
  • 网络Lawrence Cremin;Cremin;L.A.Cremin;Cremin,L.A.
  1. 首先,克雷明对教育的概念进行了重新定义。

    Firstly , Cremin redefined the concept of education .

  2. 第三部分阐释了克雷明如何将教育生态学理论运用于教育史研究。

    The third part is about how Cremin included his definition of education into the study of American education .

  3. 在这种情况下,克雷明对美国进步教育运动及其理论进行历史的、系统的、客观的总结。

    Under this circumstance , Cremin made a historical systematic and objective summary on American progressive education and its theory .