
  • 网络Social System Engineering, SSE;Social System Engineering;EGSSE
  1. 林业生态建设是一项宏伟的社会系统工程。

    The forestry ecology construction is a magnificent social system engineering .

  2. 数字城市是一项复杂的社会系统工程,构建中国式数字城市必须采取综合政策措施,这对于推进中国城市化与信息化的协调发展具有十分重要的意义。

    As a complex social system engineering , digital city has great significance for concordant development of urbanization and informatization .

  3. 惟有发展社会系统工程才是不二法门。

    The only way will be to develop social systems engineering .

  4. 因此,启动民间投资是一项复杂的社会系统工程。

    So , starting folk investment is a complex system engineering .

  5. 发展社会系统工程,加速构建和谐社会

    Develop the Social Systems Engineering and Accelerate the Constructing of Harmonious Community

  6. 法是有的,还有着一位立法者统治着世界。依法治国是一项伟大的社会系统工程,依法治理是依法治国的具体化。

    Ruling a country by law is a great social system project .

  7. 扒窃行为的防控是一项社会系统工程。

    The prevention and control of pick-pocketing is a social system project .

  8. 流动人口管理是一个复杂的社会系统工程,如果仅仅拘泥于某一个层面来讨论流动人口的管理服务这一问题,便会失去对该问题的本质透析。

    To manage migrate population is a complex problem to social systems .

  9. 现代化国际都市的文化建设是一项庞大的社会系统工程。

    The construction of modem metropolis is a titanic social systematic project .

  10. 我国农村人力资源开发是一个复杂的社会系统工程。

    Rural human resources development in China is a complicated social systematic project .

  11. 摘要我国农村剩余劳动力转移是一项政府主导的社会系统工程。

    Transferring surplus rural workforce in China is a government-led social systems engineering .

  12. 摘要公民道德建设是一项复杂的社会系统工程。

    The citizen 's morality construction is a complex social and systematic project .

  13. 当然,诚信建设不是一蹦而就的,而是一个长期的社会系统工程。

    Credibility construction is a long-term project , and cannot be achieved overnight .

  14. 作为一项社会系统工程,档案信息化建没必须遵循一定的标准。

    As a social systematic engineering , archive informatization must follow certain standards .

  15. 都市旅游容量管理与调控是一项社会系统工程。

    The management and adjustment of the tourism capacity is a social systematic program .

  16. 拔尖创新人才的发现、培养和使用是一项复杂的社会系统工程。

    However , it is a complex project to find , cultivate and employ them .

  17. 中学生心理健康教育是一项很重大的社会系统工程。

    High school student mental state health education is1 very graveness of society system engineering .

  18. 摘要可持续发展已经超越单纯的经济领域,变为一项复杂的社会系统工程。

    Sustainable development has transcended the pure economic field and become a complicated social project .

  19. 农村医疗卫生工作是一项长期而又艰巨的社会系统工程。

    The rural medical and healthy work is a long-term , formidable social systems engineering .

  20. 女性人力资源的开发与管理,是一项重要的社会系统工程。

    The development and management of female human resources is a very important social systematical project .

  21. 审美教育是一项复杂的社会系统工程,它同培养目标紧密联系,又有其自身独特的任务和专门的途径。

    Aesthetic education is a complex social system work and is a part of quality education .

  22. 城市土地利用是一项多方面相互影响的复杂的社会系统工程。

    Urban land utilization is a complicated social systems engineering which each other in many aspects interact .

  23. 社科研究成果转化是一个动态结构,是一个复杂的社会系统工程。

    Social scientific achievements ' promoting transformation is a developing structure and a complex social system project .

  24. 伤害的预防控制工作是一项社会系统工程,需要全民动员全社会共同参与。

    Mobilization of the society and community participation are the effective measures for preventing and controlling injury .

  25. 第五部分,指出社会主义政治文明建设是一项复杂的社会系统工程,在这项总体性的社会工程建设中,本文着力探讨五个主要的建设途径。

    Socialism political civilization is a comprehensive social system construction and there are five major building ways .

  26. 医疗保险制度改革是一个复杂的社会系统工程,涉及到方方面面利益格局的调整,人们对其关注程度之高远远超过了其他诸多问题。

    Medical security system reform is a complex systematic project , and is related to many groups ' behalf .

  27. 大型体育赛事由于其规模大、涉及面广而成为一项复杂的社会系统工程。

    A big sport event is a complicated social system project due to its large scale and wide scope .

  28. 作为一项社会系统工程,道德问题既非本身所能独立解决,也非外在因素的干预所能奏效的。

    As a social systematic project , moral issues can be solved neither on its own nor by external intervention .

  29. 数字城市建设的基本框架是一项复杂的社会系统工程。

    The basic framework of the construction of the digital city in Guiyang is a complex social systematic engineering project .

  30. 缩小城乡差别是一项复杂的社会系统工程,需要政府、城市和农村共同努力。

    Being a complicated social systematic task , it needs the joint effort of our government , town and countryside .