varying levels .

  15. 基金会源于公益,成于财富,是一种通过组织化的形式激励公益捐赠、表达社会关怀的制度安排。

    Foundation from public , as in wealth , is an organized form of incentives through public donations , the expression system of social care arrangements .

  16. 思想上,人文关怀、社会关怀和自然关怀成为其散文的价值取向与基本主题。

    In terms of thinking , the value orientation and the fundamental theme of his proses is a love for humanity , for society and for nature .

  17. 摘要大专学生网路沈迷之行为问题,已成为当代国内外教育、心理、科技与谘商辅导等颌域专家学者之学术研究与社会关怀的重要课题。

    The problem of college student Internet addiction has become an important issue that draws attention from the general public as well as scholars of different fields .

  18. 依从她的榜样,结果,在教会历史上,就出现很多“多加社会关怀团体”,延续她的精神。

    As a result of her example , there were numerous " Dorcas societies " in the history of the Christian church as a way of perpetuating her memory .

  19. 作为社会关怀的焦点和学术研究的热门,有关工人群体及其相关的社会运动题目研究,已日益受到学界的重视。

    As a focus of the society and hotspot of academic research , the related groups of workers and social movement issues have been paid more and more academic attention .

  20. 文学作为人文知识分子进行社会关怀的主要手段,其主要职能就是要批判社会上的不公正。

    Literature is the main way for the humane intellectuals to concern about our society , the most important task of them is to criticize the unjustness of the society .

  21. 心学思想的精神性特征包括现实关怀和理想关怀两个方面,现实关怀又包括社会关怀和个体关怀,理想关怀是以成圣思想为指向将人生境界和审美境界统一起来的精神追求。

    The spirit of Yangming 's School of Mind includes paying close attention to the reality and ideal . In terms of reality , it is concerned with society and individual .

  22. 特别是在大灾大难面前,宗教界人士和其他民众一道,参与救死扶伤,共渡难关,体现了宗教界的社会关怀。

    Especially in the face of catastrophic disaster , religious figures and other people work hand in hand to save lives and to tide over the crisis , which reflects the religious social care .

  23. 从他身上所体现出来的强烈的政治责任感、坚定的科学理性立场、高度的社会关怀意识和可贵的探索精神,值得充分肯定。

    What was worth affirming abundantly was his strong political responsibility , his firmly scientific rationalism , his high level of consciousness of social care and valuable spirit of exploration which reflected from his thought .

  24. 探讨人文学术的后现代之路,实现人文学术的后现代转型,是超越现代性的重要方面,既是学术关怀,也是社会关怀。

    The post - modern exploration in the study of humanities and the transition of humanities into post - modernity will be an important step in that direction , showing both academic and social concerns .

  25. 大学精神可概括为创造精神、独立精神、批判精神、科学精神和社会关怀精神。

    It indicates the scientific spirit , and has more cultural values than university ideation . It can be summarized as follows : the spirits of creation , independence , criticism , science and concern for the society .

  26. 作为最能反映时代精神的大学生,其人文精神所包含的基本内容是:理智自主的独立人格,科学合理的道德理念,积极进取的人生态度,体现人性的社会关怀,珍爱生命的终极关怀。

    As university students who can mostly reflect the spirit of the age , the basic contents of their humanistic spirit are : the independent personality , the moral idea , the life attitude , the social care and the ultimate concern .

  27. 第二部分从战争创伤的再现、美军占领政策的批判、传统观念失落的担忧三个方面反映了川端中间小说对世情世象的关注,进而论析川端战后社会关怀意识形成的原因。

    Parts ⅱ reveals these novels 's close attention to the real life from three aspects : the reappearance of the postwar 's scar , the criticism of the American occupation army 's policy and the worry of the traditional ideas ' loss .

  28. 对其诗学作全面的梳理、总结,挖掘其深厚的社会关怀、文化关怀与理性精神,不仅丰富了中国诗学,也可使被文学史有意遗忘的诗学内容重新获得生命。

    Comprehensively summarizing his poetics and digging up his profound society-care , culture-care and rational spirits , may not only enrich Chinese poetics but also recover the life of the poetics contents which are intentionally left in the literature history . This paper includes six chapter .

  29. 试论和谐社会与关怀伦理

    Trial Discussion on the Harmonious Society and Solicitude Ethics

  30. 章法流畅、技巧纯熟。虚实交错的故事既表达出作者对香港本土社会的关怀和观察,亦同时细致地刻划出一个关于成长的永恒故事。

    A smooth and well-executed work that mingles well the imagined and the real to tell about local society and a story of growing pains .