
  1. G发电企业生产类管理人员培训方案探讨

    Discussion of Production Managerial Staff Training in G Power Plant

  2. YZ集团管理人员培训与开发体系研究

    The Research of YZ Group Management Training and Development System

  3. 第4章,YZ集团管理人员培训与开发体系设计。

    First , this chapter presents the principle of YZ Group management training and development system design .

  4. 本章先提出YZ集团管理人员培训与开发体系设计的原则;本文将整个培训开发体系分成三部分:核心层、制度层和实务层。

    Then it designs the YZ Group management training and development system . This paper divides the entire training development system into three parts : the Core Layer , the System Layer and Practice Layer .

  5. 期间运用相关的培训理论,结合对ZQ集团二次创业的发展战略分解,提出与战略要求相配合的中层管理人员培训体系优化方案,从而填补ZQ集团培训体系中针对中层管理人员培训的空白。

    During the use of training theory , combined with the second pioneering the development of ZQ Group strategy decomposition proposed cooperating with the strategic requirements of middle management training system optimization program , so as to fill the blank ZQ Group training system for the training of middle managers .

  6. 企业中层管理人员培训评估体系研究

    Research of training effect evaluation system for the corporate middle manager

  7. 23岁那年,科尔已经是猫头鹰餐厅员工和全球管理人员培训的负责人了。

    By 23 she was overseeing employee and global management training .

  8. 然而,高级管理人员培训课程的状况还不清楚。

    However , the jury is still out over executive education .

  9. 第一,加强项目管理人员培训和能力建设。

    First , to strengthen project management training and capacity building .

  10. 疗养院管理人员培训现状与需求评估

    Current Situation and Demand Assessment on the Training of Managers in Sanitarium

  11. 企业中层管理人员培训的思考

    Thinking on Training of Management of Medium Level in Enterprise

  12. 我国企业管理人员培训现状的研究

    Study on the Training Status Quo of Enterprises Administrants

  13. 国有企业管理人员培训体系优化设计

    Optimization of Management Staff Training System of State-owned Enterprise

  14. 在每年参加管理人员培训课程的8000名学员中,逾半数不是美国人。

    More than half of the 8,000 participants a year on executive education programmes are non-US .

  15. 佛山市民营企业管理人员培训管理创新的研究

    Study on the Management Innovation of the Managerial Personnel Training for the Civilian Enterprises of Foshan City

  16. 重点评述了世界高等教育研究的基础设施、信息设施、院校研究和大学管理人员培训的现状;

    And finally future trends of research and training in higher education the world over are prospected .

  17. 江苏省种苗企业管理人员培训和激励措施的探讨

    Study on the Training and the Stimulant Measures of Managers of the Forestry 's Seeds in Jiangsu Province

  18. 于是我申请并被接纳到一个区域性百货店管理人员培训项目中

    So I applied , and was accepted into one of the regional department store executive training programs .

  19. 不同寻常的是,哈佛商学院一反其在品牌宣传方面的极度保守作风,在两个有中国教育机构参与的管理人员培训课程中,打上了哈佛品牌。

    Unusually , given the school 's ultra-conservative approach to branding , Harvard is co-branding two China-related executives education programmes .

  20. 以此为基础编制了企业中层管理人员培训转化影响因素的调查问卷,以验证相关影响因素。

    Based on it , prepare the training transformation factors questionnaire of corporate middle managers to verify the relevant factors .

  21. 于是笔者希望能通过对一些在国际上中层管理人员培训的操作方面较为成功的高星级饭店的相关工作的介绍与分析,为系统的构建提供一个现实的平台。

    , the introduce of the successful practice of some international hotels are regarded as the basis of the system .

  22. 以分析企业中层管理人员培训的现状为突破口,阐述了中层管理人员培训需求分析的思路和方法。

    Taking it as a breakthrough to analyze training status of medium level management in enterprise , illustrated analysis ideas and methods for its demand .

  23. 本章包括培训开发的理论基础、关于培训与开发的理论研究、管理人员培训与开发的相关理论研究。

    This chapter includes the theoretical basis for the management training and development , the research summary of training and development , and the relevant theories of management training and development .

  24. 结论应建立系统的护理管理人员培训制度,并对护士长及护理部主任分层次进行培训。

    Conclusion It 's necessary to set up training programs for nurse managers and the training of head nurses and the directors of nursing department should be carried out on differential basis .

  25. 中国官员可能不仅会加强执行和惩罚力度,还会设法通过对企业管理人员培训产品安全的重要性,建立对监管的需求。

    Chinese officials would probably not only beef up enforcement and penalties , but also try to create a demand for regulation by training business managers about the importance of product safety .

  26. 政府培训主管部门对构建管理人员培训体系的作为不足,某些培训政策及管理制约了企业管理培训的发展。

    Sixth , the government institutions don 't fulfill it 's own responsibilities in constructing the system of management training . Some training policies and managements even restrict the development of management training .

  27. 该文以现有研究成果为基础,通过对胜任力及我国企业高级管理人员培训现状的分析,初步构建了整套基于胜任力的企业高级管理人员培训体系。

    Based on the existing research results , this paper analyzes the competency and present training situation of our country enterprise high-level administrative personnel and initially constructs the entire training system based on competency .

  28. 并且提出了中层管理人员培训体系重建方案和步骤的实施,包括良好培训文化的建设、培训战略的形成、五大培训子系统的完善建立以及实施的主要步骤。

    Also made a reconstruction plan and steps of implementation of middle management training system , contains good training cultural construction , training strategy formation , five training subsystem improved establishment and procedures implementation .

  29. 本文通过对诊断式培训模式在天津石化公司高级管理人员培训中的实例应用的介绍和诠释,进一步论证了该模式所具有的特色以及对于天津石化公司员工培训的重要意义和实际价值。

    Consultation training mode is successfully applied for the senior management personnel , which fully shows the special characters of this method and its importance and practical value in TPCC for talents training and planning .

  30. 第三章主要分析国内酒店中层管理人员培训的问题。

    Analyse the problem of training for the domestic hotel middle-level managers . Chapter ⅳ is the emphasis of this dissertation , that is construction of training system for hotel middle-level managers ' core competencies .